Ravens of the Mist Series: Tail of the Sea - Book cover

Ravens of the Mist Series: Tail of the Sea

Elfy G



I was ten when my parents died. We were on a boat, and I swear I saw mermaids attacking us. That same day, my father had handed me a necklace, telling me it was a family heirloom. I lost it in the chaos.

As I grew up, no one believed my story. They thought the trauma made me delusional. That was, until I met Malcolm Bennet, who became my mentor.

He’s part of an organization that hunts monsters—werewolves, vampires, and other creatures. They call themselves hunters. Today, after proving my loyalty, I’ll become one of them. I’m a hunter, specializing in archery.

I make a promise at my parents’ graves. I swear I’ll avenge them, no matter what it takes. I’ll hunt every mermaid I encounter until I find the ones responsible for their deaths.

Malcolm’s daughter, Leslie, is the woman I want to spend my life with. We’re not together, but we’ve had a few encounters. If Malcolm found out about Leslie and me before I’ve proven myself, he’d likely banish me. I’d lose the life I’ve come to know.

Maybe that’s why I’ve embarked on this journey. After extensive research, I found the location where my parents were murdered. I plan to prove my worth to Malcolm by bringing back the heads of the mermaids I kill.

I hope this will make him see me as worthy of his daughter. What I didn’t expect is for my boat to be sabotaged. Maybe this is another test Malcolm wants me to pass. He did mention a final test. I think this is it.

He’s never been one to make things easy.

I feel the explosion hit my back. I’m lucky to escape injury as I dive into the water. The blast leaves me feeling dizzy. I need to move quickly before I pass out in the middle of the ocean. I see an island, but it’s too far to reach. Debris from the boat floats around me. I swim toward a large piece and pull myself onto it.

When I open my eyes, there’s a woman standing over me, leaning in to kiss me.

I don’t have time to stop her. Suddenly, I’m coughing up water.

Did she save me? Why does this feel so familiar?

The explosion must have affected my mind more than I thought.

I want to thank her for saving me, but she’s gone before I can.

I sit up, hand on my forehead, looking around for her. The longer I wait, the more I suspect what she might be.

There’s no way a young woman could survive alone here, I tell myself.

Could she be what I’ve been searching for? I don’t have proof, so I’ll have to play along for now.

Someone approaches. I’m certain it’s the mysterious woman. There doesn’t seem to be anyone else here.

My eyes widen as I take in her naked form. Her long blonde hair falls over her body.

Damn, she’s perfect.

She must be designed this way to lure men in.

Her beauty won’t fool me.

I turn away, removing my shirt to offer it to her. A gentleman always wins over naive creatures.

She chuckles as she takes my shirt. I smirk. That was easy. When she touches my shoulder, a spark shoots through me.

I turn back to her, keeping my smile. “Well, that was a great first introduction.” I cough. “My name is Henry Ritchson.” I extend my hand to her.

I’m captivated by her large green eyes.

What the hell am I doing?

Get it together, I scold myself.

She clears her throat and finally shakes my hand. “Madison,” she introduces herself.

I look at her hand and frown. Around her wrist is the necklace my father gave me. The one I lost the day he died. And now it’s on her wrist.

That’s mine!

“Where did you get that?” I can’t hide my anger as I stare at it.

I knew she was a mermaid.

This is the proof I need. She must have been one of the mermaids who killed my parents. How else would she have my necklace?

It’s not much, but it’s all the proof I have.

I don’t hesitate. I reach for her wrist to reclaim my necklace, but she’s quick. She dodges my touch, turns, and runs toward the sea, shedding my shirt as she goes.

“Wait, Madison. I’m sorry. Please come back,” I yell after her. “Don’t leave. Let me explain.”

If only I had my bow and arrow. Madison wouldn’t have gotten away. I shake my head as I watch her dive into the water.

I kick the sand in frustration. I’m furious with myself.

I have to do better next time.

One thing bothers me. Why did Madison save me? I can’t let this detail distract me. I’m a hunter. I hunt monsters. And Madison, no matter how beautiful, is a monster.

She must project this illusion to lure in her prey, I remind myself.

I won’t let all my hard work be for nothing. I’ve come too far. The sooner I finish here, the sooner I can return to Leslie. I need to avenge my parents and prove to Malcolm what I’m capable of.

I’ll wait for the perfect opportunity. And when it comes, it’ll be too late for her to escape.

It’s my duty as a hunter to eliminate creatures like her.

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