The Cursed Mate - Book cover

The Cursed Mate

Kelsie Tate

Chapter 3

Elena woke to the sound of banging. She groaned, her neck stiff from sleeping against a rock. She looked up to see the colony staring at the giant iron door in fear.

Someone was outside. Someone she knew was going to kill them. Some might get lucky and escape, only to end up as slaves which was worse.

She stopped as she listened to the man outside yell.

“Humans. Your council cannot protect you! Come out and we may be able to negotiate a treaty. Refuse and we will tear this mountain down to rubble!”

The people all gasped, fearful of what would happen. Her father stepped forward and stood close to the door. “Step back. I will come out to negotiate as long as you swear not to harm our people.”

“You have my word,” the man spoke through the door.

The large iron door groaned as it opened just enough to allow John to pass through before being closed and boarded again.


An hour later, her father returned with a look of defeat and exhaustion written on his face.

“We have an agreement!” He spoke loudly and with authority.

“The wolves will leave us alone if we promise to give them payment. It is a hard but fair truce, and once our payment is made we will leave and find another place to hide so that they can never find us again!

“They have left for now. Go out, gather your things, and prepare your families.”

Elena approached her father as the crowd began to emerge from the stronghold.

“Father, what—”

“Do not worry about such matters,” he muttered. He began to walk away before turning to her. “I would tell you to gather your things but I believe they are already packed.”

She let out a jagged breath, wishing she had just kept running and taken her chances. But she had been taken by surprise when she saw them. She had only heard stories about them.

Last night, she saw a shifter up close. If it wasn’t so terrifying she might even say they were beautiful.

She walked out of the bunker and to her house, gathering the rest of her things she had opted to leave behind.

As she walked out of the house she was startled by a scream, followed by another, then another. Her head shot up, searching for the source with wide eyes, her heart pounding in her chest.

“They must be attacking again,” she whispered to herself in a panic.

Suddenly she was ripped to the side, her arms held tightly as she was dragged toward the south boundary. She kicked and screamed, yelling to be released.

Once they reached the boundary the man let go, dropping her to the ground. She looked around, noticing the other girls kneeling on the ground beside her with tears streaming down their cheeks.

“What is going on?” She hollered, standing up from the ground with fury. “When my father hears about this he—”


Elena turned at the sound of her father’s voice. She scrambled to her feet, the snow clinging to her clothes as she grabbed her father’s arm. “Father, what... what is happening?”

They all turned toward the edge of town as a large van pulled up.

A tall, muscular man stepped out and greeted her father before opening the back.

Another large man stepped out and quickly grabbed Elena by the arm firmly, ignoring her struggles and screams as he threw her into the back of the van.

Each girl fought and cried as they were grabbed and shoved into the back of the van, the doors slamming behind them.

Elena looked out the back window, glaring at her father as they drove away.

“Where are they taking us?” One girl sobbed.

“Don’t you get it?” Elena yelled. “We are the payment. The colony traded us to save their own skins.”

“No... they wouldn’t do that...” another girl cried.

“Then why are we in the back of some shifter’s creepy van leaving our home? We are slaves now!” Elena boomed, earning a loud banging from the inside of the cab, informing them to keep it down.

The girls all whimpered, trying to muffle their cries as they were taken down the bumpy mountain trails and further from their home.

After an hour of being tossed around the back of the van on mountain trails not made for a vehicle, the ride smoothed out and Elena could tell they were on a real road now headed to their new lives.


Hours later, the van finally came to a stop. Each girl froze as they listened to voices outside speaking in hushed tones. They gasped as the doors flew open, revealing several giant men.

“Get out,” one of the men said darkly as he held the door open.

The girls all filed out, standing in a group just outside the van. The men stood firmly, staring at them in silence. They all straightened when a woman walked into the large garage.

She was tall and thin, her body tan and lean. She was in amazing shape and her long black hair was tied back in a french braid that swooped over her shoulder. Her boots tapped on the floor as she walked forward.

“Hello, my name is Garcia. I am the head of guard here. Follow me.”

She turned and began walking toward the door she had come through. She turned with an annoyed look, stopping just before the door. “I will not repeat myself.”

The girls all jolted forward nervously, worried about where they were being taken and what was going to happen to them. They followed the woman down a long corridor. Elena looked around, glimpsing each door as they passed.

“This is White Dawn Pack,” Garcia began as she continued to lead them down the corridor. “You humans have someone in charge, correct? A mayor or president or boss, something?”

“Yes,” Elena said softly.

“In each pack there is a pecking order, starting with the alpha at the very top. You will learn very quickly that you do not ever disobey the alpha, or you will be punished. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” the girls all said quietly.

“You will be expected to perform your duties without question or complaint. You will be expected to learn the order of power and respect it. You will learn to keep your head down.”

She spoke firmly, finally stopping at one of the doors. She turned around to face them and paused. She opened the door, revealing a room filled with bunks and a small bathroom.

“This is your living quarters. Your supervisor will be here in the morning to show you your duties. Welcome to White Dawn.” She gave them a tight smile before closing the door and leaving them alone.

Elena stepped forward, determined to find her way out. As she did, she heard the distinct click of the lock. They were stuck; there was no way out. She let out a grumble and sat on a bed.

“Are we... are we slaves?” one girl stammered as she tried to hold back tears.

“Of course we’re slaves! What else would we be here for?”

“What if... what if they brought us here to… you know...”

Elena rolled her eyes as she listened to the girls whimper. “They aren’t going to do anything to us. We are the lesser species. They wouldn’t dare take the risk of accidentally breeding with us and sully their pure lines. We are here to be slaves. End of story. The rest of our lives will be in servitude to these monsters.”

“I don’t understand... why would they sell us to—”

“Why does it matter? We’re here now. It’s the end of it,” Elena shouted before rolling over in her bed. “We will never be free...” she whispered, a tear finally escaping and rolling down her cheek.

That night there was little sleep as each girl took turns crying. The night was long between the loud sobs and the cold radiating off the cinderblock walls.

Elena lay in her bed. The pitch black of the room was consuming.

“I almost made it out...” she whispered before sleep finally claimed her.

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