The Descendant 4: Sebastian - Book cover

The Descendant 4: Sebastian

A. Duncan

Chapter 3


“Sebastian! I was hoping to see you tonight.”

She’s wearing blue jeans, hiding the cut on her knee, and a black long-sleeve shirt. I can only guess what’s beneath those sleeves. She’s not one for makeup, but tonight she’s wearing more than usual, probably to hide the bruise her father left on her face last night. I’m doing my best to keep my anger in check, taking deep breaths. I meet her aqua eyes and manage a smile.

“Yeah, I was hanging out with my cousin. She’s about to have her baby any day now.”

Her smile is soft, genuine.

“That’s sweet. I’m glad you’re there for her.”

I can tell she means it. Despite her own hardships, she still has a heart full of compassion for others. I can’t resist touching her, my hand reaching out to gently caress her face. She stiffens at my touch and I quickly pull away.

“I’m sorry. You’re just so beautiful. I’ll leave you be.”

I start to walk away, certain I’ve frightened her, when she grabs my hand. The sensation sends tingles through my entire body. Goddess, how I long to hold her in my arms. That’s where she belongs.

“Don’t leave. It’s just that I can’t give you what you want, Sebastian.”


“No. Believe me, I’m not what you want. I’m not what you need. I thought you wanted to be friends because that’s all I can offer.”

I nod, my heart aching for my mate, for this woman who believes she’s not enough. It takes all my strength not to tell her the truth, that she’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

“Then friends it is. I can be your friend and protector.”

She snorts.

“Protector? Where were you all my life then?”

Realizing what she’s just said, she turns and walks away to serve another customer. She keeps her distance for the rest of the night, but I’m okay with that. Just knowing she’s nearby soothes me. I know she’s worried she said too much earlier, but she doesn’t realize I already know more than she thinks. My phone keeps ringing—it’s Damon—but I’m not in the mood to hang out, so I ignore his calls.

“My shift’s over, Sebastian. I’ll see you next time?”

“Can I walk you home?”

“NO! I mean, my dad wouldn’t like a stranger walking me home. You know, someone he doesn’t know. Plus, it’s a long walk.”

“What if I walk you part of the way?”

She sighs and looks down, realizing I’m not backing down. After a moment, she finally nods.

“Okay. But only part of the way. When I say so, you have to let me go.”

I can’t help but grin.

“When you say so, I’ll let you walk the rest of the way. But I’ll never let you go.”

Her cheeks flush a bright pink before she turns and heads out into the night, not even checking to see if I’m following.

The sensation of reaching over and taking her hand in mine is incredible. She doesn’t pull away, nor does she react when sparks fly as our hands touch. The silence is comfortable, just the two of us enjoying each other’s company. I gently stroke the back of her hand, our fingers entwined. I can tell she feels the spark between us as she shivers in the warm night air.

“This is it. You have to let me go here, Sebastian.”

We’re about a block from her house. I don’t want to let her go, but I promised. So, I nod.

“Okay. But it’s not letting you go, Rhea. It’s just letting you walk the rest of the way.”

She smiles and plants a quick kiss on my cheek.

“Thanks for walking me.”

Before I can respond, she’s off. I watch as a group of birds perched on a power line take flight, following her. I was about to wait a bit before following when my phone rings. It’s Alaric. This can’t be good.


“Where are you?”

His voice alone tells me something’s wrong.

“Just out enjoying life.”

“I need you back.”


“No wolf, next fucking week! Scarlett is in labor! So quit humping the leg of the pretty blonde and get your ass here unless you’re actually going to do something with that cock of yours! I hate for your aunt and uncle to ask where you’re at!”

He’s definitely freaking out.

Well, shit... it’s baby time! I glance down the street, but Rhea is out of sight. I send a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess for the warriors to keep a close watch on her tonight. It’s time to welcome the new vampire prince and hopefully calm Alaric down before he wrecks something.

Alaric is clearly stressed. He’s not even trying to hide his red eyes. They’re still pretty creepy and unnatural so I just politely go to the kitchen and make a sandwich. It might be awhile before the prince pops out anyway. We just didn’t need anyone asking about where I was.

I haven’t had time or the guts to talk to my father yet. Nor do they know I have the freedom to roam like I have been. I’m pretty sure they would have a conniption if they knew I was just walking about outside these walls.


I turn to see my aunt Remi entering the kitchen. She looks a little worse for wear and rubbing her temples. I wonder if Gideon has finally gotten on her last nerve. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for family but he’s happier than a tornado in a trailer park. I swear I think I heard Alaric saying something about unicorns and sparkles. She comes and literally plops down in the chair across from me.

“Hey aunt Remi, having to get away from all the excitement?”

She rolls her eyes.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited as they get for my daughter, but Gideon is next level. Might as well have streamers and balloons.”

I can’t help but laugh. Sounds about right.

“So, what about you? Any luck with you in the mate department? I haven’t heard anything about it from your mother.”

My mouth opens but nothing comes out. Luckily, I didn’t have to say anything because Gideon barrels into the room.

“He’s here! He’s here! My grandson is here! What are you just sitting there for? Let’s go!”

Saved by the crazy-ass alpha.

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