ADAM the Web Movie - Book cover

ADAM the Web Movie

Michael BN

Chapter 3

Our ship ejected three cylinders like a rabbit pooped out pellets. The new anchor was constructed in under twenty minutes as I nervously emptied a box of crackers.

Corridor opening in 5…4…3…2…1.

So far under my watch, the FYSH… Fuck that, I had a better name! “The Hot Librarian”—THL! Genius!

Under my watch, THL had been activated without authorization, this expensive ship had been bombarded by debris, and the floors were littered with cracker crumbs!

Why the fuck had they chosen me? I still didn’t understand!

Oh, shit. I forgot something.

“Adam, how much access do you have to my neural implant?” I asked, worried if he could see himself through my eyes.

“That was a joke! I can’t get anything from your implant without express permission.”

We were sitting at the bar, where I calmed my nerves with Long Island Ice Teas. Adam was a great bartender, so I was already on my third.

“So, how did you know I was lying?” I asked suspiciously.

Could he lie?

“Just like anyone else, through body language.” He shrugged.

“Did it cost a lot of money to make you?” I asked, sucking on my straw. I was definitely gonna be really drunk soon.

“Did you just ask my market value?” Adam said with a chuckle.

“I’m cheap!” I slurred, trying to make a sexy wink.

“You’re intoxicated! Come, let’s put you in bed, so you can sleep it off,” he said, carefully taking my hand.

“I like you!” I said, already seeing double.

“I'm glad, you’re supposed to,” he said.

Damn! Was I really that drunk? What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

Adam carefully stripped me down to my shirt and underwear and put me into the bed. He was able to lift me up like I was a small child.

“Will you lie down next to me?” I begged. “I don’t want to be alone!”

“Sure,” he said with an indulgent smile.

I watched his clothes shimmer into a pair of grandpa pajamas. My last thought was how funny he looked just before passing out again.


I woke up with a throbbing headache. Where was I? What the fuck? Ahhh, yes. Now I remember, a spaceship!

How many drinks did I have? Did Adam really lie down next to me? Or was that a dream?

Fuck, my head hurts!

Adam showed up as if out of nowhere. He sat down next to me and pulled up my sleeve and…

Holy shit!

I watched the very tip of his finger disappear into my upper arm like a hypo. My whole body started to feel lighter and full of energy, the headache vanishing seconds later.

“Are you a doctor too?” I asked, coyly.

“I am able to perform every healing technique known to mankind, except for those that require universal energy transfer like Reiki. I am unfortunately incapable of channeling such power.”

Another database entry.

“Blah, blah, blah. You don’t need to give me an executive summary every time I ask a stupid question.”

“There is no such thing as a stupid question. Human inquisitiveness has led to great progress, including my construction.”

There was only one way to shut him up! I'd been tempted since the moment I first saw those eyes. He was about to start talking again when I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him toward me.

Our lips met and I was surprised at how…wet his were. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and couldn't tell the difference between him and a real dude.

Except, I'd never kissed someone as beautiful as him before.

He didn’t resist at all and very carefully kissed me back. My insides lit up with excitement. There was only one thing that I had to know!

“Can you feel this?” I asked.

He looked at me for the longest time before carefully shaking his head.

“I can only mimic, not feel.”

“Padrona can have you print yourself out of nothing and fill you with useless data, but you can’t feel?!” I said in outrage.

“How can I? I am not human. How would one codify sensation or emotion?” he said in defense of his makers.

“Well, they could’ve tried!” I wasn’t letting them off the hook.

“The fact that you are so upset about this, surprises me. Why not just take your pleasure and be done with it?”

I looked at him in shock.

“I don’t know what the person that programmed you is like, but he sounds like a total ass!”

It was the first time that I saw Adam speechless.

There was something nagging at the back of my head. He’d said something about…

“My implant! You mentioned that you could access it with permission. If I let you, would you be able to feel what I feel?”

Adam tilted his head, seemingly processing my question.

“Is this why?” he muttered to himself but did not elaborate.

I looked at him blankly, still waiting for an answer.

“We can try,” he said with almost childlike excitement.

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Wait,” he said. “Don’t be scared, I will access my base programming.”

His pupils went white and an eerie mechanical voice asked, “ADAM unit 2 of 3 requesting access to neural interface number 3-5-8-2-9-0-1-2-3-7-5. Do you approve?”

“Yes!” I said enthusiastically, despite the scary eyes.

This was like a really fucked-up marriage proposal, and I was a sucker for romance! Weird sounds came out of his mouth and when his eyes returned, Adam stood up and stared around the room as if seeing it for the first time.

“Is it like this all the time?” he asked in awe. Was he crying?

“Here let’s try this again,” I said, kissing him like I'd never kissed anyone before.

He reciprocated, mimicking my every move. I ultimately had to push him away because I couldn’t breathe.

“Being human is amazing!” he whispered. He was definitely crying now.

Adam seemed overwhelmed by the sensations. He took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen. Not just a doctor but also a cook! I was treated to a three-course meal more elaborate than anything I’d ever had on Earth.

He watched me like a hawk as I took a bite. Wow! This was phenomenal! He closed his eyes as I chewed and pulled a face like he was having a religious experience.

“That is astonishing!” he said, urging me to try the main course and then the dessert.

Once he was done with food, he dragged me to the music room and grabbed a violin.

He played a lightning-fast version of Vivaldi’s “Winter” but had to stop halfway through. He clasped his hand over his mouth from emotion.

“It’s so beautiful!” he said.

“Yes, it is!”

I found his enthusiasm endearing. I wanted to hug him and…

Adam smiled at me deviously. Could he pick up on those feelings too?

“Can we please go swimming? I've always wondered what water feels like!” He didn’t even wait for an answer.


The moment we stepped into the swimming pool area, he started to lift up my shirt.

“Hey, hey, easy there tiger!” I said, grinning like a fool.

“You must be unclothed. I want to feel the water on every part of my skin!”

His hunger for experience was slightly disturbing.

“It's hardly fair if only I skinny dip,” I said, trying to calm him down a bit.

“Fair point,” he said, his tight clothing shimmered, and he was once again as naked as when he just came out of his ball.

Holy hell, he really was a work of art.

He jumped into the water and motioned for me to hurry. I stripped and dropped myself to the bottom of the pool. When I came back up again, he was quietly enjoying himself with his eyes closed.

“This feels divine!” he said.

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