Midnight Mistletoe - Book cover

Midnight Mistletoe

Elfy G

Age Rating


Kate's family is expecting to meet her boyfriend over the holidays. Too bad he dumped her two weeks before Christmas. Now she turns to the one person she never expected to ask for help, Derek. She knows it's a bad idea, but what other choice does she have? As they play pretend in front of their families, surprising new feelings for one another start to emerge.

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21 Chapters

Chapter 1

The Solution

Chapter 2

The Ex

Chapter 3

The Favor

Chapter 4

The Test
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The Solution


Christmas is in two weeks, and for the first time ever, I’m bringing someone home to meet my family. This year, I’m taking my boyfriend, Seamus.

My mom’s constant reminders about settling down are starting to wear thin. It’s not like I’ve never been in a serious relationship before. It’s just every time I think about bringing a boyfriend home, I feel a pang of unease, all because of one guy.

Derek freaking Sawyer.

His dad is my dad’s best friend, and we basically grew up together. And after a foolish drunken decision two nights ago, his name is permanently inked on my right butt cheek. It’s still sore as hell and itches like crazy.

I nervously twirl a strand of my hair while waiting for my boyfriend. No one knows about the tattoo, not even Seamus. I have no idea how I’m going to explain it to him.

Speaking of Seamus, where is he?

He’s fifteen minutes late, and the restaurant staff are looking at me with pity. I tap my fingers impatiently on the table, wondering if he’s stood me up. I really hope he hasn’t, because walking out of here alone would be mortifying.

“I’m sorry I’m late, Katherine.” Seamus’s voice breaks my train of thought as he leans in to kiss my cheek. He and my mom are the only ones who call me Katherine. Everyone else calls me Kate, except for Derek, who’s determined to use that ridiculous nickname he gave me.

“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here,” I say, relief washing through me as he sits across from me. We exchange only a few words while we eat.

“I can’t wait for you to meet my family,” I say, finally breaking the awkward silence. “They’ll love you.”

Seamus wipes his mouth with a napkin. “About that.” He clears his throat. “I think we should break up.”

“What? Why?” My eyes widen. “Is this some kind of joke?”

He shakes his head. “I just don’t think we’re ready for that step. Honestly, I don’t feel like we have much of a connection, and meeting the parents… It just complicates things.”

“You’re dumping me two weeks before Christmas?” I fight the urge to yell at him.

“I think it’s for the best,” Seamus says, trying to justify his decision. “I want to be honest with you. I don’t want to be a jerk.”

I frown. “This is you not being a jerk?! What am I supposed to tell my family, Seamus? They’re expecting me to bring you.”

At least I won’t have to explain the tattoo to him.

Seamus snorts. “I knew you’d react like this.”

“Like what?” I ask.

He shrugs. “That you’d overreact.”

What?! Did he just say I’m overreacting? He did, didn’t he?!

“Overreact? I’ll show you overreacting.” I stand up, grab my glass of water, and throw it in his face. Seamus glares at me as I turn on my heel and storm out of the restaurant.

Ugh! The nerve of that man, I think as I step outside~.~ I pull out my phone to check the time when snow from the roof slides off and falls on me. A few people nearby give me strange looks while others laugh.

The universe is conspiring against me, I think, brushing my shoulders off~. This night can’t get any worse.~

I stomp down the sidewalk to my car, yank the door open, and slam it shut, seething with anger on the drive home.

At my apartment, I take a quick shower and settle on the couch with a glass of red wine. I still can’t believe that jerk dumped me right before Christmas, or that I’d been planning to introduce him to my parents. I take a big gulp of wine.

What am I supposed to do now?

I sigh. It’s too late to ask any of my friends to accompany me. They’ve all made plans. And I don’t need a friend. I need a boyfriend.

If I show up alone, my mom won’t let me hear the end of it. She wants me to find a good man like she did, but not everyone can be like my parents. They found each other at sixteen and are still madly in love. Sometimes, I envy their happiness.

I know my mom secretly hopes I’ll end up with Derek. And Derek, that jerk, is going to tease me for being alone again. I rub my temples. I need a freaking miracle.

Wait, what about Derek?

I know it’s a terrible idea as soon as it pops into my head. Our dads are best friends. We’ve known each other since we were babies, but I’m desperate.

I rub my chin, considering the idea. I heard his girlfriend cheated on him, so pretending to be a couple could solve both our problems. We could always spin a story about how we finally realized our feelings for one another, something our mothers have been after since we were kids.

Mom would go nuts for that. ~Though if Derek finds out about my tattoo, I’ll die of embarrassment. Not that I’m planning on showing him my butt.~

Truth be told, I had a thing for Derek when we were growing up, but that was a long time ago. I eventually grew out of it. It’s not like he ever showed any interest in me anyway. Ignoring my better judgment, I pick up my phone and dial his number.

“Freckles,” Derek’s gruff voice answers. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

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