Beloved Runt - Book cover

Beloved Runt

M.J. Watts

3: Chapter 3


I stared at the door that had just closed. The longer I stayed here, the more concerned I became. There were just too many coincidences not to be worried about.

First, I had been successfully wrangled around in the forest by a bunch of wolves who were way too organized for a group of country folk.

Yes, they had a home-field advantage when it came to knowing the area, but that did not fully explain their tactical skills and knowledge. Why would a remote pack need to be so well defended?

Then, upon my arrival, I had been led to a freshly prepared room immediately, even though I had given no notice.

I could still smell the cleaner and fresh linens as I walked through the door. I doubted cleaning unused guest rooms was a daily, or even weekly, occurrence.

Now, I had a pile of freshly washed clothes that were big enough for my size, which was immense. Even in the capital, it was a struggle to find clothes that fit me. Almost everything I wore had to be custom made.

The wolves were larger here, but their human forms were not. Unless they had a giant walking around, I didn’t know why they would have clothes in my size.

And then, there was that girl. She was strange, and not just in her physical appearance. The poor girl walked with a limp. It wasn’t that noticeable when she came in but very obvious when she rushed out.

She was very small for a wolf. Most likely a runt. Her skin was porcelain pale and she had long curly black hair.

I was worried for her though. She tried to hide it, but I couldn’t help but notice the three distinctive scars on the right side of her face that ran from her brow to her cheek, barely missing her eye.

She tried to cover it with her hair but even then, I could see it. Claw marks.

She was a nervous little thing. I swore I could see her shaking where she stood. But at least she was honest.

Everything that came out of her mouth was the truth. She really didn’t know I was in the guest room. Her surprise and demeanor were all honest. Still, I was worried for her.

Runts were naturally shy, but the scar and the limp along with her behavior suggested she had been through some trauma. I would need to make sure they were treating her right. Abuse is not tolerated, especially of those who were weaker.

Before I got caught up with any other mysteries, I needed to check in with my nephew. He would be anxious about my arrival.

I sat in the middle of the bed with my legs folded under me. Thanks to our affinity, I was still able to mind-link the Royal pack, but it would take a lot of concentration to make it work over the long distance.

I closed my eyes and focused on my breath, reaching out to my nephew. It took a few moments before the connection was made.

Your Majesty…

…Lord Edmon. Uncle. I was starting to get worried. I haven’t heard from you in a while. Did you find the pack?

Yes, Your Majesty. I made it.

And what is your first impression of it?

I struggled to find the right words. “The pack is…unusual.

Unusual? Is there a problem?

Not sure yet, Your Majesty. I’m still putting the pieces together. There have just been a lot of strange coincidences.

Like what?

When I entered their territory, I found the pack to be well organized.

That doesn’t seem like a problem.

They were able to herd me into a ravine, trapping me from running. It was deliberate and calculated.

That is strange… Are they planning anything?

Still not sure. Also, when I arrived, they claim to have not known I was coming, yet they had a room freshly cleaned and ready for me upon my arrival. I could smell the wood polish as I came in and the linens were fresh.

I could feel my nephew’s thoughts churning through the link as he mulled over the information. He knew something was off, as I did.

Maybe you should leave, Uncle, and return with a few warriors later.

My nephew always erred on the side of caution. It’s what made him a good leader.

I’ll be fine. If I think there’s a threat, I’ll bolt, but now that I’m here, I want to know if they’re up to anything before they have a chance to hide it.

Be careful, Uncle. Your life isn’t worth a few extra facts. Was there anything else of note?

I was about to speak of the girl but paused before I sent the information. I was concerned for her, but it wasn’t enough to burden my nephew with it.

No, that is it for now. I’ll meet with the alpha and then report back.

Very well. Take care, Uncle. Thank you.

With that, the connection was closed. I climbed off the bed and opened the door to enter the hallway, only to be stopped by the alpha’s son, Dalton. Dalton’s face was serious, but not as stern as it was in the forest.

“Forgive me, sir,” he stated with a bow of his head. “I wanted to apologize for what happened upon your arrival” Lie. “I didn’t know you were a royal visitor.” ~Truth.~ “Had I, I would have given you a warmer welcome.” ~Lie.~

The boy was apologizing but he was not sincere in his words. More likely, his father put him up to it. Still, it was better not to seem suspicious.

“No worries, lad. You were just doing your duty protecting the pack, and you were doing a fine job of it, if I may say so.”

“Thank you, sir. If you would follow me to the great hall, there has been some stew prepared if you are hungry. My father said he would meet you there.”

I gestured for Dalton to lead the way and followed him down the hall, and then down the stairs.

I felt as my feet pounded down the hallway that they were growing cold on the wood floor. The girl was able to find some decent clothes, but shoes were another matter.

Dalton led me to a great room with a large table, probably used for pack gatherings as such. At one end sat Langston and his other son, Edwin. They both stood upon my arrival.

“Lord Edmon. Welcome to the Ever Green pack. Please have a seat.” I sat down on Langston’s right. His son, Dalton, sat across from me and his other son Edwin sat to my left.

At my setting was a bowl of steaming hot stew and a few slices of bread next to it. I took a small scoop of the stew to test it.

What it lacked in presentation, it more than made up for in flavor. It was exquisite. Just the thing to warm me up.

We all sat in silence as we ate. When we were almost finished, the alpha turned to address me.

“So, Lord Edmon. What do you wish to see while you are here?” Right to the point he was; no small talk, just business. I liked that. I started to list the usual items.

“Well, I would like to look over your account books just to make sure everything is in order, and of course, your pack roster. Also, I wouldn’t mind seeing your warriors train.” The alpha nodded his head as I spoke.

“Dalton can show you our records for everything. Other than pack registries and such, there isn’t much to see.” Truth.

“Being so remote, we must be self-sufficient. We mostly grow and store our own food, and most of our electricity is from solar panels.” All true.

This was impressive. I hadn’t expected the pack to be so modern in its resources. Maybe there was nothing nefarious going on after all.

“I’m excited to see what you’ve done. So far it sounds very impressive.” The alpha preened at my praise.

“We are a modest lot, but we try to do the best we can,” the eldest boy spoke up. “The warriors usually train in the morning before going for our duties. If you would like to watch us do our drills, I can show you our records afterward.”

“That would be most agreeable,” I replied. So far everything seemed to be normal. A rough start maybe, but other than that, normal.

“Oh, there is one more thing…,” I added. Alpha Langston turned to me with a smile. “I would like to see the women folk too.” I heard a clang as Dalton slammed his spoon on the table and stared at me in shock.

“Why would you need to see the women for?” he exclaimed accusingly. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he stared back in return.

“Dalton!” his father called, interrupting our stare-off. Dalton turned to his father before lowering his head in submission.

“You’ll have to forgive my son. He takes his duties protecting the pack very seriously. Especially when it comes to our more vulnerable members.” Truth.

I studied Dalton’s face, hiding the suspicion I held. I wondered if his duties included protecting the limping girl I had seen? The evidence suggested otherwise.

“But I’m sorry to ask my lord…why do you wish to see the women? You are not looking for a mate, are you?” said Langston.

“No.” I had a mate once. I did not need nor want another.

“I see… Well, forgive me, my lord, but the women…they are shy and protective of their young. If they understood the reason for meeting them, it would put their minds at ease.”

This alpha was smooth in his words. Someone with lesser knowledge might take his words for concern for his pack when, really, he was digging for information.

“The Crown wants to make sure a pack is sustainable on its own. A great deal of that is determined by the female population in a pack. Do you have a luna for your pack?” A dark shadow passed over Langston at the mention of a luna.

“My wife passed away a long time ago,’ he stated solemnly. Truth.

“My condolences,” I replied. Langston nodded his head. “And does your son have a mate?” I turned to look at Dalton.

“My mate is not found within my pack.” Truth. “And my duties have prevented me from journeying in search of her.” ~Lie.~

“Well, then, there lies the need. A luna is needed for a strong pack. Without one, the pack weakens, and over time it can fall apart. Unless you have someone filling that role?” I looked to them to answer the question.

The two exchanged a knowing look as they started an unspoken conversation through their link. After a moment, Langston turned back to me.

“We do not.” Lie. I narrowed my eyes upon hearing the answer. It took all my self-control not to growl at the pair. Not wanting to put them on their guard, I had to pretend I didn’t know.

“Well, without a luna, your pack could eventually deteriorate to the point where it collapses. This is not something the Crown wishes to happen.

“If I can establish that you have a strong female population, the Crown would have no need to interfere in the population management of your pack.”

“Interfere—how?” Dalton asks forcefully.

“In various ways. You and others could be forced to leave to find your mate. The Crown could also assign new members to your pack or, in extreme cases, dissolve the pack altogether…”

“Of course, this won’t be necessary if the Crown is assured you have a stable pack membership of both men and women.”

“Thank you, Lord Edmon, for your explanation,” Langston said calmly, “I shall see it done.”

“Thank you, Alpha Langston. I would appreciate it.”

“How long do you plan to stay with us, if I may be so bold to ask?”

“Are you trying to be rid of me, Langston?” I said, hiding my chuckle.

“Oh, no, my lord. I just know you are a busy man. I would hate to hold you from your other tasks. We are more than happy to host you for however long you plan to stay.” Lie.

“I just thought if you were here for an extended time, I could send for some better fitting clothes, although it seems you have been able to make do.”

In fact, I would kill for a well-fitted suit right now. I had left my usual travel belongings behind in exchange for easy travel.

I had originally thought that this was going to be a quick stop, maybe staying overnight, and then returning to civilization. Circumstances didn’t lead to such a result.

“As soon as my listed tasks are complete, I will be on my way. As you say, Alpha Langston, I am a busy man.”

“Then, I will call upon the women to arrive tomorrow afternoon. You could see them after looking over our records.”

“That is most efficient of you,” I responded with a sarcastic undertone. I knew what he was doing.

They were trying to get rid of me. For what reason I wasn’t quite sure, but I was going to try to find out before I was forced to leave for lack of a reason to stay.

“Well, with that, my sons and I will wish you a good night, Lord Edmon. Please do let us know if you need anything.” He was dismissing me. Langston stood up along with his sons. I stood up with them.

“Thank you for your services, Alpha Langston,” I walked out of the grand hallway back toward my guest room.

Dinner had made me more suspicious than I had been before. They were too willing to be helpful so that I could be on my merry way.

No one escorted me back down the hallways to my room, and I was grateful to use the silence to mentally analyze the information they had given me.

I was so frustrated with the conversation that I almost missed the shoebox that was left in front of my door. I looked at it suspiciously. The alpha wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and kill me, would he?

A folded note sat on top of the box. I grabbed it and opened it to see a neat set of handwriting.

To our guest

Our floors get cold at night. I will try to find you a properly sized pair of shoes. In the meantime, please use the enclosed items. Let us know if you are in need of anything else.


I smiled, remembering our earlier encounter. That girl was strange, but thoughtful.

I opened the shoebox to see a large pair of hand-knitted socks. They weren’t quite my size, but the knit had enough stretch that I could squeeze my feet in.

I went into the guest room carrying the box and its contents with me. Once inside, I sat on the bed and promptly put the socks on. My feet instantly began to warm inside them.

I would have to look more into this Artie tomorrow.

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