Falling For The Bad Boys - Book cover

Falling For The Bad Boys

Lisa Rhead

Chapter 4


I sat on the deck cushioned chair with my leg folded up on my knee, sipping an ice-cold beer from a bottle.

The sun was setting and the party on the beach below was in full swing.

Sat opposite me was Hayden, finishing a cheeseburger, and I smirked when I saw he had red sauce on his chin.

“What?” he asked, with his mouth full.

He used the back of his hand to wipe at his chin and I sipped my beer.

“How long is this shit show to go on for?” I asked.

“Few more hours,” he said, reaching for his beer.

I watched him down it and then got up.

“You want a fresh one?” he asked.

I nodded and downed the rest of mine.

Moving to a cooler, he lifted the lid and pulled two cold beers out, popping the tops.

He handed me one and sat back down with a burp.

“Have we got any more shipments coming on or deliveries to be expected?” I asked.

“Fuck me, man, chill out! We are at a party!”

He clearly did not want to talk about work tonight.

“So, what are you thinking about then?” I asked.

He grinned at me, showing his perfect white teeth.

“Destroying pussy, brother,” he answered.

“I think you have destroyed half the pussy in this town already,” I laughed.

“You have done your fair share,” he pointed out.

“It’s too easy,” I told him.

“That’s what our reputation does for us. Guaranteed pussy when they know you are a Raffiel,” he said, grinning.


Neither of us had trouble getting pussy.

Women threw themselves at us left, right, and center, but it had become too easy.

“What you want is a girl that fights back?” asked Hayden.

“She could try,” I chuckled.

“Or maybe some sweet little virgin you can corrupt?”

I pulled a face.

“What do you want?”

“I don’t know. A connection? Or a spark?”

“A relationship?” asked Hayden, grimacing.

“I don’t know!”

I pulled heavily from my bottle and sighed.

“Don’t think any girl here in this town would be brave enough to be your girl,” laughed Hayden.

“Oh, and you are such a catch,” I returned, raising an eyebrow at him.

“My cock’s bigger,” he said.

“That does not automatically make you more attractive,” I told him.

“I don’t know, man. My girl would have to accept me for who I am inside and out, and there are not many girls willing to do that,” he told me.

I nodded my head.

“I don’t think any girl would accept me because of who I am,” I told him.

“Fuck it. It’s just you and me, brother.”

He tilted his beer bottle at me, and I tapped it with mine.

Hayden and I had been best friends all the way through school.

He went into the family business when he was fourteen, working for my dad and me, and when I took over, I made him my right-hand man.

He knew how to run this business by himself if I wanted him to.

When his whore of a mother had died of an overdose, I took him in here with me and never regretted it.

He was the brother I never had and always wanted.

It was growing dark, and someone below had lit the bonfire on the beach, and the music was blaring up from the speakers.

“I’m grabbing another cheeseburger, you want one?” asked Hayden, standing up.

That sounded great.

“Sure,” I said.

I stood up and walked to the deck rail and looked down at the people partying below the house.

Not recognizing a single person, I scanned the crowd for any possible one-night stands, but nothing caught my eyes.

I turned my back and leaned back on the rail as Hayden brought me my cheeseburger.

Hayden took a huge bite out of his and rolled his eyes.

I picked out a burnt string of onion and dropped it to the floor.

Hated fucking onion!

I took a bite as Hayden stood next to me and chewed it slowly.

The music changed down below, making me turn and look over at the dance floor.

My mouth opened to bite my burger, but I froze.

I saw two women in the middle of the dance floor dancing to the beat of the music.

Looking closely, I saw the one with short hair dance confidently, encouraging the other one to do the same.

Narrowing my eyes, I studied the other girl.

She was stunning!

Long dark hair with a cute face.

I couldn’t see the color of her eyes, and I licked my lips as I gazed at her legs as she started to dance.

Her denim shorts only just covered her ass cheeks, and I could see a decent pair of breasts in her vest top, bouncing around.

My cock lurched inside my jeans when she did a slut drop and wriggled that ass in her shorts.

Her friend cheered and clapped her on, and her hair flew out around her when she spun around and raised her hands in the air.

It was like she was calling to me.

But who was she?

I dropped my burger and watched as every red-blooded male around her began to notice her.

“Who the fuck is that?” breathed Hayden next to me.

His eyes devoured her as I had, and I smiled.

“She is ours. Want to dance, brother?”

“More than anything,” he said, as he dropped his burger.

I pushed from the rail and made my way down the deck stairs, pushing people out of my way, towards the dance floor.

A few of our members helped push people back, and Hayden stepped in line with me as we headed towards the tempting siren on the dance floor.

The dance floor cleared as we stepped on it and approached the mystery girl.

Someone pushed her short-haired friend back as I walked right up to her.

She watched me approach and began to stop dancing.

“Don’t stop,” I told her.

She smiled and resumed wriggling her hips to the beat of the music, and Hayden circled around us and stepped up behind her.

Her eyes were green like mine, I thought as I closed the distance between us.

I reached out and laid my hand on her hip, pulling her lower body against me as I grinded my hips against her.

Her pink lips parted as Hayden took her other hip and grinded against her ass, seductively.

Hearing no protest, we sandwiched her between us and continued to dance with her.

Moving my hand up her back, I bent her back a little in time with the music and brought her back up, our eyes locking together.

Who was this girl?

She was absolutely gorgeous!

Hayden moved her hair from her neck and kissed it gently, making her eyes close for a second.

My cock grew in my trousers as this temptress moved between us, and I caught the scent of fruit from her.

What was that?

Peaches or melon?

Images of her riding my cock flooded my mind with her long dark hair flowing down her back while I cupped her breasts in my hands.

Hayden thrust against her from behind, and I heard a little gasp come from her parted lips.

I wondered if she had ever experienced two men at once.

Hayden and I had shared in the past, but something told me that it would be spectacular with her and my brother at the same time.

Watching Hayden plow into her from behind as she sucked on my cock came into my mind, and I swallowed the urge to groan.

My cock was pressed painfully against my jeans, and I wondered if she could feel it as she grinded against me.

What was her name?

She was obviously new in town, but how did she end up here at my party?

Did she know one of my members here?

Did she know who we were?

The music came to an end, and she stopped dancing, looking directly up into my eyes.

I reached out and traced her bottom lip with my finger.

Hearing shouting behind me, I turned and saw Hayden run over to the sound.

Had a fight broken out?

Hayden would sort it out.

Turning back to the girl, I was about to ask her name but found her gone.

Looking around in the crowd of people, I could not see her.

What the fuck?

I had to find her!

Walking around the beach area, I did not find her.

“Where did she go?” asked Hayden, joining me.

“I don’t know,” I growled.

She couldn’t have vanished.


Hayden pointed down the beach, and I saw the girl being carried over the shoulder of a man and the short-haired woman running with him.

“Bring me my Land Rover!” I told Hayden, who grinned.

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