Lilly's King - Book cover

Lilly's King

Natalie Le Roux

Chapter Three

At the acceptance of his mate, Bor could have roared out with joy. His chest swelled with pride at the bravery of his little mate.

He gave Korom a nod to contact their ship and took a slow, tentative step forward.

“What is your name?” he asked his mate, not once taking his eyes off her stunning blue eyes. They reminded him of the oceans on his home planet. Deep, rich, and vibrant, filled with life.

“Lilly. My name is Doctor Lilly Ann Orson. These are my sisters. Rose Marie Orson, Tulip Daphne Orson and Violet Marguerite Orson.”

Bor smiled, trying to keep his excitement at finally finding a mate at bay. He didn’t want to scare his little Lilly or her sisters.

He could smell the heavy scent of all of their fear in the room and didn’t want to add to it.

“Lilly,” he whispered, trying the name on his tongue, and smiled.

“Who are they?” she asked, gesturing to the males behind him.

He glanced back at his team, then turned back to her.

“They are my elite warriors. The tall one is Korom, my second. The two in the back are brothers, Tark and Keel.”

Lilly just nodded, scanning her eyes over the males. Bor had to clench his fists at his sides to stop from reaching out to her and holding her close.

The fear and uncertainty in her eyes were driving him crazy. Every protective instinct inside him was screaming at him to pull her close and comfort her.

To care for her and to show her she had nothing to fear. But he stayed still, allowing her to take in the scene around them.

“How do we get to your ship?” the other female named Tulip asked. Bor moved his gaze to the small female. They all looked very similar to each other, making their blood bond undeniable. Long, dark hair flowed down their backs, and those bright, piercing blue eyes.

“Transport. It will be here shortly.”

He didn’t mention the fact that the spinners would more than likely get here before the transport. He and his men would deal with the deadly creatures if it came to that.

All four of them had fought the spinners before and knew how to kill them.

She gave him a shy nod, moving to stand behind his mate again as though trying to hide her tiny frame from them all.

Korom came to his side, speaking low in Torian. “Transport is ten minutes away. How long until the spinners attack?”

Bor growled at the confirmation that they would have a fight on their hands.

“Less than five. Prepare to defend my mate and the females.”

Korom gave him a sharp nod, moving back to Keel and Tark.

“What’s going on?” Lilly asked, twisting her hands in front of her. He hated the worry on her delicate features. He wanted to see her smile and laugh and her eyes fill with wonder and light.

He would never allow anything or anyone to make her worry like this again.

“Do not worry, little mate. We will protect you.”

“Protect us? They’re coming, aren’t they?”

Her eyes filled with even more worry, and the scent of fear almost choked him. He couldn’t resist any longer. He moved forward, taking slow, easy strides toward her.

When he stopped in front of her, he waited for her to look up at him. When she didn’t, he gently reached for her chin and moved her head up, forcing her to meet his gaze.

“I will protect you, Lilly. Trust me.”

Tears filled her eyes and he could feel her body trembling from the tiny contact he had with her soft, warm skin.

“I’m so scared,” she whispered, a teardrop slipping from her eyes. The sight ripped at his heart, making the rage boiling inside him rise to an almost uncontrollable level.

Without thinking, he stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her small, fragile frame. He pulled her close to his chest, waiting for her to struggle, but she didn’t.

She grabbed onto his shirt, holding the fabric in tight, shaking fists, and rested her cheek on his chest, right over his heart.

“I will never allow any harm to come to you or your sisters. I swear this to you, mate. Never.”

He felt her slight nod, but her body still shivered with the fear running through her.

When Korom signaled he had sight of the spinners, Bor reluctantly broke the connection between them to look down at her face.

“Stay with your ill sister. Try not to make a sound. I will come for you once the spinners are dead.”

“What?” she breathed out, frowning up at him. The concern he saw in her eyes for him melted some of the tension in his body.

He gingerly lifted his hand, wiping away a tear as it rolled down her cheek. “Do not make a sound, my beautiful mate.”

With that, he forced his body to step away from her and moved to the rest of his men. He watched her huddle together with the other females, all sitting close to the ill one on the seat.

They were watching them with wide, terrified eyes.

When the sound of the spinners’ screech flowed to them, it snapped Bor out of his thoughts of his mate, flooding his blood with adrenaline and rage.

He spun, moving fast to the door of the dwelling. Outside, in the scorching afternoon sun, he could see the dark masses moving toward them with deadly speed.

He turned to Korom, a small smile playing on the male’s lips.

“Ready, my old friend?” Bor asked, giving him a knowing grin.

Korom grinned, and the two turned to face the oncoming horde.

“Time to fight!”

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