When Maeve Met Caleb - Book cover

When Maeve Met Caleb

S.M. Merrill

Chapter 3


I get home around four and dump my bags by the front door. Kicking off my fur-lined boots and stripping off my socks, I sigh as my toes curl in the plush rug in my living room.

It started to snow on my way home, and now I can sit with a cup of hot chocolate and curl up to read. In between classes, I was able to get a lot done, meaning I can relax until I need dinner.

It’s always weird when Liam goes out of town on business. The apartment is too quiet.

Several hours later, my stomach grumbles, and I look up to see it is past seven. No wonder I’m hungry. Getting up, I go into the kitchen and pull out one of my prepped dinners.

On Sundays, I prep lunches and dinners, which makes my life easier during the week. I pull out my chicken taco rice and pop it in the microwave.

My phone rings with an unknown number.


“Hi, is this Maeve McLaughlin?” a mature feminine voice asks.


“Hello, dear. I’m Rita, Penelope’s mom.”

“Oh hello!” I reply, quickly grabbing my planner.

“Penelope told me you were open to doing a jewelry party. Is that still true?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, pulling my meal out of the microwave.

“Wonderful! I was thinking we could have it the first weekend in February.

“This way I can invite a large group of people, and the husbands can shop for Valentine’s Day gifts,” she explains, and I stifle a giggle.

“That would be February 3, it looks like,” I say, flipping to February in my planner.

“Does that work for you?” she asks.

“Yes. I have a craft fair the weekend before and after February 3,” I reply.

“Perfect! I want to make it a cocktail party, so let’s set the start time at seven. How long do you need to set up, and how much space will you need?”

“I have two tables’ worth of materials. That is what I usually use for fairs, and I’ll need about an hour to set up.”

“Okay, I think you’ll fit in the living room. I’ll have the maids move the furniture. Thank you, dear. I’ll send you an email with all the details,” she says and hangs up.

I stare at my phone in shock. Maids? I had no clue Penelope’s family was so well off. My parents were struggling to help pay for my education.

That was why I started my jewelry business. This way they are only paying for tuition, and I make enough to pay my rent and buy food.

Sitting down to eat, I start planning what I need to do for the party in two weeks.

Once I’m done eating, I go over to my craft corner and start to make an amethyst necklace, earrings, and bracelet set.

Each one takes time to create, and soon I’m lost in my work, ignoring everything around me.


A few days later, I am just sitting down to get started on my homework when I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and look out the peephole.

Standing there is a man with gray eyes and brown hair. I open the door with the chain still hooked.


“Are you Liam McLaughlin’s girlfriend?” he asks.

“No, I’m his twin sister. Did something happen?” I ask, my stomach churning with worry.

“There was an accident, and your brother has been hurt.”

“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” I demand, and the man laughs.

“Liam said you’d say that.” He hands me his phone.

“Mae, I need you to come to the hospital I’m at. Bring me a change of clothes,” Liam tells me.

“What happened?” I demand.

“I’ll explain when you get here. Take your car and follow Sergeant Warden,” he instructs.

“Okay, give me ten minutes,” I tell the sergeant and close the door. I don’t care if Liam trusts him. No unknown man is going to enter my home.

I pack a bag of essentials for Liam and grab my purse along with my keys. I open the door and step out into the bitter cold, looking at the wildlife officer.

“I’ll follow you to the hospital,” I tell him. He nods, and I follow him out to the parking lot. He is driving a company truck, and I follow him out of town and to a deeply wooded area.

The thing about our town of Pine Ridge is that it is surrounded by thick forests. I’ve never traveled this deep in the woods; while Liam loves to be outside, I prefer to be inside.

I don’t hate the outdoors, but I like to be on the beach, not camping.

We pull up to a little hospital with only one floor. I park next to the ranger, and he motions for me to go inside. He doesn’t even get out of his car.

I’m put on edge by his lack of help and walk into the little hospital where I’m hit with the strong smell of disinfectant. My nose wrinkles at the harsh chemicals.

I’m greeted by a young lady with blue eyes and brown hair. “Hello.”

“Hi, I’m here for Liam McLaughlin,” I tell her.

“ID please,” she says, and I pull out my license. She makes a copy and hands it back.

“He is in room 105. Go down this hall and it will be on your left,” she tells me. I thank her and head down the hall. I pause at room 105 when I hear two voices.

“We won’t know until the next full moon.”

“Damn,” Liam groans. I knock on the door.

“Come,” I hear a deep male voice call. I step into the room and stop when I see the same guy I bumped into earlier this week. Then I notice Liam with his leg wrapped and elevated.

“What the hell happened?” I demand. His left arm is bandaged, and his face is badly bruised.

“Maeve, I need you to calm down. Caleb Gallagher here will help explain everything,” Liam tells me, and I turn to the man standing to my left.

“It is a long explanation, please sit,” he says, pointing to a chair. I sit down after placing Liam’s bag by his bed.

“As your brother said, I’m Caleb Gallagher. Have you ever heard of werewolves?”

“Like in Harry Potter?” I ask, and he glares at me.

“Not exactly, but yes. Well, they are real,” he tells me, and I laugh.

“You’re joking.”

“No, but real werewolves don’t need the full moon to shift. The full moon enhances our abilities, but we are not bound to it like the books make it seem.

“A rogue werewolf attacked your brother,” he tells me, and I take a better look at Liam.

I notice claw marks on his hands.

“How?” I ask, trying to stay calm. I’d just been told werewolves were real and one attacked my brother.

“The wolf was out of his mind. Sometimes the wolf takes over, and the man or woman can’t control it. Your brother was out in the woods with his group of rangers.

“From his explanation, they were trying to catch poachers. Well, this wolf saw him as a danger and attacked. It happened on my land, and my patrols were there to kill the rogue.

“We’d been hunting the rogue when he attacked your brother,” he tells me.

I’m captivated by his white-blond hair and bright blue eyes. There is something about him that pulls me to him.

“And this means?” I ask. His eyes catch mine and my heart speeds up.

“It is possible your brother could turn into a werewolf. He says the wolf never bit him, but with the amount of damage he sustained from the claws alone it could cause a problem,” he shares.

I stare at him. I’m in shock.

“How will you know?” I ask.

“On the next full moon. If your brother shifts then we know,” he says.

“That’s it? There’s no blood test you can run?”

“No. Our blood shows as normal when tested. It keeps us hidden from the world,” he tells me.

“Huh, that is handy protection. So we wait until the full moon, and if he shifts then what?” I look at Liam and see he is rather calm.

“Then he is welcome as part of my pack, and we will help him with the transition,” Caleb replies.

“Okay. When can Liam come home?”

“Not until after the full moon.”


“A werewolf’s first shift is painful and dangerous to humans. They are bloodthirsty and want to attack anything they see as weaker than them.”

“So he is a danger to me then?” I look over at Liam. He is taking the news better than I expected.

“Did you know about werewolves?” I ask him.

“The first day of my job, they explained about the two packs in the area. The Darkwoods Pack and the Sapphire Pack,” Liam answers.

“Which pack are you?” I ask Caleb, although with his eyes I have a good idea.

“Sapphire Pack,” he replies, and I nod.

“So what happens now?”

“Liam will stay here until he heals and then move into the pack house. If we make it to the full moon and he isn’t a werewolf, he can return to your home. If he is, then he moves into the pack house.

“It won’t change his life; he can still have a job and a life. I will require him to live on pack territory as part of our pack.”

“Oh,” I reply and think about the fact that I can’t afford our two-bedroom apartment on my own.

“Don’t worry, Mae. I will be fine either way,” Liam tries to reassure me.

“What are you going to tell Mom and Dad?”

“Nothing until we get past the full moon. I didn’t want you to know either, but we live together. It would look suspicious if I didn’t come home tomorrow like I’m supposed to,” he explains, and I nod.

“I’d be blowing up your phone,” I say, and he laughs.

“That’s my sister. Thanks for bringing me clothes.”

“You will need more stuff. What do you need me to pack for you?” I ask him, jumping into older sister mode. I’m five minutes older and never let him forget it.

“I’ll text you a list. You have class tomorrow, so go home and I’ll talk to you later,” he says, and I shake my head.

“You were just attacked. I don’t want to be over a half hour away,” I argue.

“What about class?”

“I don’t have any on Fridays this semester,” I tell him.

“But you have homework,” he points out.

“It can wait,” I say.

“You can stay in my guest room,” Caleb offers. Normally, I would refuse the offer from a strange man, but my mouth betrays me.

“Okay.” He gives me a small smile, and I feel my insides melt.

“Did you have dinner?” Caleb asks, and I shake my head no.

“Me either. Would you like to have dinner with me?”

I nod, and he gives me another panty-soaking smile.

“Excellent.” He holds out a hand to me, and I look over at Liam. He has a curious look on his face.

“Have fun, you two,” he says with a smile. I take Caleb’s hand.

A bolt of electricity zips through my body and nestles in my womb. I feel a warmth settle in my bones, like Caleb is my other half.

I shake my head and notice he is staring at me in surprise.

“I didn’t bring a change of clothes with me,” I admit, and he smiles.

“I’m sure we can find something.” His tone makes me think he has an ulterior motive.

“Bye, Liam, text me if you need anything,” I tell my brother before Caleb leads me out of the room.

“Is Liam going to be okay?” I ask him once we are out of earshot. I want to make sure he wasn’t hiding anything from Liam.

“Yes. As long as a wolf doesn’t bite you while shifted, you won’t change. This is a precaution in case the rogue’s teeth penetrated his skin,” Caleb explains, and I deflate.

He catches me as my body trembles with relief. “Do you find him becoming a werewolf so repulsive?” Caleb’s voice is harsh, and I quickly shake my head.

“No, in fact, I think it’s awesome werewolves exist. Are there other kinds of animal shifters?” I ask, looking up into his captivating eyes.

“This is a conversation to have over dinner. I am certain you have a ton of questions,” he tells me, and I nod for what feels like the millionth time since we met.

I let him pull me out to the parking lot, and he looks around.

“I drove,” I tell him, pointing to my SUV. He looks at my car and grimaces.

“Your tires aren’t very good for this terrain. We will leave it here and take my truck.

“I promise to bring you back tomorrow morning and you can get Liam everything he needs,” he assures me when I hesitate.

I don’t know what it is, but I can’t seem to tell Caleb no. It is as if my heart and brain are on two different wavelengths. I instantly want to trust him and let him care for me.

“Okay,” I reply and follow him over to his truck. He opens the passenger door and helps me up. My five feet two inches has me at a disadvantage for getting inside his massive truck.

Caleb easily gets inside the cab of the truck and turns it on. The engine roars to life, and I blurt out the first thing I can think of.

“How tall are you?”

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