Billionaire's Masquerade - Book cover

Billionaire's Masquerade

C. Qualls

Chapter 3


I only see Matt in passing for the rest of the week. Grace and Ronald join me for lunch, and I’ve met a few more people, including Marcus, the top floor receptionist.

“You again? You know, before, the interns would rotate setting up the conference rooms. Why is it always you?” he comments as I step out of the elevator.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m just that good at my job.”

He cracks a smile and we become fast friends.

“Honestly, though, Grace is helping today. We have the big conference room to set up.”

He gets thoughtful for a moment. “Is she the one with the dark hair and fake tan?”

I bite my lips at his description.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I don’t think she’s going to last. She’s completely incompetent.”

I shake my head. “I’m not one to talk trash. She’s nice enough and does her share. That’s all that I care about.”

Marcus nods. “You’re too nice. Get back to work before Gilman fires your ass.”

I chuckle and get to the door that leads to the break room. “He has no reason to fire me, and I don’t plan on giving him one.”

Grace isn’t completely incompetent, but her true colors are starting to show; she’s an idiot. An absolute airhead. I have to explain things multiple times with her, and she still doesn’t follow procedure without a list.

It’s been two weeks—come on. At least we have a list for the meetings for her to follow. They’re usually the same with a few minor changes here or there.

I load my cart and quickly set up the conference room. All of the floor managers are meeting with Mr. Gilman. We have to prepare the room for almost thirty people. No sweat. Last two tasks: coffee for Mr. Gilman and printouts for the meeting.

“Go ahead and get the coffee. I’ll get the printouts,” I tell Grace.

Her smile spreads across her face. “Maybe I’ll run into hot elevator guy.”

I internally roll my eyes. “Yeah, maybe.”

I have the printouts in a pile at the end of the table when she comes back. She sets the cup down and starts talking about how rude the top-floor receptionist is.

I smile to myself as I organize the chairs. “Can you set the printouts at every chair, please.” I grab a box of pens and the door opens.

Matt walks in and unbuttons his jacket. “Ladies.”

Not wanting to miss her chance with him, Grace dramatically flicks her hair, knocking over the coffee in the process. The hot liquid pours all over the stack of papers and across the table.

Matt cocks a brow, but I can’t focus on him right now. I rush for the napkins to control the spread, but the damage is done and all thirty packets are soaked in coffee. I slide everything into the large trash can from the hallway.

She apologizes profusely to Matt while I get to the supply closet. I find the proper cords and hook up a laptop for a slide show. I’m improvising, but I don’t have time to print up more copies as people are trickling in.

Matt gives me a nod as Mr. Gilman sits beside him. He pulls up the presentation, and I pull Grace out the door with me.

“This is a disaster,” she whines as we wash our hands.

“It will be all right. I’m going to make copies again so they all have the documents they need.”

I dry my hands and get to my desk. The copies are finished, and I rush them up to the conference room. The door is open so I slip inside and hand out the papers as quietly as possible so as not to disturb Matt’s presentation.

“Carly is handing out the documents. Make sure you scan each and every one of them once they’re filled out. They are to be returned to HR by the end of the day.”

I hand out the last packet.

“Thank you, Carly.”

I nod to Matt, then leave the room and let out a breath of relief.

That could’ve been a disaster, but, in the end, everything worked out. I’m so relieved when I get to my desk and read a chat from Mr. Gilman.

Mr. GilmanGood job today. Your quick thinking and attention to detail smoothed everything over. Although I did miss out on my coffee, I’m pleased with your work.
CarlyThank you, Sir. You honor me with such praise. I apologize about your coffee.
Mr. GilmanDon’t worry about it. I need to cut back on it anyway. ☺️ ☕

I smile at his praise and his down-to-earth attitude. Catharine calls Grace into her office for a reprimand, and Ronald is oblivious to the world around him. I get busy, and before I know it, it’s lunchtime.

Grace plops into her seat beside me and shuffles her salad around her plate. “One more strike and I’m out.”

I can’t say that I blame them for giving her a reprimand, but it was an accident.

“Just be more careful. It all worked out. They had their meeting and got the paperwork. No big deal.”

She’s not convinced and spends the rest of the day wallowing.


Taylor pats my thigh after I tell her everything that happened. “Getting praise from the head honcho. That’s my girl.”

I laugh and leave her to take a long hot bath.


Taylor and I spend Saturday at the department store. We found a few dresses online that were absolutely stunning. We narrowed down our choices; now I’m trying them on to find the perfect one.

I step out of the changing room in a silver strapless mermaid dress.

Taylor puckers her lips, then shakes her head. “It clashes with your hair.”

I try on a blue Cinderella-inspired dress. This time I give her a face.

She shakes her head. “It’s too much Cinderella. I’m not about to find you a pumpkin carriage.”

I laugh, then try on my favorite from the website. It was modeled by a brunette, so I hope it doesn’t look bad with my blonde hair.

Taylor’s mouth drops open, then morphs into a shit-eating grin. “It’s perfect. Oh, baby, you look beautiful.”

“Taylor, I’m twenty-three. Not a baby.”

She rolls her eyes.

I step in front of the three mirrors and look at myself from all sides. It fits perfectly, as if it were made just for me.

“I think we should lay out and soak up some sun tomorrow. It would look better with a healthy, glowing tan,” Taylor says.

I agree and we buy the most stunning gown ever. It’s a champagne-colored, floor-length tulle gown with a sweetheart neckline and cream beading on the bodice. We find a mask that perfectly matches the gown.

“Perfect, now for the shoes and accessories.”

The gown was only $200, so there’s plenty left.

“So, do you have any idea who gave you the envelope?” Taylor asks as she looks through necklaces.

I hold a pair of diamond earrings to my ear. “I have no idea. I thought it might have been Matt, but he hasn’t made a single comment about it. He was disappointed when I told him I wasn’t going.

“Catharine was glad that I got the envelope, but I doubt it was her. Ronald asked if I would go with him, but I told him I wasn’t going. Plus, he’s an intern too. Grace was overly excited, and I think she comes from money.”

“Not diamond. Find something that matches the beads. Whoever it was must really like you to spend this much.”

She hands me a beaded necklace that’s dainty enough for my tastes. It’s perfect and we find matching earrings and hair clips.

There is still $150 left on the card, so I decide to give it to Taylor. Of course, she refuses, so I save it for later. Maybe I’ll still have a job once the holiday party rolls around.

Sunday we lie out and relax by the community pool. I make sure to remove my strings so I don’t get a tan line.

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