Midnight Mistletoe - Book cover

Midnight Mistletoe

Elfy G

The Reaction


Every pair of eyes in the room are on me, waiting for my next words. I wonder again why I agreed to this charade as I pull Kate in closer.

“Do you want to tell them, sweetheart?” I say playfully.

My mother’s voice is hopeful as she asks, “What are you saying, Derek?”

Kate clears her throat, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Why don’t we continue this conversation in the living room?”

Our mothers practically trip over each other rushing to get there first. Kate narrows her eyes at me as I lead her into the room.

The Bennett’s living room is like a scene straight out of a holiday magazine. A tree adorned with twinkling lights and colorful ornaments is in the corner, and a wreath with lights hangs above the fireplace. It’s perfectly decorated like always.

I sit on the couch next to Kate, her hand clutched in mine. “We don’t want to make a big deal out of this because it’s still new—”

My mother interrupts with a delighted squeal.

“Jenna, let him speak,” my father chides.

“Sorry.” She raises her hands. “Sorry, honey. Please, go on.”

“As I was saying.” I glance at my mother, hoping she won’t interrupt this time. “We don’t want to make a big deal out of this because it’s still new for us, and we don’t want to jinx it. But.” I pause, knowing my mother is dying to hear me actually say it. “Kate and I have decided to give this a shot. We’re a couple.”

Kate’s mother jumps up and down excitedly, hugging Kate’s father, who rolls his eyes. My mother claps her hands together, bringing them to her lips as she smiles.

“Finally!” she exclaims. “Oh, Ryan! Did you hear that?! Our babies finally realized they are perfect for each other!” She rushes over and hugs Amy while my dad shakes his head.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, remembering I have a part to play here. I press a kiss to Kate’s hand.

“So, how did this happen?” Hank, Kate’s father, asks.

“Do you want to tell the story, sweetheart?” I ask Kate. This was her idea after all. If we’re going to make fools of ourselves, she’s going down with me.

Kate bites her lip nervously, clearly not thrilled with being put on the spot. She coughs.

“It would be my pleasure, love,” she says, smiling at me.

My heart skips a beat. I look down at our entwined hands, running my thumb over her knuckle. Her skin is warm beneath my touch. It’s kind of nice.

What the hell am I thinking? Her calling me love doesn’t mean anything. She’s just playing her part, I tell myself, putting a smile on my face as Kate clears her throat. ~So why does my heart want her to say it again?~

“We ran into each other a while back, and Derek suggested we meet for coffee. He told me about his recent breakup, and I was able to be there for him. One thing led to another, and we decided to give this a try.” Kate leans into me as she speaks, and I play along, kissing her cheek.

“It’s about time you two listened to what we’ve been saying all along,” Amy says. “You make a great couple.”

My mother nods in agreement. “We’ll start planning the wedding!” Her smile is ear to ear.

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Jenna, give them some space,” my father interjects. “They just got together. Don’t push your luck.”

Kate suddenly stands and stretches with a yawn. “Well, we had a long drive. I think it’s time for bed, don’t you, love?”

I nod and rise as well. I’ve had enough of this act for one day.

“That’s a great idea.” I look at Amy. “I guess I’m in my usual room?”

“Of course not,” she says with a smile. “Now that you two are a couple, you’ll be sharing her room.”

My eyes widen in surprise.

“I thought we had separate rooms,” Kate protests. “What will Nana say when she finds out? We aren’t married.”

Her mother laughs. “Honey, we live in the twenty-first century. Besides, your grandmother will be thrilled.”

I’m not thrilled about this, but it’s too late to stop now. I wrap my arm around Kate’s waist. “That’s perfect, Mrs. Bennett. We love to snuggle, don’t we, Freckles?”

I give her a squeeze, reminding her that we’re supposed to be in love. This was her idea after all. She’ll have to deal with the consequences.

She touches my cheek. “My man is a big snuggly bear.”

I lean down, my voice low so only she can hear me. “Trust me, Freckles, you’re going to pay for that,” I whisper in her ear.

“Derek!” she says in mock shock. “Our parents are right here! Why don’t you get our luggage from the car, love? I’ll put the presents under the tree, then help you bring our bags to my old room.” She heads for the foyer.

I follow her, catching her in the entryway. “Not so fast, Freckles.”

“Look up,” my mother says excitedly. We both look up, and sure enough, there’s mistletoe hanging above us.

“You have to kiss,” Amy sings.

Kate looks at me, unsure of what to do next. I wanted to tease her, but the joke’s on me. I lean down and quickly kiss her cheek.

“Come on, son,” my dad says as I pull away. “You can do better than that.”


Kate surprises me, pressing her lips to mine and breaking her own rule. I can’t explain, but I find myself wanting more. I give in to the urge and kiss her back. She responds, and for a moment, I forget we’re pretending.

What the hell am I doing?

The kiss ends abruptly. I smile and hurriedly walk away, needing some fresh air. Outside, I take a big gulp of crisp air, my heart racing.

There’s no way I enjoyed that kiss, right? Get a grip, man. She’s just putting on a show to make it convincing. Right?

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