Hearts of Alaska Series 2: Love & Alaska - Book cover

Hearts of Alaska Series 2: Love & Alaska

Mel C. Clair

Chapter 3


“Look at that, a helicopter!” I couldn’t help but exclaim as I approached Noah, a duffel bag slung over my shoulder. My sudden outburst startled him, and he quickly shifted his attention from the helicopter to me.

“I thought we’d be taking a float plane, like the one in your brochure.”

“My brochure? Is that how you found me?” Noah asked, a hint of surprise in his voice. I realized then that I hadn’t mentioned Ale’s recommendation.

“Actually, Ale from the ski lodge suggested you. My family and I have known him for years.”

Noah nodded, understanding the connection. “Ale’s a good guy. And yes, we’re using a helicopter because it can land just about anywhere, unlike seaplanes which are limited to water.”

“Makes sense,” I replied, mentally kicking myself for not realizing that sooner.

“Ready to go?” Noah extended his hand to help me up, and I accepted without hesitation. The moment our hands touched, the harsh winter chill seemed to fade away.

His touch was soft, his skin warm, and it sent a wave of goosebumps rippling across my skin. I’d never felt such an immediate spark with someone before, a kind of instant attraction that was both thrilling and terrifying.

I remembered Alexa trying to describe the feeling when she first met Josh, but I’d never really understood it—until now. I’d had a few flings in college, but nothing serious.

College was for freedom and fun, right? That was Alexa’s philosophy, and I would have bet all my money that she’d be the one to settle down before me.

When you know, you know, Alexa would say, but that never stopped her from playing matchmaker at the bars. She was always the more outgoing one, radiating sex appeal and confidence, while I was content just hanging out with the guys as friends.

I preferred jeans and flannel shirts over stilettos and mini skirts, but it seemed like the guys in New York City always gravitated toward the latter.

“So, you must ski if you know Ale?” Noah asked, raising his voice to be heard over the helicopter’s roar.

“Yeah, I do. My parents have a cabin near the lodge, so I’ve been coming here since I was a kid.” I glanced at him, taking a moment to admire him.

If I had a type, it would be Noah. From his scruffy dark brown hair and beard to his casual attire of jeans and a plaid flannel shirt.

Noah caught my gaze, and I quickly changed the subject to avoid being caught staring. “Do you ski?”

Noah looked surprised before he let out a laugh. “I don’t think anyone lives in Alaska and doesn’t ski, snowboard, or at least snowmobile. It’s like an unwritten rule of being an Alaskan resident.”

I joined in his laughter. “So, you’re originally from here?”

“Born and raised. Never left.”

“And your family?”

“Yeah. My parents, sister, uncles, cousins…they’re all still here in Homer.”


Noah turned his attention back to the helicopter. “And we’re here in Anchorage,” he announced as we began our descent. I looked out the window, taking in the breathtaking view below.

There were several grad schools scattered throughout Alaska, but my focus on conservation wildlife veterinary science narrowed down the list to just a few.

“Welcome. You must be Kiera Sutter.” The University of Alaska Anchorage’s Graduate Admissions and Enrollment Assistant, Jeff Alder, greeted Noah and me as we arrived at the campus entrance. He was there to give us a tour and provide information about the graduate programs they offered.

He looked to be around the same age as Noah and me. “Yes, that’s me. Thank you for taking the time to show us around today.”

Jeff shook my hand gently before turning to Noah. “This is Noah Jones. He arranged this tour and is accompanying me.”

“Nice to meet you.” Jeff shook Noah’s hand with a firm grip, while Noah remained silent.

As we walked through the halls of UAA, I found myself barely paying attention to Jeff’s explanations of the different graduate programs. I was too excited about the rest of the trip Noah had planned.

“So, what got you interested in veterinary science?” Noah asked, breaking his silence as we continued our tour.

“I’ve always loved animals. I used to bring home strays all the time when I was a kid. My parents would get so mad, but they always let me keep them.”

I laughed as I remembered my childhood. “At one point, we had six dogs, three cats, a rabbit, and a bird with a broken wing that I found in the woods.”

“No way. Did you live on a farm or something?”

I laughed at Noah’s surprise. “No, but I grew up in Maine, so the forest was basically my backyard.”

Noah smiled warmly, seeming to enjoy my stories. “So, why are you considering Alaska for grad school?” Jeff asked, pulling my attention away from Noah.

“I want to focus on conservation wildlife, and I think Alaska would be the perfect place for hands-on experience and hopefully a job after graduation.”

“That’s a good point. With UAA’s close proximity to Arctic field sites and polar regions, our grad students conduct extensive research on unique topics related to the region’s population and environment. Many of our alumni stay to work as research technicians or adjunct faculty. Others have developed research and professional careers with state and federal agencies.”

I tried to pay attention as Jeff continued, but I could feel Noah’s gaze on me, causing my cheeks to flush. “So, are you planning to stay in Alaska permanently?” Noah asked softly.

“If everything goes well with school and I can find a job afterward, I think I’d like to, yeah.”

Noah’s lips twitched, as if he was trying to hide a smile. “Well, that concludes our tour,” Jeff announced as we reached the main campus foyer. “Do you have any questions?”

“I don’t think so. Thank you for the tour and the brochures.”

“Of course. My contact information is in there. Please reach out when you’ve made your decision.”

“I will. Thanks.” I smiled politely, and Noah and I turned to leave.

Noah held the door open for me like a true gentleman. “Thanks,” I said, turning back to face him once we were outside.

“Now, I’m ready for the fun part!” I couldn’t help but grin, excited for what was to come next.

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