Ravens of the Mist Series: Tail of the Sea - Book cover

Ravens of the Mist Series: Tail of the Sea

Elfy G

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Madison, a cold-hearted mermaid living near an island, encounters Henry, who hunts creatures like her. Henry has a dark reason to use all in his power to succeed in his mission. When Henry comes to know that Madison once saved his life and they are destined mates, Henry grapples with his mission and growing feelings.

As secrets unravel, Madison too faces a choice: embrace their bond or flee from Henry's vendetta.

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23 Chapters

The Unexpected Rescue

Ravens of the Mist: Tail of the Sea


I’m strolling along the cliff’s edge, right where the land meets the sea. Suddenly, I step off the edge, letting myself tumble into the water below. As soon as my legs touch the water, they begin to transform, scales appearing and merging until a tail forms.

To the world above, I’m a creature of myth and legend—a mermaid.

Sure, I have a voice that can captivate any man who hears it, but it’s not as potent as a siren’s. A siren can ensnare a hundred men at once with her song.

I also have a secret gift. If a human helps a mermaid, she can grant them a single wish.

When I was just ten, I saved a human child from drowning. His boat had been attacked by sirens, leaving him unconscious with a deep cut above his eyebrow. It was the first and last time I ever did something so reckless.

Even now, I can’t explain why I saved him. All I have left of him is a necklace, which I wear as a bracelet.

Sometimes, I find myself staring at the bracelet, wondering what became of the boy I saved.

When his people found him and took him away, I felt something strange. My heart felt heavy, which was odd because mermaids don’t feel pain. The sea turns our hearts cold as we age.

I learned to speak the human language by eavesdropping on passing fishermen.

Even though I’m alone, I’ve grown used to it. I spend my time collecting various objects that humans leave behind—clothes, jewelry, toys, and even seashells.

As I’m swimming, searching for new additions to my collection, I feel a disturbance in the water. It’s as if something is causing the water to become unsettled.

Curiosity piqued, I swim toward the disturbance. A boat has exploded, and a man is struggling to stay afloat amidst the debris.

I’d promised myself never to interfere in human affairs again, so why am I ignoring my instincts?

I keep my distance, but I can’t tear my eyes away from him.

Why am I so drawn to him? I wonder.

My eyes widen as I see him slip beneath the water. Without a second thought, I dive after him, swimming as fast as I can to reach him before he sinks too deep.

I manage to grab him and start swimming toward the nearest island. Somehow, I manage to get him out of the water and onto dry land.

He has long brown hair that falls just above his shoulders and a beard that covers his jaw. There’s a scar above his eyebrow, just like the boy I saved all those years ago.

Could it be the same person?

He’s handsome.

Did I just compliment a human?

I shake my head. Now’s not the time. Is he breathing? That’s what I should be asking myself.

I’ve seen humans perform life-saving procedures before. I hope I remember correctly.

I place one hand on his sternum, the other on top of it. I count out thirty chest compressions, then tilt his head back, placing one hand on his forehead and the other under his chin. I’m about to give him mouth-to-mouth when he suddenly coughs up water.

For the second time, I’ve saved a human life.

I dive back into the water before he can see me. I’m not ready for him to see me, but I can’t seem to stay away from him either.

I surface behind a pile of rocks, peeking out at him.

What is this feeling I get when I look at him? I wonder.

He sits up, looking around in confusion.

He looks lost.

I want to go to him, to comfort him. But I can’t approach him as a mermaid. Humans think we’re just myths.

I could approach him as a human, though. All I have to do is wait for my legs to reappear.

I just have to make sure I don’t get my legs wet. If I can do that, I can hide my true identity from him.

I swim to a spot where I can get out of the water. Once I’m dry and my legs have reappeared, I waste no time in going to him.

Why is my heart beating so fast?

There he is.

He hears me approaching and turns to look at me. His eyes widen as he takes me in. I look down at myself and realize I’m completely naked. My long hair covers most of my body, but still—humans wear clothes!

Why didn’t I think of that sooner? Ugh!

He quickly turns away from me, removing his shirt and offering it to me.

I can’t help but chuckle as I accept his shirt. Once I’m dressed, I touch his shoulder to let him know he can turn around.

He turns back to me with a smile. “Well, that was a great first introduction,” he says, clearing his throat. “My name is Henry Ritchson.” He extends his hand to me.

Looking into his deep green eyes, I feel a warmth spreading through me. Is he my mate?

They say that when a mermaid finds her mate, her cold heart is filled with warmth. That’s exactly what I’m feeling.

I clear my throat and shake his hand. “Madison,” I introduce myself.

His eyes harden and he frowns as he notices my bracelet. “Where did you get that?” he growls.

It’s the necklace from the boy I saved. It’s the only thing I’ve kept from my collection.

Henry reaches for my wrist, but I pull away and run toward the sea, shedding his shirt as I go.

“Wait, Madison. I’m sorry. Please come back,” he calls after me. “Don’t leave. Let me explain.”

I don’t hesitate to dive back into the water, where I feel safe.

From my hiding spot, I watch him. He looks angry with himself as he kicks at the sand.

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