The Day They Met - Book cover

The Day They Met

Aimee Dierking

Chapter 4

Ted felt his heart racing as their lips moved together and desperately wanted to run his hand under her shirt and feel more of her skin.

He couldn’t get enough and put his hands on either side of her face, rubbing his hands on her skin gently.

Kate was melting just like the cheese in the sandwich he made her earlier. Every nerve ending in her body was firing, and she couldn’t decide whether to end it or let it continue.

But the decision was made for her when he took her face between those large, strong hands of his and let it continue.

When he pushed his tongue in her mouth, she moaned the way she did before, and Ted almost lost it and pulled back, breathing like he had just run a marathon.

He looked at her, and she could see the desire in his eyes.

“WOW… I’m not…that was…wow…” Kate sputtered.

“I agree… Are you okay that I did that?”

Kate looked at him confused. “Why wouldn’t I be? I would have stopped it if I wasn’t.”

“Okay… Are you okay if I ask you out?”

“I am, but it sounds like you are a little confused or uncertain about it…”

Ted stood up. “I am older than you and I just want to make sure that you are comfortable with what just happened and what may happen in the future…”

“Okay Ted, let me lay it out like this for you. I am twenty-eight years old, and according to my family I am old and boring and don’t know how to act my age.

“I work hard and want to share my life with someone, but every male I have dated my own age has been a waste of skin.

“I am looking for someone older who understands hard work and can appreciate me for me and not for being a roll in the sack—although I do enjoy a good roll in the sack.”

Ted stopped and looked at her. He was again surprised at her candidness and cleared his throat. “I am forty-eight years old and know I don’t look it.

“I too work hard and appreciate when someone else does too. And while I have never been accused of being boring, I like to relax and have fun after a hard day of work.

“Oh, and for the record, you are the most beautiful old soul I have ever seen and would bet money on how amazing you are in the sack!”

Kate smiled at him and took his hand, pulling him down next to her. “And for the record, you are one of the hottest men I have ever seen. So anytime you ask me out, I will say yes.

“But right now, I really want you to kiss me again.”

He grinned as he leaned back on the couch, putting his hand on her face again, and kissed her with just as much passion as he had before.

He knew he had to be careful with her leg and pulled back just enough to reposition himself so that her leg was safe.

Kate ran her hands up and down his back, feeling the clean lines of his shirt and the contours of his back.

Ted’s breath hitched when she pulled up his shirt in the back and touched him with her fingertips.

“If you keep touching me like that, Katie, I will not be a gentleman and forget that you have a broken leg and take you right here on this very comfy couch!”

“Maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman,” she whispered as she planted a kiss on his neck.

“Oh shit!” he growled as he summoned all the strength he had and stood up, looking down at her, finding she was flushed and tousled.

“I want more than ANYTHING to take you to your room and fuck you senseless, but I would prefer the first time with you not to be under the influence of narcotics!”

Katie looked at him and smiled. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost six and he had been here for three hours.

“You really should go and rest—you have had one hell of a day,” he said, sitting next to her again and rubbing a finger on her leg.

“Well, I will say that it ended a hell of a lot better than it started!”

Ted grinned again and was going to say something when his phone rang. He checked it and apologized. “It’s my mom.”

Katie smiled as he answered it.

“Hi, Mom!”

She could hear her talking to him and heard her call him Teddy.

She looked at him and thought he looked like a Teddy, a very sexy teddy bear, but she was going to have to call him that and see what happened.

She stood up and grabbed the crutches that he had set on the chair next to where she was and slowly made her way to the bathroom.

She came out a few minutes later, taking much longer than she usually did, and went back to the living room to see Ted pacing as he laughed.

“. . . I know, Mom. I will stop by later next week and check it out. No, don’t worry about it; I will take care of it. Okay, tell Dad that I will stop by… You too. I love you too. Bye.”

He put his phone away and turned to see her standing there. “You really are so beautiful.”

She blushed again and limped back to the couch. “You are a big flirt, aren’t you?”

“Oh, you have no idea! And I plan on doing a LOT more flirting with you.”

He walked over and kissed her again. “I should go and let you rest. Do you need anything for dinner? Help washing your back?”

“Oh, you are terrible! I will probably order a supreme pizza and go to bed. Can I shower with this thing on?”

He looked at the cast and nodded. “It’s waterproof, so you will be fine… I’m worried about leaving you alone tonight, though…”

She smiled at his sincerity and felt a tug at her gut over it; no one had really cared for her that much before, not even her own family. “You are so sweet, Teddy, but I will be fine. I promise!”

His heart flipped a little at hearing her call him Teddy and he found that he liked it, a lot! It sounded different from when his mom said it.

“I’m going to put my number in your phone and you have to promise that you will call me if you have any problems. Okay?”

“I will, promise… Will I talk to you tomorrow? I don’t know what you are thinking in terms of what this is between us…”

“Oh princess, I will call you in the morning first thing! I already have plans with one of my best friends for a round of golf, but I’m coming over when I’m done to see you.

“Do you have any plans? We can spend the day together…”

“I don’t have any plans tomorrow. I was going to work on the project I told you about, but that’s it. I would like for you to come over… Teddy, what is this?”

He smiled, sat next to her, and pulled her close, making her heart pitter. “I think this is the start of something very real and very good, and I for one can’t wait to see where it goes and what it becomes!”

“Me either,” she whispered as she leaned in to smell his intoxicating scent and sat in his arms, feeling safe and secure for the first time in a long time.

Ted got up, pulling her with him, and kissed her deeply. “Sleep well. I know I will have pleasant dreams with you in them!”

She blushed and watched as he took her phone from the counter where she dropped it and put his info in it.

He called her phone from his and put it in his address book as “Princess,” and she rolled her eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes; it makes me want to ravage your mouth with mine! I have no idea why, but it does! Now lock the door behind me and I will talk to you later.”

Kate slowly moved to the door and watched him back up and drive down her private drive and around the corner. Millie made her presence known and Kate looked at her.

“Millie, I think I am in BIG trouble! I think I am in over my head and my heart is already missing him!”

Millie meowed and trotted off to the bedroom where Kate went to change clothes. She ordered a pizza, ate a few pieces, and watched a few past episodes of Game of Thrones.

She was just getting settled into bed when she got a text message. She looked at the screen and saw it said Teddy on the screen. She grinned in spite of herself and opened the message.

TeddyHope you are doing okay and are getting some rest. I have to leave earlier than I thought so please text me when you get up. I am missing your lips already x

Kate giggled out loud and replied back.

KateJust snuggling in bed…missing your lips as well…awfully lonely in my bed tonight x
TeddyOh princess, won’t be lonely for long! Sleep well, and dream of me! x
KateThat won’t be a problem Dr. Evans! I think you will be in all my dreams all night!

Kate put her phone on the nightstand after plugging it in and turned the light off. She set the timer on her TV for some white noise and fell asleep before the commercials were done.

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