The Descendant 4: Sebastian - Book cover

The Descendant 4: Sebastian

A. Duncan

Chapter 2


I cherish every moment I get to spend with her. We sit and chat in between customers, growing closer with each passing day. She’s oblivious to the fact that I’ve been shadowing her. I’ve been trailing her home every night for weeks after her shift ends.

Ever since I spotted that first bruise on her thigh, I’ve been on a mission to uncover the cause of her injuries and stiffness. I keep my distance so she doesn’t suspect a thing. The first time I did it, it shook me to my core.

She walks about a mile to a dilapidated cottage on the city outskirts. It’s not the only rundown house on the street, but it’s definitely the worst. From the boarded-up windows to the broken steps leading to a door that takes all her strength to push open.

Last night, she got home late because her replacement at the bookstore was a no-show. A man was waiting on what I assume was once a porch. He stood there, arms crossed over his chest, beer in hand.

I ducked behind a massive tree across the street just in time to see him slap her so hard across the face that she fell to her knees. Rhea quickly scrambled up and rushed inside, but not before I saw the blood trickling down her leg from a cut on her knee.

“First off, cool your jets, wolf. I can feel your rage even through that damn cloak.”

Alaric’s voice startles me. Just my luck.

“Nothing good comes from losing your temper, Sebastian.”

“How did you find me?”

He gestures toward the crumbling cottage.

“Same way you found her. I followed you. Scarlett’s worried about you.”

I sigh, trying to quell the anger bubbling within me.

“So, you know then.”

He simply nods once.

“You’re not going to interrogate me?”

“Who am I to judge? Scarlett was a wolf before she was changed. She still has her wolf, who decided to mark me as hers and make me part of their pack.”

“Don’t tell Scarlett yet. I’m not ready for the onslaught of questions.”

He remains silent, then poses a question of his own.

“Who is he?”

“I don’t know. All I know is he just hit her, and she’s been showing up with bruises.”

His eyes flash red, and for the first time, it doesn’t unsettle me.

“So, the future queen alpha is being abused?”


“Follow me, wolf. We shouldn’t keep Scarlett waiting. Plus, I have something to handle.”

I have a feeling Scarlett won’t last much longer. Her baby is due any day now. She spends most of her time in bed, engrossed in those old black-and-white musicals she adores. The doctor’s frequent visits are a clear sign that the baby is almost here.

“So, are you going to share where you’ve been hiding?”

“Just savoring my freedom, Scar. You know, one day, Dad will summon me back to the royal pack, and I’ll be stuck within those walls. At least here I can wander and pretend I’m just a regular guy.”

“You’re always welcome here, Seb. I enjoy your company.”

“I appreciate that. But eventually, I’ll have to face the responsibilities I was born to shoulder. I’ll have to start learning the ropes of being king alpha from the source.”

We both let out a sigh. Life within those walls wasn’t a walk in the park. I know many thought I was pampered and privileged, but Mom never spoiled me. She wanted me to be like my father—compassionate and resilient. I knew that when the time came, alpha training would be challenging.

Most would leave and return as soon as they completed their training. The duration varied from six months to a year, depending on their motivation.

Some were born and bred for the position. Others, not so much. Regardless, everyone returned bigger, stronger, and more powerful than before. As for the king alpha position…it required years of training before one was deemed ready. Dad was away for almost three years.

I didn’t have the luxury of leaving. So, when my time came, a team of trainers visited daily for a little over three years to ensure I was prepared.

They trained me in everything from meditation to combat. Even Scarlett was taken aback by my transformation. But I knew that I would still need to learn from Dad himself. I had to be his apprentice, so to speak. You can’t just thrust a man into the role of king of wolves and hope he figures it out. The lives of every wolf hinge on your decisions.

I glance over and see that Scarlett has dozed off. I can’t blame her. Those musicals could put anyone to sleep. I stifle a chuckle as I notice her drooling on her pillow. Yep, those lousy musicals will do it every time. I tuck her in and quietly leave the room. As I head to Alaric’s office, I notice his door is slightly open.

“That’s right. Don’t intervene unless necessary. He must protect her himself. Maintain bird form at all times.”

He looks up as I enter and gestures for me to come in. I take a seat in front of his desk and wait for him to wrap up his conversation.

“Eight should suffice. Keep me posted.”

He looks at me and slides a folder across the desk.

Rhea Evana Lovato.

It contains all her details, including her birthday, the fact that her mother, Calista, is deceased, and that the man in the house is her father, Samuel. The same man who allegedly strangled her mother to death and got off scot-free, claiming an intruder had broken in while he was out.

There were inconsistencies in his story, but there was no concrete evidence to implicate him. The police were alerted by her mother’s workplace when she failed to show up or answer her phone. They discovered her mother’s body in bed, with a distraught child clinging to her, crying because she wouldn’t wake up. Rhea was only seven.

As I flip through the pages, I find reports from her school about malnutrition and potential abuse. None of the cases were pursued, and it seemed like they were swept under the rug. Perhaps due to influential connections or sheer indifference. Either way, no action appears to have been taken.

Further in, there are hospital reports. They detail broken bones, concussions, and a possible sexual assault. My body starts to tremble and Alaric rushes to lock the office door. He then kneels beside me and takes the folder from my hands.

“Control your powers, Sebastian. I know it’s upsetting, and she needs protection. You will protect her. But for the time she’s alone, I have eight warriors watching over her. Your future queen will be safe. Human or not, this is my city. Let me assist you.”

I just nod. Right now, I can’t trust myself to speak without yelling.

“Go to her. Look after her. Quell your anger and be the mate and protector she needs.”

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