FGI 8: From Chaos and Madness - Book cover

FGI 8: From Chaos and Madness

F.R. Black

Chapter 3


After years and years of careful planning, the time has come. I finally got clearance to see Zora.

Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself. I have not seen this woman in years, not being able to bring myself to see her kill herself. I just hope no one finds this suspicious, it being on the day they announced Pierce’s death.

We have no choice because we need to act now.

Jensen called me not a few minutes ago and said Babsi had a vision of Pierce’s life force on the outer third dimension. I almost screamed as tears ran down my face, having the first ounce of hope—ever. It’s not one hundred percent, but the force is there.

But I have to think, why now? We have been searching for him for years and suddenly on the day he is announced dead, Babsi finally gets a reading?! The timing is definitely strange, but I’ll take it.

All I know is that I’m not crazy. He’s alive.


Now I have to come face to face with Zora. I think Zoya made up something stupid about it being the former Fairy Godmother’s birthday and I have not seen her in years and wanted to give her a piss pot.

You heard me correctly.

Zoya literally gave me a piss pot wrapped in pink, sparkly paper. Pretty sure it’s her daughter’s potty training device because it has cartoon fairies on it. That’s the best she could do? So here I am.

Exhaling, I walk with my head down, my heels tapping on the long sterile hallway, trying to blend in to the atmosphere while holding this ridiculous gift. A piss pot AKA a potty for a toddler. Zoya told me to calm down and that this will be believable. Has it really come to this? That she needs something to pee in, not being able to make it to the bathroom? Sad to see such a strong woman wither away like this. Especially when I know she was manipulated all those years ago.

There’s no way she would have betrayed Pierce—zero percent.

As I walk, I notice nobody pays me any heed. I guess Zora is no longer a threat, so there were no alarms raised when I wanted to pay my regards. I take another breath when I arrive at a door with a dreaded black suit guarding it. Smiling, I try my hardest to look like an innocent, nerdy little thing.

“What do you need?” He says in an indifferent voice, raising a brow at my present. He is tall and muscular, someone you don’t want to get into trouble with. My eyes zone in on the gun at his hip, then I quickly raise my gaze. It’s a laser gun, powerful enough to melt your bones.

It’s fine.

I’m fine.

“I—uh. I, April,” I put my hand on my chest to show him like he’s a moron, “am here to give Zora a birthday present,” I add quickly, feeling my pulse jumping to life like the proper awkward creature that I am. “I’ve heard she is having a damned time peeing.” I immediately cringe, wanting to disappear into the floor. I can feel my face getting hot as he stares at me. “She has trouble walking, I mean…to the bathroom…it’s a pisspot.”


Shut your mouth!

He frowns at me, then looks to the present for a moment, then back to me, probably seeing my red face of shame. “You what?” He looks to his left, and right as another black-suit walks up to us. “Hey,” he nods in his direction, “Zora’s birthday today?”

Shit, two of them.

No, it’s not Zora’s birthday but how would they know?!

Please don’t find out.

The other man glances at my present and then they exchange looks like this might be the weirdest thing, and it is. I’m going to kill Zoya for thinking a piss pot was a good idea. “Inspect it.”

My pulse hammers and they take my piss pot and open it, making sure it is, in fact, a pisser. The bald man looks from the pisser then to me, studying us both. I don’t like the level of distrust in his gaze. This is more attention on me than I wanted and it’s making my stomach flip. Why not flowers, Zoya? Why a piss pot?!~

Then, “I guess that old bat could use a new shitter,” he gets out through a laugh, making the other man chuckle. “Don’t forget to wipe her ass, nerdy Nancy,” he says darkly, making me flinch.

Such disrespect for the former Fairy Godmother. Zora could torch him in a second if she was in good health.

My cheeks flush in anger as he opens the door for me, shoving the piss pot in my arms. “It’s April, you prick,” I murmur under my breath.

“What was that?”

I stiffen then turn and say, “I said, thanks.” Then smile shyly and notice his frown as I turn to walk with my head down. I really need to keep a level head and not draw attention to myself. That was a little out of character for me.

Eyes on the prize, April.

It seems like I walk forever before I come to a large silver glimmering door. This was Zora’s office for centuries. My eyes trace the royal crest engraved into the silver surface, wondering if they’re just waiting for her to die. I’m surprised they let her keep this room and didn’t move her to some secluded, remote room in the medical department.

Maybe letting her die like this is more shameful.

I raise my hand to knock but then think better of it. I take a breath and open the door to find that it’s not locked, though I’m not surprised. I slowly peek in and see the dimly lit room is still, immediately noting the utter silence. I sniff. It smells musty, like an old bookstore. I step in further, and my eyes adjust to the dark room when I see what looks to be a massive silver desk.

So still.

I hope nothing has happened to her, making me panic a bit. Guilt eats at me. I should have been more present, but I have been so lost in trying to find Pierce I completely forgot about her. I mean, we all were being watched too closely, I could not chance seeing her. I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself.

Too much has been at stake until now. I need answers.

My eyes scan the dark room, and then they widen, refraining from gasping. I see the frail frame of a creature that barely resembles a human sitting behind the large desk. I place my hand over my mouth as emotions crash over me.

This can’t be Zora. It can’t be.

I inch closer as my frantic gaze takes her in, denial washing over me. Her white hair is just a few stands of transparent wisps over a bald skull littered with liver spots. I take a calming breath as I realize she no longer has lips, just a thin hole with decaying teeth visible.

“Z-Zora,” I whimper, walking closer, feeling my hand start to shake as I hold it out to her. Why didn’t Zoya tell me she was this bad?! Maybe she didn’t know? When was the last time someone came in here?


I jump when her eyes open and land on me. The feeling is indescribable.

My heart pounds in my chest as our gazes collide. “I d-didn’t know it was this bad,” I suddenly whisper, feeling my eyes cramp with tears. She moves slightly, making her oxygen tubes catch the dim light. I can hear the slight click of the machine as she breathes.

What do you want, sssss~nake?~” She hisses in a voice that sounds inhuman.


“Zora, it’s m-me,” I stammer. “April.”


Of course, she would not remember me.

A noise to my left makes me jump. My heart pounds when I see two short figures dressed in black with masks. I yelp, jumping back as my eyes adjust. “Who are you!” I blurt, alarm bells ringing in my head.

“Shhh!” they both hiss in unison, holding out their arms.

One begins to take off its black hood to reveal a face I never thought I would see again. My brain falters and my mouth drops open. I’m at a loss for words. I tremble as I see the other figure take off its hood and I nearly cry out, covering my mouth as tears threaten to consume me.

I’m seeing things. It can’t be.

“Mama? F-flix?” I whisper in a shaky voice, praying I’m not seeing things. I hope this is not Zora’s magic, creating lost images of how things used to be.

Mama’s red lips widen in a smile as she takes me in, nodding, holding out her arms in a motherly fashion. They both run up to me, hugging me in such a fierce hold that I know this must be real. I look down and see Flix looking up at me with his bright purple gaze that is glassy with unshed tears.

I never thought I’d see them again.

What the hell?!

“April,” Flix whispers, his large eyes traveling over me. “Youuuuu,” he pauses, “look the same!” His supportive voice makes me think it might not be a good thing, but I smile anyway.

I hug them harder, then look down at him, “You two little buddy,” I sniff as they both let me go and we stare at each other. “How are you both here?! This is insane!” I whisper. “How did you get in Zora’s room?!”

Mama, with her same fifties-style fashion, fluffs her short black hair a bit. “We got a message last week saying you needed two shifter agents to help find Pierce,” Mama answers, giving me a wide-eyed expression. “When we received the message, I thought I was dreaming. Honey, we went into action immediately. This was code red for us, something we have been waiting so long for.”

I frown, searching her face. “Message?”

“Last week,” Mama confirms. “Took us a week to get here, and it was not easy. Held up at the damn terminal. They have more security there than I remember. It was a damn circus getting here.”

My mind reels, trying to think if we sent out a distress signal to them. “Who?”

“Zoya and Dion,” Mama answers, like she is reading my mind. “She said in the message you needed major help. We heard that his death certificate has been issued today, giving us the green light.”


Here, all this time, I thought she was not interested or thought I was crazy for believing Pierce was alive. She never told me she could contact the planet of Tiger Paw.

“We arrived two days ago—almost got caught twice.”

My eyes shoot to hers. “Two days ago?!”

She nods. “Zoya had us retrieve Zora’s wand from the vault, saying if we don’t restore her today, she will die,” Mama whispers. “Zoya said that Ms. Fairy Godmother is really, really bad.”

I take a deep breath. Zoya knew and made it seem like she was disinterested. I glance in Zora’s direction, nodding, making Mama and Flix follow suit, and I can almost feel their shock rippling through the air.

Flix screams as he jumps into Mama’s arms. “The fuck is that?!”

“Shhh,” I hiss, my heart pounding. “That’s Zora! Lower your voice!”

I cannot get caught.

Flix places a hand over his mouth as if to shut himself up. Both of their eyes are wide and bulging as they take in the horror and rightfully so. It’s horrific, something out of a nightmare. Mama hugs Flix as she whispers, “M-my word…” and then looks at me. “Zoya said you’d be in here and we needed to restore her now. I can see why Zoya was so insistent.”

Zoya was being secretive for what reasons? I don’t know. But knowing she was working behind the scenes makes me smile at how gullible I am. I should have called her bluff long ago. Zoya probably loves Pierce as much as I do, and maybe she didn’t want me to lose focus on what I was doing. Even so, I wish she would have told me.

“Oh, my shit!” Flix sputters quietly. “Give it the wand before it eats us!”

Mama drops Flix to the floor with an eye-roll, kicking him out of the way with her leg. “How long has she been without her wand?”

“Fifteen years,” I murmur in pain, unable to look at her. “She blames herself for Pierce’s banishment and wants to kill herself in the most painful way possible.”

“Zora,” Mama chides, pulling the wand from out of her cloak. “It was not her fault. Such manipulation.”

“I thought the same,” I agree. “She was under a spell.”

“A powerful one at that. The spell made Zora think she was in the right mind and betrayed him,” she murmurs, shaking her head. “The fae can be evil and tricky things. That council is cutthroat and diabolical. They had this panned for so long, and the one person who would not let them in was Pierce,” she laughs bitterly. “Well. We’re just going to have to bring him back,” she continues, “isn’t that right Zora, honey? Can you hear me?!” Mama leans on the desk, peering at Zora closely, eyeing her oxygen.

Zora’s black eyes slowly rest on Mama, but there is zero expression on her corpse-like face.

Mama places her black and silver wand on the desk and immediately we all see Zora’s eyes dart to it. “Noooo!” came the hiss from out of Zora’s thin mouth, her body jolting, making the oxygen tank clank against the desk. “No!”

“Zoraaaa,” Mama orders, moving into Zora’s line of sight. “Zora. This madness is going to stop right now,” she says in her authoritative mother voice. “I’m going to place your hand on the wand, and this is going to stop.” She doesn’t give Zora time to respond. “Flix, grab her hand!”

Flix runs over, reaching to grab her with two fingers like he is scared to touch her. I run over too and help him to lift her frail arm. Mama places the wand in her hand and makes her close her fist around it.

I felt the strong pulse as my entire body was racked with goosebumps. A little disoriented, I look at Zora and see her thin whips of hair floating up in the surrounding air. She looks frozen as if zapped by some unforeseen force, as her mouth hangs open.

“Is it working?!” Flix whispers, his face looking terrified. “Did she die?! Why does she look like she will explode?!”

“Shh,” Mama chides. “This might take an hour or so—her body will take time to heal. So much damage was done that this might be a process.”

I nod, my pulse pounding against my neck. “Do you think anyone felt that?”

Mama glances at me. “I felt it—pissed myself a bit, if I’m honest. After kids, it seems I have no control anymore.”

I barely hear her as fear seeps into my body. “Crap,” I get out, running to the large window of her office that looks out over the main floor entrance and lobby. The curtains are dusty and heavy as I open them slightly to peer out. I feel Flix come to stand next to me, his hand gripping my suit coat. I take a calming breath as I look out. Tons of bots walking around with doctors and a few black suits talking on their mics. I don’t see anyone raising the alarm —yet.

“Look!” Mama says as we both turn to see Zora looking years better. Her face is fatter, and her hair has grown thicker. Her lips are now visible with a slight pink hue rather than black.

“Whoa!” Flix yells then covers his mouth. “Sorry.” He amends, “Whoooaa,” he whispers.

“That was fast,” I breathe. “Can she hear us now?”

Mama leans over the table, taking her now more human-like hand. “Zora? Can you hear me?!”

Zora’s eyes suddenly move again and land on Mama, black orbs of emptiness. “Yes, I can hear you. I’m not daft!” hearing her harsh whisper that actually sounded human. “What in the fifth dimension have you done?!”

“Bringing you back to life,” I answer, standing in front of her desk. “I know you think you betrayed Pierce and wanted to punish yourself—but I believe you were also greatly betrayed. It was not you that day of the trial.” I take a breath as I watch her eyes studying me. “The high Fae, your sisters, put a nasty entrapment on you. You were their puppet that day. You should know that you would have never done that on your own. You must know that deep down.”

Zora goes to talk but clamps her mouth shut, eyes looking distant.

I glance at Mama, then back to her, waiting for her response. When nothing comes, I try again to get through to her. “You know they were willing to stop at nothing to frame Pierce, and they needed your vote. What do you think they did? Pray you turned against your long-time friend? No. They made sure you did what they needed. You must see that.”

She makes a noise as if deeply wounded.

I look down, feeling so much guilt. “I should have come here sooner,” I admit, pain for her riding me. “I didn’t know you were this bad, I swear. I was just so busy trying to find out all of Vincent’s secrets I became lost in it.”

“Those bloody mother fuckers,” she whispers, eyes still distant, but I can almost see the rage flickering in their glassy depths. “Of course they did…” she trails off, her mouth trembling as if reliving that day. “Of course they did.”

Mama nods at me, looking relieved, like we are getting her back.

I blink, seeing Zora looking better as time ticks on, just watching her work through her thoughts. I give her the time she needs because I know this is a heavy pill to swallow. Living in guilt for fifteen years, not realizing she was set up.

She finally looks at me, and the blue color of her irises is back, relieving me. “It will never change what happened to Pierce. He is dead, so it matters not—just leave me be. Everything has been destroyed and lost. Leave me.”

I take a steady breath, knowing I tread on delicate waters here. “I believe he is still alive.”

The silence is deafening.

Her mouth opens then shuts again, her gaze holding such irritation at the thought. As if I play stupid games to torment her.

“You must know that he has officially served his sentence,” I say carefully, “which I’m assuming you planned to die this day as well. But I will tell you that this is no joke and I need your help.” I level her with a fierce expression, knowing this might hurt. “You owe it to Pierce. You owe it to him to help save him.”

Her eyes widen.

I will guilt her into this if I have to.

“You silly child,” she mutters, looking at me, studying me. “You were always in love with him, and I don’t blame you. But you’re being reckless and childish. You will get yourself killed and everyone associated with you.”

I try not to flinch. “We had a hit of his life force on the outer dimensions,” I blurt. I will leave out that it was a mystical lobster who told us. She doesn’t need to know that little tidbit.

“You what?! His life force?” She bellows, sounding more like her old voice than a hissing ghoul. “Impossible…” but then I can see her brain working, her mouth slacking open as if there could be a possibility. She frowns at her desk, seemingly in deep thought.

“That’s why I need you,” I breathe. “I need to know what Pierce is. If him being alive could even be a possibility, and if you have access to any information on where he was banished to.”

She looks up at me. Her now clear blue gaze is luminous. “April,” she says softly, eyes searching my face. “I have no such information. But, to understand Pierce, you must have to understand yourself, and what transpired long ago. I suppose you’d like to know who your mother was?”

My pulse stops. “What?!” I suck in a breath as I watch her.

She chuckles, taking the tubes out of her nose and throwing them. “Have a seat, child.” She looks at Mama. “Get me a fucking drink—one with those little green olives. This headache will not fix itself. Look in the white cabinet above the bar to your left.”

Mama’s eyes widen, nodding as she goes to retrieve it.

“Give April a drink as well, she is going to need it.”

I swallow, feeling very anxious and taken aback. “You knew? Why have you not told me before?”

“Pierce would not allow it.”

I ignore Mama taking a shot before mixing drinks.

“Why?” I whisper.

My whole world shifts as I wait.

Zora takes a large drink and looks me in the eye like she is delivering top-secret information. Her blue eyes are bloodshot and intense. “Pierce was a reckless orphan but made a big name for himself on this day. The story goes a little like this…”

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