Mandie Steyl
“Okay, spill... Dracula?” I could hardly breathe with all the laughing. Sure, he was scary and looked like he might bite, but was that his actual nickname?
“Yup, he’s kind of the mysterious playboy around here but got his name from sucking the fun out of everything,” she said in an extra loud voice, glancing behind me with a wicked grin.
“I heard that,” a deep sexy voice growled behind me. I turned to look at Draque, popping my hip to the side and resting one hand on there.
I rolled my eyes at him and saw a slight smirk cross his beautiful lips... They looked so soft and I wondered what they would feel like kissing me all over.
“Take a picture, sweetness. It will last longer,” he said in a cocky tone, snapping me out of my dirty thoughts. I couldn’t believe I just thought about his lips kissing my—never mind.
I cleared my throat and blushed bright red at the full-on smirk on his face. I couldn’t let him get away with that. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.
“Not my type,” I said, gesturing to his whole body. I heard his gang chuckle again and winked at his friend.
Fire flashed in his eyes, his scowl returning and his jaw clenching again as he looked me over.
“Draque, baby! There you are!”
His scowl hardened as he turned and walked away from us, followed closely by his friends and the two bimbo barbies, leaving me and Mona laughing again.
“No girl has ever said no to the one and only Dracula,” she said with a mocking male voice, making us both laugh harder on our way to class.
I didn’t have any classes with her that day. It was a bummer, but it did help me focus. Before I knew it, the lunch bell rang. I was famished.
“Skye!” Evan called out to me when I walked to the cafeteria. He gave me a huge toothy smile when I stopped and waited for him.
“Hi, Evan, how are you?” I asked him when he was close enough. His smile grew bigger, and he pulled me in for a tight hug. I bit my lip to hide the pain, but my body froze and he noticed it.
Taking a step back and rubbing his neck, he apologized for the hug and blushed bright red.
“Don’t ever apologize for being you, I just wasn’t expecting it.” I smiled and he gave me a big grin in return, but his eyes grew huge at something behind me.
Evan was a huge guy. Not as muscular as Draque, but still big. He was over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and chest going down to a slim but muscular waist.
He looked like the average popular jock that could have any girl he wanted with his blond hair and baby-blue eyes.
I turned to see a scowling Draque staring daggers at Evan. Does this guy have any other facial expressions other than scowling and smirking?
“Come on, babe,” I said, hooking my arm into Evan’s and dragging him to the cafeteria, laughing at myself. As we waited for our food, Evan relaxed a bit and told me about himself.
He had two older brothers, and parents that fought all the time. He loved football, and judging by his build, I knew he was a true jock, that tighter-than-necessary shirt left little to the imagination.
He didn’t want to continue with football after school, though. He wanted to take over the family business, but since he was the youngest, he had to work extra hard to prove himself.
We grabbed our food and went to see the others. I noticed Elsie and Nathan stealing sly glances at one another and sharing shy smiles.
“You gonna join us for the party Saturday?” Liza asked me.
Mona bobbed her head up and down at me and the others were also chirping out things like “Yesss, girl!” and “Join us! It will be fun!”
I had to say yes.
“Great, you can stay in one of our rooms,” Nathan said with a smile. I looked quizzically at the smiling Liza to Nathan and back to Mona, waiting for a better answer.
“The party is at the Beldivierre mansion,” Elsie chimed in from the side. I still had no idea what that was, so I just agreed and hoped for the best.
It was time to start living my life. My first official party! Who was I to turn down the opportunity to go to a mansion?
“We got the whole gang in, now we just need to go shopping!” Mona exclaimed, clapping her hands.
We enjoyed our lunch, joking and making plans for a shopping trip early Saturday. Then everyone could get ready at Nathan’s place before we go to the party.
The bell rang and everyone took off for the last three classes of the day. The first two went by fast, but when the bell rang for the final class, I was dreading the gym for the first time in my life.
I dragged my feet to the changing rooms and put on my long yoga pants, a sports bra, and a loose T-shirt with my running shoes.
“Fitness course, ladies!” the teacher yelled from the door. Everyone moaned, but I just laughed.
I loved the gym. It was the best way for me to release all my stress while getting good grades along the way.
I followed everyone to the football field and checked out the course.
Two laps around, push-ups, sit-ups, weight ball toss, lunges, burpees, and battle ropes. Then two laps around again.
I was ready to bail before I heard laughter next to me. The Three Amigos were staring at me with grinning faces. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the field.
“Ready to die?” one of them taunted from behind me. I looked back at them and smiled.
“Bring it on, bitches.” I turned back and jogged the steps down to the field. They laughed as they followed me.
We were only four girls with twelve guys ready to take on the field. The others had already chickened out before we started. The whistle sounded, and we were off.
After two laps, my leg was killing me. My other injuries weren’t so bad, but the sweating wasn’t helping my back. I finished with the push-ups but struggled with the sit-ups.
My back was stretching too much and I could feel the gashes opening up again. I felt a trickle and hoped it was only sweat.
I moved on to the weight ball toss and almost died. My lungs were burning, and my arms were officially dead.
I attempted some lunges but struggled with the one leg, and the teacher agreed to skip me over just for today. I finished the burpees and battle ropes in record time.
I was starting to feel nauseous and bone-tired by the time the battle ropes were done. My body ached more than this morning and my back burned from the sweat over my gashes.
Heaving and nearly dead, I went on to finish my two rounds when I heard Mr. Flirt at my side.
“Skye, you don’t look so good,” he said. I could see the worry in his eyes and chose to just ignore it and push myself harder. He kept up his pace, not even breaking a sweat.
“Don’t worry about me!” I said through pants and gasps. I closed my eyes to keep the nausea at bay, but it only made it worse.
I got light-headed and felt strong arms around my body helping me sit down before I passed out. I looked up into two sets of worried eyes and one set of furious eyes.
“Thank you,” I said, out of breath and barely focused. The pain in my body was too much. I just wanted my bed. I sat for a while, watching them watch me, not a word from anyone.
I got up with Mr. Flirt’s help and thanked them again before I went to the changing rooms to get my stuff and go home. I knew Dad was away, so I didn’t have to rush.
I got my stuff and headed for the main exit only to see Draque and the Three Amigos waiting outside for me.