Solid Stone Series - Book cover

Solid Stone Series

E.G. Patrick

Chapter 3

“I’ll be on my way in five minutes.”

My phone was tucked between my ear and shoulder as I finished getting ready for Sunday brunch with Ann.

“I’ll see you there. Bye,” she said.

“Okay, bye.”

I was still excited about seeing Adam Stone at the closing this week. Work has been a distraction during the day, but evenings and weekends have been long and drawn out lately.

The vision of him leaning against the wall was hard to forget. I could only imagine what his muscles must feel like under his shirt.

I applied a little lip gloss before putting on my blue sweater. With my purse over my shoulder, I headed out the door.

I was meeting Ann at a hotel restaurant in Yorkville, an upscale part of town. I window-shopped along the way: Prada, Chanel, and Tiffany—they were all here.

Ann and I arrived at the hotel at the same time, and we sat near a window. The tables were all set with crisp white linen.

“This place makes me want to have a mimosa,” I said. Ann nodded. We downed them quickly and ordered two more along with our brunch. “How’s your weekend been?”

“Ted and I watched movies Friday night and inhaled three bags of popcorn. We were more civilized last night and had dinner at Spiga.” She grinned. “What about you?”

“Ah, low key. Cleaning, reading, and a few calls with my dad. I did get an invite to the opening of that museum exhibit, the French Royals. Paul, me, and two other lawyers from work are going. You know I like old things.”

I haven’t talked about Mr. Stone since I first saw him in March. Just as I was about to say something, Ann sat up straight in her chair. There was someone behind me, I could feel it.

I turned, and it was him. He looked fabulously hot and had both of his hands resting on the back of my chair, as if we knew each other.

He was looking straight down at me. “Violet, what a surprise.”

“Oh, hello, Mr. Stone.” I quickly introduced Ann, and he leaned over to shake her hand. I quietly gasped when I felt his crotch press against the back of my arm.

I turned around in my chair to get a better look at him. My eyes moved upward after admiring what I imagined was a sexy, muscular abdomen under his shirt.

“I don’t want to interrupt. I’m having brunch here myself.” He turned and waved to a tall blonde coming into the restaurant. She was so attractive that other people in the restaurant were looking at her too.

I stiffened as the woman walked over, leaning into him. He seemed annoyed but caught himself as he introduced her.

“Violet, Ann, this is my friend Lina. She’s visiting over the weekend.” He looked down at me. “She’s leaving tonight for a marketing job in Spain.”

I stood to shake Lina’s hand, forcing her to peel herself off of him. “Hi Lina, it’s nice to meet you. Spain sounds exciting.”

She gave me a lame handshake and said, “Likewise. It will be, although I’ll miss a few things here.” She looked at Mr. Stone.

Right then, our brunch arrived. Before they left, Mr. Stone put his hand over mine, which was resting on the back of my chair.

He looked only at me. “I’ll see you at the opening then?”

I swallowed before I answered, “I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me too.” He nodded goodbye to Ann, and we watched them walk away. When Lina tried to hold his hand, he pulled it away, putting it in his pocket instead.

Ann was gaping at me and didn’t know what to say for a change. Finally, she said, “Okay, so what’s going on with you and him? Is that the lawyer?”

I nodded twice.

“He’s easy on the eyes. How did you go from zero guys to him? Come on, spill. You like him, don’t you?”

I told her about our first run-in at the revolving door. “The museum invite is from his firm.”

“Yeah, right. It’s from him, more likely. And then he dropped you off at the deli? So nothing’s really happened since then?”

“Nope, nothing other than me thinking about him. It’s driving me nuts. It’s so frustrating to look at that blonde, and she’s a knockout. I knew he’d be dating women like that.”

“I wouldn’t worry about her. Did you see the way he was looking at you?”

“Not really,” I pretended. I knew she was going to make a big deal out of this.

Ann scoffed. “Believe me. There’s a spark. Even I could feel it just now.” She wasn’t letting up. “So tell me about this museum thing?”

“Relax. It wasn’t just me invited. He invited Paul and two other lawyers on the merger too. His firm’s a sponsor, and that’s all.”

She jumped right back in. “Maybe he’ll ask you out.”

I lowered my voice. “I wish I had an ounce of your enthusiasm, but I don’t.”

“I know you like him.”

“I suppose.”

I appreciated her good intentions but struggled to imagine myself with someone like him.

I was behind the eight ball when it came to relationships, so watching him with a woman like Lina made me think he had lots of experience.

Still, I confessed to Ann, “I am looking forward to seeing him again.”

Ann had that knowing look of hers. “I know I’m right. You’ll see.” She laughed.

I had to love her. “I do appreciate your enthusiasm. Cheers.” I raised my champagne glass.

She tilted hers against mine. “When opportunity knocks…I’m just saying.”

“Yeah, yeah.” We both laughed.

“I’ve got the perfect dress you can borrow, and you should get your hair done with my hairdresser. She’s amazing.”

“Thanks. I haven’t even thought about that.”

Ann took a forkful of her lemon ricotta hotcakes, and I could tell she had more to say.

“Vee, it’s not surprising that he likes you. You’re pretty, kind-hearted, and really smart. But at the end of the day, it’s your decision. That never changes, ever.”

“I know…and Carl, he’s not worth…” I paused. “I just need to get out more. You’re right.”

“Carl’s a fucking prick, but that’s another story.”

I nodded, and Ann brought up her family’s cottage. She wanted our university gang to spend a weekend up there in July.

“That’ll be something to look forward to,” I said.

When we finished and asked for the bill, the waiter told us it was taken care of. Ann shook her head. “Do you see what I mean?”

She had a point, and I nodded. We collected our things, and to be polite, walked over to Mr. Stone’s table. Ann’s beside me, smiling from ear to ear.

“Sorry to interrupt, but thanks for brunch. You didn’t have to do that,” I said to Mr. Stone.

He smiled. “It was nice running into you. Enjoy the rest of your day.” Lina gave us a sweet smile.

It has turned into a warmer day than it started. We strolled in and out of the stores along the block. After walking around for a couple of hours, we decided to call it a day.

I walked home, hoping it would clear my head. Adam Stone had been running through it incessantly.

I took in a deep breath, relishing in the smell of the new season air, and mulled over the possibility of skipping the opening altogether. And then I realized it would be the last time I saw him.


At home in my sweats and a T-shirt, I read a blog post on the exhibit:

“The French Royals, a five-city North American exhibition that I saw in Washington, is a collection of paintings, haute couture of the era, precious jewels, and other glimpses of the life of French royalty and court life.

“It’s eye-catching and opulent, and I must admit, some of the depictions are risqué but tasteful. One piece that comes to mind is a tapestry in silhouette form of a couple embarking on the journey of love-making.

“It’s clear they’re ‘joined at the hip’ (smile); the woman has full rounded breasts and curvy hips, and the man lying behind caresses her body.

“The wealth and glory of these items are breathtaking and show the lifestyle of the wealthy and famous of the time.

“I overheard the curator say they had to enlarge a doorway as one of the pieces was too big to go through the delivery doors. Maybe you can figure out which piece it was when you walk through the exhibit yourself.

“This is definitely worth seeing, don’t miss it!”

I checked my office email and did some work. My mind wandered. I thought his eyes were trying to read mine. Maybe he was trying to figure out what I thought of him?

I moved my thoughts back to things I could control. It was almost 9:30—an early night wouldn’t hurt.

In bed, my thoughts went to them.


I’m sitting in my room looking through one of my jewelry boxes. It overflows with precious gems in blue, red, and green. There’s a knock, and my servant opens the door, letting in one of the prince’s female servants.

“Mistress, the prince wishes you to join him for dinner.”

I smile, nodding my head. “Give me five minutes to dress.”

“The prince requests you dress in your usual manner.”

My smile widens as my servant swiftly brings me a sheer flowing robe in rich burgundy.

Inside his suite, I lower myself to my knees and wait. It’s not long before he helps me up and warmly greets me. “Gia, you look beautiful in this color.”

He takes my hand, kissing it before we walk to a large table set for two. While I sit next to him, two female servants pour honey wine into our cups.

“Gia,” he touches my cheek, “I want you to speak freely tonight.”

“I am honored.”

“Please, Gia, look at me. Let’s have no formalities between us. Call me Darius—I like it when you say my name.” He lifts my chin upward to look at him. I know he has strong feelings for me, as I do for him.

“Darius.” I like saying his name. “How was your day?” His dark blue eyes stand out against his head of dark hair.

He smiles. “I attended to some importing business and sat with the council to discuss taxes for next year.”

“You’ve had a busy day. I hope I can help you relax this evening.”

“Oh, Gia, I do adore you. You always make me feel wanted and that you truly enjoy my company.”

“I do enjoy your company. Honestly, it’s true.”

“You know how much you mean to me. Everyone knows you are my favorite. I spend as many nights with you as possible.”

“Darius, you keep flattering me. I am your willing servant and will do whatever you ask if it pleases you. My feelings for you are deep. I hope you know that.”

“You are bright, loyal, and beautiful. Just some of the reasons I can’t get enough of you. I am glad I found you, and you found me.”

He kisses my hand before waving for the food to be served. The servants bring a platter of food with grilled lamb, chicken, and vegetables. I serve him first, offering him a bit of everything.

We eat in silence for a few moments until I break it. “I must thank you for all the lovely jewelry you’ve given me over the years. Today I was looking through only one box of so many and was reminded of your generosity.”

“You deserve every piece and will have many more boxes to fill. Would you like some more honey wine?”

“Yes, please.” He pours me a cup himself, and I feel very special.

After eating, we move over to a covered seating area on the balcony with plush satin cushions. The moonlight cascades beautiful light above us, befitting an evening with the prince.

He claps his hands, and the beat of a drum and musical instruments emanate from behind a hidden wall. Three beautiful belly dancers appear with full breasts and rounded hips, not unlike my own.

Each wears a transparent top with exposed midriffs and silver belts with bells around their waists. Their pantaloons have slits exposing very shapely legs.

The three move to the beat of the music and extend their arms in the prince’s direction. He watches, amused as his arm slides around my waist, his hand finding one of my nipples.

The combination of wine and music frees me from inhibitions, and I watch the dancing women as their hips sway from side to side, their bellies moving in controlled motions.

Each has a uniquely erotic look—a blonde with stunning hazel eyes and two raven-haired beauties with luscious lips.

It’s not long before he pushes me down on the cushions and kisses me. Now and then, I catch a glimpse of one of the dancing women. His kisses are intoxicating, and I can taste the remnants of the honey wine on his tongue.

My hips grind against his thigh, and he kisses me harder, undoing my robe. It falls to the side, exposing my full breasts and two very erect nipples. His lips find one of them, and using his tongue, he teases it until I moan.

Taking my hand, he moves it to his erection. It glides up and down his shaft. And then, he lifts me by my hips on top of him, positioning me facing forward.

My robe floats to the floor as he says, “Watch the women dance while I am inside of you. I want all of your senses to be alert.”

The blonde woman makes eye contact with me and winks. My eyes follow her for a while as I ride up and down over him, keeping in time with the music. He grips my hips and guides me—first slowly, then more quickly.

Then he pulls me down hard, burying himself completely. We rock back and forth, keeping time with the drum beats. Our breathing is heavier as we get closer to ecstasy.

My eyes scan the beautiful women until I fling my head back, now lost in passion.

“Gia, ohhh…,” he cries out.

The prince gives three more hard thrusts, and I let go. “Oh, Darius…,” I say, locking eyes with the dancing girl. The music sounds louder, and the drum beats faster as I collapse across his legs.


With my eyes closed tight, I imagined the dancing girl’s eyes, and now free of any tension, I fell into a restful sleep.

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