Their Little Human - Book cover

Their Little Human

Lotus O’Hara

Chapter 5


Raven let out a groan.

Her bottom lip jutted out, and she sighed. He helped her down from the table and put the samples in the machine.

He sat at the computer, shifting in his seat, contemplating calling in sick. He had a ton of vacation time saved up; he’d never taken a day off. The computer beeped as the progress bar filled.

These results could grant him his deepest desire. Heck, every male Tareaians’ dream. If there was one, there had to be more. Humans could save them from extinction.

“Little one, where did you say you’re from?”

“I didn’t.”

The computer beeped again when the progress bar filled. He felt like shouting from the rooftops. A perfect match. Humans and Tareaians could successfully have children. They were incredibly fertile.

She was more valuable than anything on this planet. He sent the results to his device.

“Don’t make me ask again.”

He looked up from the screen to meet her hard stare.

“Did you send someone to get their bodies so I can give them a proper send-off?”

He nodded.

“Well?” she asked, moving closer to the computer cart.

“Well, what?” he responded, turning to face her.

“When. Can. I. Bury. Them.”

He slowly rolled down his sleeves and stood up. She had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye.

“Do you want the truth, little one?”

“No, feed me sweet lies.”

Her sarcastic tone sparked a fire in his gut.

“Your attitude isn’t helping. They’re in a lab with your ship being examined. You won’t get a chance to bury your dead.”

“And what about contacting the others?”

Raven’s voice was soft, but her anger was simmering just beneath the surface. He placed his hand on her head.

“I will when we get clearance. Understood?”

She nodded. “What did the results say?”

“You were right. You’re fine. We still have to go to the market,” he said, grabbing his jacket.

“Wait, I wanted to ask the doctor about contraceptives.”

They started walking back to the hallway.

“A what?”

“You know, birth control? To prevent pregnancy? I haven’t seen any women. Where are the women?”

“We don’t have that. It’s time to go.”

Curious eyes followed them as they left the last female store in the city. Their women were taller and more muscular than humans.

As he turned the corner, he noticed Raven had stopped at a window display. She was smiling at the stuffed animals and the dresses. Then it hit him.

He took her hand, and they walked into the only children’s store in the capital. She was the perfect size for the items here. Not ideal, but it would work.

“Pick out some clothes and anything else you want.”

Her face lit up as she ran off to grab a stuffed beast. As she climbed up the shelf, a man with a long braid walked up.

“That’s dangerous. Here.” He handed her the stuffed toy. “No more climbing, okay?”

Raven smiled and headed towards the skirts, picking out a few that were too short for his liking, among other things.

The man came up beside her and pointed to matching tops and handed her matching ribbons. He guided her to the dressing room, and Arenk was right behind them.

“You can try everything on here. Yell if you need help. I’ll be right here,” he said.

“Thank you, but I’ll take it from here,” Arenk said.

The man turned to face him with a cold smile.

Arenk regretted walking into the store. He didn’t recognize him out of uniform.

“Lieutenant General, who’s this lovely flower?” General Dhol asked.

“Sir, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Arenk said, forcing a smile. “This is Raven.”

“Funny, I don’t remember reading about her in your report,” General Dhol said.

“We’ve never listed spoils before.”

Raven reappeared from the dressing room, wearing a skirt and top that she adjusted to show off her flat stomach. She was struggling to tie up her last ponytail.

As Arenk reached out, General Dhol took the ribbon and tied it. He grabbed her wrist and examined her bracelet.

“Thank you,” she said, trying to gather all of her things.

“You’re welcome,” he said, handing her the stuffed beast.

“Can I have this book too?” she asked, holding up a picture book.

“Yes. Why don’t you go and grab more hair stuff from the front counter? I’ll bring the rest of the clothes,” Arenk said.

As she hurried off, the air between him and the general grew tense. General Dhol’s toothy smile sent a shiver down his spine.

“I wonder what else you two took from the crash site.”

He reached into his jacket and pulled out his comm device. After typing something, Arenk’s device rang.

“Have a nice day, Lieutenant General. I’ll see you, Laro, and sweet Raven soon,” he said, leaving the store.

This couldn’t get any worse. It was a summons; he knew it. General Dhol never showed interest in his job. Why now? He had a mate and the top position. Recognition and praise weren’t beneath him.

“Is everything okay?” Raven asked as he approached.

“Don’t worry about that, little one,” he said, paying for everything.

She clutched the toy close to her chest. “Whatever.”



If she had a dime for every time her sister said that, she’d be on her own private planet by now. Whoever that guy was, he made Arenk uneasy. He called him sir, so he must have been his boss.

She knew a thing or two about jerk bosses. Raven was careful not to scratch the plastic stuck to her chest from the doctor’s office. It was hard to lift.

She busied herself with knotting the shirt, trying to keep it in place. His boss had been surprisingly helpful. Now, she just needed the rest of the pieces to fall into place.

The journey back was a mirror image of the one before, filled with stares and whispers, but breathtakingly beautiful nonetheless. When they got back, Laro was waiting, his face clouded with a dark expression.

He sprang up from his seat, barking out words in their language. The translators were off again, and she was growing weary of it. Raven flicked the switch on Arenk’s device.

“They were bound to find out sooner or later. Everything is going as planned, just a bit ahead of schedule. Lower your voice.”

“What on earth is she wearing?”

“Whatever I want.”

Their gazes swung her way.

Arenk tossed the bags onto the bed and shrugged off his jacket. Laro upended the bags, spilling their contents onto the bed.

“I hope you got some pants and full shirts,” he said, sorting the clothes into two piles.

“You’d have a heart attack if you met more humans,” she retorted.

“Arenk, you didn’t check these before you bought them, did you?”

“I’ve been wearing the same style since basic training,” he replied. “Little one, you can put your stuff in the dresser over here. Get ready for dinner.”

Laro picked up the hairpins adorned with monster-shaped ornaments and placed them on the dresser. As Arenk and Laro continued their argument, she slipped the plastic under the folded clothes.

“What’s that you have there?” Arenk asked, making her jump.

“Will you teach me to read this?” she asked, handing Arenk the book.

“I have to leave for work soon. I’m sure Laro will.”

“And my reward?”

He grinned. “When I return.”


The dinner Laro served her was far from appetizing. Nothing but plants. Who does that? She nibbled at some of it but mostly just pushed it around her plate.

He polished off his plate within the first two minutes. At least Arenk had the decency to give her some meat.

“Eat. I don’t want you getting weak,” Laro said, glancing up from his device.

“I’m full.”

“You ate a full plate this morning. Finish it.”

She pushed the plate away and left the table.

“Sit down and eat. Now,” he ordered.

“Or what?”

He put down his device. “Do you really want to find out?”

She crossed her arms. She wasn’t eating another bite.

“If you’re not in this seat and eating by the time I count to three, you’re going to regret it.”

“You’re going to regret it,” she retorted, heading for the balcony.

She took a seat and let the breeze caress her skin.


His voice was almost drowned out by the gust of wind.


Laro’s voice was muffled by the apartment walls. He was all talk and no action.

“Three,” he said, his voice close to her ear.

The hairs on her neck stood on end. Her body froze, and her heart pounded.



He might have laughed at her wide-eyed look if he wasn’t so irritated by her defiance. She clung to the balcony door frame as he carried her inside.

He pried her loose and locked the sliding door.

“Wait, stop. I’m sorry,” she pleaded, trying to wriggle free.

“That might’ve worked on Arenk, but it won’t with me. Your disrespect for me ends tonight,” he said, dropping her onto the bed.

He retrieved the lockbox hidden under Arenk’s bed. Arenk might be a stickler for rules, but he had all the latest gear.

She peeked over the edge of the bed, watching as he pulled out the spreader bar and cuffs.

“How many times do you come in a session?”

“Once, maybe twice,” she replied.

Her voice was so soft he had to strain to hear her, even though she was close.

“You were so bold mocking me earlier. I’ll show you what happens when your body is weak and lacks the nutrients it needs. You’re going to be exhausted and sore by the time we’re done,” he warned.

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