Ivy White
Entering the main lobby, Rebecca looks around at the double staircase that meets at the top in the middle.
Gray gloss tiles cover the floor, a huge chandelier dangles down from the center of the room, and the walls are bright white.
This room is massive, Rebecca thinks to herself as her heels click across the floor.
“Shoes off. They will scratch the floor,” Kenzo tells Rebecca who nods her head, crouches down, and unstraps her shoes.
Holding them in her hands, she doesn’t know what to do with them until Kenzo points to an empty shoe rack.
Smiling, she walks over to it and places her shoes down, trying not to scratch the thick, white wood. Turning around, she looks at the tall plants that sit on either side of the door.
They are taller than her. Kenzo shuts the black metal door and pushes his hands inside his suit pants pockets.
“Show her to her room.” The blond-haired boy nods his head, and Kenzo walks through to the open room underneath the stairs, leaving Rebecca with him.
“The name is Rex.” Rex looks Rebecca up and down. Rebecca crosses her arms and follows behind him as he walks up the right set of stairs.
Taking a right, he walks down the hallway to another set of stairs, and Rebecca tries to keep up with him, three of her steps matching one of his long strides.
“So, how old are you?” Rebecca asks him, and he doesn’t comment until he walks up another set of stairs at the end of the hall. All the walls are white, and the stairs are black, Rebecca notices.
“Twenty-eight.” Rebecca’s mouth falls open. Well, she wasn’t expecting him to be that old.
“What’s wrong?” Rex asks Rebecca, who shakes her head.
“You look so much younger.”
“What. You trying to say that I’m old?”
“No no. Not at all.” Rebecca catches up to Rex on the stairs, and he jumps up three steps at a time, leaving her behind again. His body reminds her of a giant.
It’s obvious that Rex works out, but Rebecca wonders where he managed to pick up the name Rex from. It reminds her of a dinosaur.
“Come on. Let’s get you settled in.” Grabbing Rebecca’s hand, Rex guides her through another door and up another five flights of stairs until they reach the top.
Rebecca bends over with her hands on her knees, out of breath. Rex, on the other hand, is breathing without a problem. You would think that he hasn’t moved a muscle.
Rebecca wonders how she’s going to find her way around the mansion. It’s definitely as big as it looks on the outside, and her room seems to be a twenty-minute walk away from the front door.
Pressing her hand on Rex’s chest, Rebecca checks to see if she can feel his heartbeat, which she finds is beating slowly.
How? she asks herself.
“What are you doing?” Rex stares down at Rebecca and raises his left eyebrow, confused, with a smirk on his face.
“Checking your heartbeat,” Rebecca tells him with a sweet smile, and Rex crosses his arms, confused.
“Now why would you want to do that?”
“You’re not breaking a sweat. Wait there a second.” Rebecca bends over and touches her knees, trying to get her breathing under control.
“Your heartbeat is normal all while I’m struggling to grasp any air,” Rebecca tells him, and Rex chuckles.
“What do you eat?” Rex asks Rebecca, who shrugs her shoulders, reminding Rex of a carefree child. Especially when she pouts her lips.
“Oh, you know, chocolates, chips, roast dinners, takeout, and my mom’s famous lasagna. The list is endless.”
“Well, that’s your problem right there.” Rex grins, and Rebecca’s eyebrows knit together.
“How is it?”
“Pasta is a good option. Fats are required, and chocolate is the code name for stay away from at all costs. You should stay clear of chocolate, yet you can have a treat occasionally.
“Going to the gym helps, and water is an easy decision.”
“Oh, no, I’m not going to the gym, and I’m not saying goodbye to my list of foods.”
Rebecca places her hands on her hips, getting more comfortable around Rex who knows that she won’t like what he has to say next.
“All things considered, you should be prepared to say goodbye to that list of foods. Kenzo only allows nutritional meals here.”
Rebecca bites her tongue, trying not to get upset.
It’s only a couple of days, she tells herself as Rex snatches her hand and pulls her with him to the third room down the hall.
“This will be your room for the next couple of days. My theory is that you will remain here for some time.
“Clothes are in the wardrobe and drawers, underwear are in the left cabinet, new towels are on the rail in the washroom, and there are books on the rack in the corner.”
“Thank you,” Rebecca tells Rex, not taking what he said too seriously.
What she doesn’t understand is why there are clothes in the wardrobe and drawers when she’s brought a suitcase with her. Either way, she will find out soon.
Walking over to the bed, she lies down on it as Rex walks over to the door, opening it up.
“Be prepared shortly. Dinner is on the ground floor in the room with the black door with lights around it. I will get Kenzo to switch them on for you so that you know which one it is.
“You will be serving the food and drinks in there, so try to get there earlier than everyone else.” Smiling, Rex leaves the room.
Rebecca sits up on the bed and jumps up. She may as well take a quick shower before dinnertime. She’s sweating because the area where the mansion sits is right at the top of the cliff.
The country where she is, is extremely hot to where her face is starting to turn red from sunburn.
Strolling to the bathroom, she decides to take a quick shower, and once she’s finished, she throws a black towel around her head, and another black towel sits around her body.
The room that she’s been given has a big, wooden, black bed with red, silk sheets. Two doors sit on the wall to her right, and the bedside tables are black. The floor is white gloss tiles.
Walking over to the drawers, Rebecca decides to check what clothes and sets are available.
Pulling out a black, tight, silk dress, she places it down on the bed with a pair of flat, black shoes, and a black, plunge bra set.
Removing the underwear from a box, Rebecca holds the underwear up and stares at them.
A thong, she thinks to herself.
How she will feel comfortable in them, she doesn’t know, considering she doesn’t own a single pair of sexy underwear.
All the items have tags on them, so she knows they have never been worn before.
Laying the underwear down, she pulls out a weird-looking belt made out of a posh netting and some stockings.
She’s never worn a set like the one she holds up before, but she decides to get to work.
Pulling up a stocking on each leg, she wraps the belt around her waist and pulls up the straps, hoping that it connects at the sides.
Clicking them in place, she feels successful and pulls up the underwear to find that she needs to unclip them again and redo the clips once they are on.
Placing the bra over her breasts, she connects it at the back with a struggle and readjusts the straps before turning around and looking at herself in the mirror.
Wow, she thinks to herself, turning to the side. She looks fucking good in the set that she has on.
Picking up the black, silk dress, she pulls it up her body and struggles to zip it up at the back. Pulling the tag off, she smiles and slips her feet inside the shoes.
Shocked that the clothes fit her perfectly and not knowing where a hair dryer is, Rebecca plaits her hair to one side and opens the door to leave the room.
She needs to get ready to serve, but she remembers that she left her navy-blue suit on the floor when she should have placed it inside the basket.
Telling herself that she will do it later, she makes her way down to the dining room.
Entering the dining room through a double set of black doors, Rebecca looks around. It looks beautiful. The dining room is the only room with carpet inside it.
She also wonders how dirty it would get with food dropping on it. She’s confused why Kenzo wouldn’t place tiles inside the room where he eats too. Plus, it’s cream.
The table is made out of white marble and looks heavy as if it would be a struggle to pick up. Thirty seats surround it, all of them black leather.
The far divider has a floor-to-ceiling fish tank loaded with exotic fish, and a black light fixture sits in the focal point of the room above the table. It’s sparkling like a diamond.
An image of a city travels from one side of the wall to the other, and a wooden unit in black sits at the same length as the image.