Elfy G
I quickly put the presents under the tree and wander back to my old bedroom, my mind blank as I grapple with what just transpired downstairs. The moment I sit on my bed, realization hits me like a ton of bricks. My eyes widen, and I bring my hand to my lips, lightly touching them as I recall the kiss.
I kissed Derek. I actually kissed Derek! And I enjoyed it. I bury my face in my hands, overwhelmed by this revelation.
Damn that mistletoe. This is all its fault. ~From now on, I check every doorway before walking through.~
I shake my head. I enjoyed kissing Derek. I can’t even deny it. And now I’ve got to share a room with him till this is over.
“Why is this happening to me?” I groan, flopping back on my bed.
The door swings open and Derek walks in, carrying our suitcases. I sit up quickly, my body tensing up at the sight of him. I don’t know how to act around him now.
“What’s got you so tense all of a sudden?” he asks, feigning ignorance.
Oh, okay. So we’re just going to act like nothing happened? Fine by me.
“Nothing,” I say, looking away.
Derek snorts. “You could have fooled me.”
I clear my throat, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I’m taking the bed. You’re on the floor.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” he retorts with a playful wink. “I’d just love to sleep on the floor instead of on a comfortable bed with my fake girlfriend.”
“It’s settled, then.”
I rise from the bed and open the wardrobe, hiding my red face as I grab some extra sheets. I thrust them into his arms and rummage through the suitcase for my pajamas. Thankfully, my old room has an en suite bathroom, providing me some privacy to change and brush my teeth.
Derek whistles as I walk back into the room, smiling at my shorts and tank top. “Nice legs, Freckles!”
I’m certain he’s doing it just to get under my skin. It’s not like he hasn’t seen my legs before. We’ve spent countless summers together. He’s seen me in a swimsuit.
“Are you comfortable down there?” I ask once I’m tucked under the covers.
“Don’t worry about me, Freckles.” He places his hands behind his head, gazing at the ceiling. “This isn’t my first time sleeping on the floor.”
“So, how’s Nick doing?”
“He’s fine,” Derek says sharply. After a moment, he continues. “Why the sudden interest?”
Was that a hint of jealousy?
“Nothing. Just curious.” I stare at the ceiling, hating the awkward silence. “You know, Nick was my first kiss.”
I don’t know why I blurt that out. I’ve never admitted it to anyone, not even Nick.
“Really?” Derek asks, intrigued.
“Yeah. Remember when we were teenagers? We were playing truth or dare, and you dared Nick to kiss me.”
“Oh. Now that you mention it, I remember.” He chuckles. “If I had known it was your first, I wouldn’t have dared him to do it.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He clears his throat. “Is it weird if I ask who was better?”
My face is hot as I pull the covers up.
“Yep, it is.” I yawn. “Good night, Derek.”
“Night, Freckles.”
I’m still half asleep when I think I hear a knock on the door. It must be my imagination, I think, rolling over and closing my eyes.
I sit up abruptly, recognizing my mother’s voice.
“We have a surprise,” Jenna, Derek’s mother, chimes in.
Great, they’re both here.
“Derek,” I whisper.
No response. He’s still fast asleep.
“Derek!” I try again.
I grab a pillow and hurl it at him. Thankfully, my aim is spot on.
“Ow! What?” he mumbles.
“Shh! Our mothers are outside.”
“Honey?” my mother calls again.
“Just a minute, Mom!” I turn back to Derek. “Hurry! Get up here!” I hiss.
Derek springs into action, grabbing his sheets and tossing them to me. I stuff them behind my pillow as he slides in behind me. I jump and glare at him over my shoulder.
He raises his hands. “I’m sorry. It’s morning.”
I roll my eyes. “Come in,” I call.
Our mothers enter with big smiles on their faces, carrying breakfast.
“We didn’t mean to disturb you so early, but we thought we’d bring you breakfast,” my mother says as she sets the tray down on the end of the bed.
“Thank you,” Derek and I say in unison as we sit up.
“Well, we’ll leave you two to it. Enjoy,” Jenna says as she pulls my mother toward the door. We can hear their excited chatter as they walk back down the hall.
Derek snags a piece of toast and takes a bite. “They’re going to be heartbroken when this is over.”
I sigh. “I know.”
“You should eat,” he suggests.
“I’m not really hungry,” I say sadly. I reach for his hand. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”
Derek looks at me before taking another bite. “Don’t worry about it,” he says with a shrug. “At least when we break up, they’ll have no choice but to stop dreaming of us being together.”
“I know. Thanks again.”
He gives me a sincere smile. My heart pounds so hard, I fear it might burst out of my chest.
“Well, I’m going to get ready,” I say, jumping out of bed and heading for the bathroom. Derek watches me with a strange look on his face as he reaches for another piece of toast.
I close the bathroom door behind me and let out a frustrated sigh, leaning against it.
What is wrong with me?
I brush my hair, watching myself in the mirror as my mind races. I’ve always had feelings for Derek but thought it was just a teenage crush. That I’d grown out of it as an adult, but it looks like it was something more. The tattoo on my butt is proof of that. Maybe drunk me is more willing to admit the truth than sober me.
But what about Derek? That kiss we shared yesterday, and then this morning when he held me against him…all of him…
Shaking my head, I put my brush down.
“It’s not real,” I whisper to my reflection. “Once this is over, we’ll both put it behind us and never speak of it again. And I’ll get rid of this ridiculous tattoo as soon as possible.”
I finish getting ready, but my mind is still stuck on Derek.