Boss's Secret Baby - Book cover

Boss's Secret Baby


Chapter 3


Cassandra knocks softly on Mr. Rodriguez’s door and hears a voice say, “Enter.” She breathes in and out slowly before opening the door and going inside.

The office is twice as big as Mr. Smith’s. Two chairs face a beautiful, hand-crafted wooden desk, behind which is a black suit jacket draped over a black leather chair. On her right is a whole lounge set and drink station, and on the coffee table in the center of the room is a chess board. The floor-to-ceiling windows showcase all of Times Square.

Cassandra closes the door and steps further into the tiger’s den on shaky legs. She stops in front of the desk but doesn’t see anyone, just the beautiful view before her.

“Mr. Rodriguez?” she whispers, but no one answers. She puts the file and mail on his neatly organized desk and turns to leave.

A strong, masculine voice stops her dead in her tracks. “Where do you think you're going?”

Cassandra spins around so fast that she almost loses her balance. The man in question is nowhere to be seen, but that voice sounds so familiar.

Slowly, the leather chair swivels around, and the color drains from Cassandra’s face. Emilio…?

Emilio is her boss.

Afraid her weak knees will give way at any moment, Cassandra steadies herself on the nearby couch. Those gorgeous eyes stare back at her; clearly he is just as shocked as she is, but he is more sexy than ever with his golden olive skin, jet black hair, dark eyes and brows, high cheekbones, and chiseled features.

And that mouth…ooh, that mouth worked wonders on her body once before. Just thinking about it gives her goosebumps.


Emiliano stares back at the woman who once made his blood hot. She was the first woman to ignite his desire with a simple stare, the only one whose memory left him sweaty and hard in the mornings.

When he was a teenager, just discovering the pleasures a woman’s body can give, Emiliano had often been horny, but since then he had never been sexually attracted to a woman. Until Cassie, with her fair skin and beautiful red hair, with her big green eyes, neat nose, and round mouth—a mouth he had kissed and nibbled on.

She is still beautiful as when he met her, when he had found pleasure in her luscious, curvy body, in the full, firm breasts that he had kneaded. Even thinking about them now makes him hard for her.

“Damn!” Emiliano mutters under his breath. He isn’t that horny teenager anymore; he has to get himself under control.

Cassie was also the first virgin he had ever had. As a rule, he doesn’t sleep with inexperienced women because they come with a lot of expectations.

Emiliano stands up from his chair and walks around the desk. He stops a few feet away, his six feet towering over her five feet. From this vantage, she looks extremely small and young and delicate.


Standing face-to-face with Alex’s father, the man she thought she’d never see again, Cassandra is at a loss for words. It’s even clearer how much her son takes after him.

“Emilio,” she murmurs softly.

“Cassie,” he drawls back.

It really is him.

The night they spent together comes rushing back to Cassandra. Her gaze runs over his athletic body, and her body reacts like the first time she saw him.

What would he do if he found out about our son? The man is the billionaire founder of a world-renowned bank. Would he take Alex away if he knew the truth?

Is he married? Does he have any other kids? Cassandra doesn’t think so; everyone in the office says he changes women like underwear.

“How long have you been working here, Ms. Miller?”

Emilio’s question—and the use of her surname—catches her off guard. Senses on high alert, and heart beating twice as fast as normal, she meets his eyes. “Uhm…eight weeks, sir.”

“Do you like working here?” he prompts.

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Then I suggest you make it on time for work. I hate people who aren’t punctual, especially if you are the receptionist. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mr. Rodriguez.”

“You are excused.” He circles back around his desk and sits down, scanning through the mail she brought. For several seconds, Cassandra is rooted to the spot, unable to believe his cold attitude.

Looking up, Emilio—Mr. Rodriguez—glares at her. “Anything else I can do for you?”

Cassandra shakes her head and quickly retreats. A few floors down and all the way back to her desk, she cannot stop thinking about his distant manner.

What did she expect—for them to pick up where they left off? For him to ask her to continue what they had started fifteen months ago?

One thing is certain: she isn’t his type. Men like that never give her a second look; she should just do what she came here to do. Work. And forget about her sexy boss who is also her son’s father.

During her lunch break, Cassandra does a quick internet search. Emily had given her his full name, Emiliano Alejandro Rodriguez, and she finds that he is more on the Financial Times than anywhere else. He is a successful businessman, starting his bank eleven years ago at twenty years old and now owning branches all over the world, but he has no kids or wife.

Cassandra breathes a sigh of relief, though Lord knows why—he is nothing to her.

Why did he tell her his name was Emilio instead of Emiliano? No wonder people had looked at her like she was crazy when she had asked about him.

The more she researches him, the clearer it is that people fear and respect him in equal parts. This man is dangerous and definitely not her type; he might evoke certain things inside of her, but he isn’t someone she would dare to go head-to-head with. He doesn’t seem like the type of man who takes “no” for an answer or lets someone tell him what to do.

What did she get herself into when she slept with him that night? Sure, alcohol had played a part, but she hadn’t been drunk. Yes, she had been attracted to him, but she had had no idea he was such a big shot businessman.

Her thoughts drift to her son. “Oh, Alex,” she breathes to herself.

“Looking up your boss during office hours isn’t acceptable.”

Hearing his voice, Cassandra jumps up so fast that she knocks her coffee off her desk. Luckily, it is cold, so it doesn’t burn her.

Great, she thinks.

“What do you wanna know?” he asks. His gaze pins her to the floor.

“Nothing!” Cassandra blurts out.

“We’re not paying you to research me. Get back to work.”

When he leaves, Cassandra tries to get her heart rate under control before she cleans up the mess she had made. She then finishes her work for the rest of the day, thankfully not seeing Emilio or Emiliano or whatever his name is again.

At 3:30, Cassandra takes her bag and heads for the elevator. Another day gone. She cannot wait to hold her son in her arms.

Jake the accountant catches up with her at the elevator. He is handsome, and if Cassandra had been interested, she would’ve gone on a date with him when he had asked her out two weeks ago.

They enter the elevator together, and the doors close. She looks up at him and smiles.

He smiles back. “How are you, Cass?”

“I’m okay. And you, Jake?”

“Better now that I’ve seen you. Still not keen on going on that date with me?”

Before Cassandra can answer, they hear the elevator ping open, and Emilio enters. Immediately, the elevator seems small—and to make matters worse, he stands ~right next to her~.

Cassandra feels her body grow hot. Her boss’s aftershave or cologne mingles so well with his manly scent. Her toes curl in her shoes.

“Mr. Rodriguez,” Jake says.

“Jake. Ms. Miller.”

Cassandra’s whole body tingles at the sound of his voice. She doesn’t answer.

“I’m still waiting for an answer, Cass,” Jake said.

“I can’t, Jake,” she replies. “Now isn’t a good time.”

“How long will you make me wait?”

“Don’t. Guys are the last thing on my mind at the moment.” Cassandra almost glances at Emilio but thinks better of it. She can feel that those dark eyes are on her, for some reason.

“At least you didn’t say ‘no,’” Jake says. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.”

The elevator doors open again, and Jake gets out, leaving Cassandra alone with Emilio. She is aware of every inch of him. How can she still be attracted to this man after so long? How can his presence still affect her like this?

When her eyes meet his, Emilio says, “It’s against the bank’s policy for employees to see each other. I hope you are aware of that.”

“Thank you for the advice. I’ll make sure not to forget it, Mr. Rodriguez.”

Cassandra holds his gaze for a full minute and then looks away.


Emilio cannot take his eyes off Cassie, the way her chest rises and falls with each heavy breath she takes. He knows what lies underneath that shirt she is wearing.

His eyes fall on the exposed skin at her nape, where her pulse beats twice as fast as normal, and he knows that she is still affected by his presence. So, he isn’t the only one who feels the electricity crackling between them.

Usually Emiliano gets bored easily when it comes to women—that’s why every other week he has a different one in his bed—but Cassie is a mystery, a challenge. She keeps him entertained and makes him want to know more, and that has never happened before.

With those delicious curves and nice, round breasts, it’s no wonder Jake made a move on her—any man would. But for some reason, the thought of another man touching that sexy body of hers makes Emiliano angry.

He can see she’s trying to avoid him, and he wonders why. All he wants to do is press the emergency button and bury himself deep inside of her. Any woman who manages to get Emiliano Rodriguez’s attention deserves his undivided attention and time.

Only problem is…he’s her boss.

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