Falling For The Bad Boys - Book cover

Falling For The Bad Boys

Lisa Rhead

Chapter 5


Logan pulled me through the crowd and started off down the beach, keeping a firm grip on my hand.

“What the fuck?” I asked, hiccupping.

Jess came running over to us and let out a huge sigh.

“Fuck! Did you see who was dancing with her?” asked Jess to Logan.

“Of course I did! That’s why I pulled her away!”

“I mean to get them to come down and dance with her! She must have caught their eye!”

“Stop stating the obvious and move. They will be looking for her!”

Logan started to run a little.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“I did not bring you here to get messed up with the likes of them,” muttered Logan, pulling me roughly.

I pulled my arm out of his grip and stopped.

“You are hurting me and being a fucking dick!” I told him.

Jess tapped Logan on the shoulder and pointed.

“We have been spotted, come on!”

She started to run.

I yelled as Logan swept me up on his shoulder and started to run down the beach.

“This—Is—Fucking—Insane!” I cried, one word at a time as I was bouncing on Logan’s shoulder.

“No. They are fucking insane!” protested Logan.

Arching up a little on his shoulder, I looked back to the party and saw the tall dark man watching us in the distance.

“The men I was dancing with?” I asked, frowning.

We were halfway home now and neither Jess nor Logan had slowed down from running.

“Calling them men is only a part of what they are!” shouted Jess, next to us.

I felt the vodka in my stomach churn inside me and burped.

“I think I might be sick!” I said.

“Don’t you dare be sick down my back!”

“I can’t help it! It’s the way you are squashing my stomach over your shoulder.”

Logan stopped just in time, and I threw up on the sand twice.

Jess continued to run ahead, and I slipped off my shirt and used it to wipe the sick from my mouth.

The roar of an engine made me freeze and look back towards the house.

A Land Rover Discovery pulled up next to the tall dark man, and he got in.

“You have got to be shitting me!” cried Logan.

I heard the engine rev a few times before it slowly started to come down the beach towards us.

“Fuck this!”

Logan swooped me up into his arms bridal style and ran for his life.

I clung to his neck and shut my eyes as he breathed out faster.

Jess had made it to the grass bank and was waving at us to hurry.

Looking over Logan’s shoulder, I saw the Land Rover start to speed up and gasped.

“What did you promise them? Your fucking soul!” shouted Logan.

He tore up the grass bank, and Jess had lifted the panel to the back garden.

Logan ducked and carried me under it, and Jess dropped the panel back down in place.

Not stopping, they ran around the side of the house, and Jess got out her key.

“Don’t put the lights on when you get in!” said Logan.

Jess opened the door and dashed in, followed by Logan.

Jess shut and locked the door, and we all went into the kitchen.

Placing me on my feet, I wobbled a little and shook my head.

Jess burst out laughing, and Logan watched her, frowning.

“How the fuck is any of this funny?”

Car light suddenly shone in the kitchen window, and we all ducked to the floor.

“They are just passing the grass bank,” said Logan.

“What the fuck happened back there?” I asked.

Logan and Jess both stood up and exchanged a look.

“The men you were dancing with are called the Raffiel Brothers,” explained Jess.

“They run this town and are bad news,” filled in Logan.

“Local bad boys, huh?” I said, rolling my eyes.

“They are more than just bad boys. They deal drugs and own most of this town. People pay them for protection, and businesses have to give them a cut.”

“They are trouble and bad news, and it’s best to stay away from them,” warned Logan.

“People who piss them off either end up dead or missing,” warned Jess.

I nodded my head.

“Okay. I’ll stay away,” I told them.

“I’m not going to be the one who rings your mother to tell her you are dead in a ditch somewhere,” said Logan.

“Despite their reputations, they are fucking hot,” commented Jess, nodding her head.

“I thought you liked women?” said Logan.

“For them? I could turn?”

“I’m going to bed. I got work in the morning,” he said, walking from the kitchen.

“I best hit the hay too,” I said, moving towards the kitchen door.

“Wait a minute?” said Jess.

I looked at her.

“Would you do them?” she asked, grinning.

“The brothers?” I asked.

“You know, like they were good guys and asked you to fuck them? Would you?”

I smiled and leaned closer to her and lowered my voice.

“I would not even hesitate.”

We giggled, and I made my way up to my room, closing the door behind me.

Moving to the window, I looked out and saw the jeep heading back to the house down the beach.

I closed the curtains and got ready for bed.

That was an interesting beach party, that’s for sure, I thought.

My mind wandered back to the two brothers, and I remembered how they had moved against me when we danced.

It had been so erotic and forbidden, and I had loved every minute of it.

Finding out that they were bad boys had only piqued my interest more.

I was done with good boys with good intentions.

Fuck, I had left that cheating asshole back home.

I wanted a man who would totally possess me and bring out my dark side.

When I had shown glimpses of my dark side back home, it only led to disaster and bruises.

I would not be that weak girl here.

Getting my life back on track was my main priority here, and then maybe, I would entertain the idea of being involved with someone.

Or maybe involved with two?

The morning brought Jess into my room with a coffee and toast.

She sat on my bed as I ate and hugged her knees to her chest.

“It’s great having another female in the house,” she told me.

“It’s nice to be with another female,” I told her.

She laughed and got up from my bed.

She opened the curtains and tied them back before opening my window.

“It’s another hot day. You fancy sunbathing on the beach with me and getting to work on your tan?”

I nodded, and she clapped her hands excitedly.

“I’ll prepare some food and pack some drinks while you get your bikini on.”

Finishing my breakfast, I grabbed a towel and took a quick shower before slipping on my black string bikini and a white summer dress over it.

Joining Jess in the kitchen, I helped her pack up for the beach, and after about an hour, we grabbed some beach towels and headed down onto the sand through the back garden.

There were a few people on the beach swimming and sunbathing, and I noticed the area near the house was being cleaned up.

We lay our towels down, and I pulled off my dress over my head.

“Damn, girl! You’re hot!” complimented Jess.

Jess wore short shorts with a blue bikini top, and she slipped on some sunglasses before laying on her stomach on her towel.

I pulled my long hair into a side braid before laying down on my stomach.

“You want to listen to music?” she asked, fishing her phone and earbuds out of the bag.

“Yes, please. I must get myself a new phone soon.”

She dragged out a magazine and flipped through the pages.

Going onto her music app, I played a few feel-good songs and decided to find a particular song I had heard last night at the party.

The one where I was dancing with two sexy men.

I had no idea what it was called, but it had a good beat to it.



“Do you know what that song was called we were dancing to last night?”

She turned on her hip and smiled at me.

“I do,” she said, grinning.

“Feel like sharing?” I asked.

She chuckled and took the phone off me, typing it into the search bar.

Passing it back to me, I glanced down at it.

Bad Boy by Tungevaag and Raaban.

Bad Boy, huh?

Seemed fitting.

I hit the repeat button and laid down on my stomach, listening to the beat and remembering a pair of green eyes and sky blue ones.

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