Her Last Hope - Book cover

Her Last Hope




It’s Thursday morning, and I couldn’t be bothered to ride with Landon and Riley. I love them both, but their lovey-dovey attitudes have taken their toll.

Despite my bitter attitude, I’m feeling a little bit more like myself every day now. This one particular morning, I’ve become more confident.

My outfit is a pair of ripped dark-wash jeans with my favorite pair of Converse that come up and over my ankles. I also wear a black cardigan with a maroon tank top underneath.

My hair is down and straightened with a braid leading to the back. My mother may have helped me with that part, but it’s what counts.

I’ve chosen to take my favorite route to school, through the forest and around the mountains. I’ll eventually come out behind the building.

The dead leaves on the trail crunch beneath my feet with every step I take, and the wind blows in my hair gently.

I can’t help but take in all the smells the forest brings. The smell of pine and sounds of the stream just up ahead put my anxious heart at ease.

The mark on my neck has scabbed over and has begun to heal. The skin surrounding it isn’t as irritated, nor is it red anymore.

The bits that have healed are white marks dotted across my shoulder, just as the doctor said it would be.

All week, I’ve heard about my mate and Delilah. How they’re so happy and excited to take over the pack once we all graduate. The thought of Delilah being our new luna makes my skin crawl.

It’s been a very long week for me, and I’m excited for the weekend. My father has agreed to finally take me on my first hunt with Landon on Saturday.

A new scent hits my nose, and I whip my head around. A wolf stands behind the stream I just made my way through. I haven’t seen it before.

Its nose is pointed directly at me, red eyes relaxed as they look at me. The wolf’s black fur makes the red eyes pop even more. He stands taller than Lynne ever would. Something about him seems familiar, but I can’t place it.

I make eye contact with the animal, knowing there’s a human in there, looking at me. The wolf slightly barks at me before darting past me and toward the school.


“Lake?” Riley’s hands wave in front of my face. “Were you listening to me?”

“Oh, um, yeah.” I struggle to gather my thoughts. I can’t shake the feeling of the wolf from this morning and how familiar he felt. And those red eyes…

“No, you were not!” Riley shouts. Thankfully, we’re sitting outside, or a lot of ears would be ringing from her pitch by now.

“I’m sorry, Riley,” I murmur. “I have a lot on my mind this morning.”

“Did someone say something this morning?” Landon jumps in. “If they did, so help me I’ll—”

“Baby, I love you, but I’m sure she would have told us by now if someone did.” Riley puts her hand on my twin’s chest and relaxes him. “But seriously, Lake, what’s going on?”

A flashback to this morning springs through my mind. The way the wolf looked at me has Lynne stirred up. My heart starts to pump fast again at the thought.

“Just everything recently,” I lie right through my teeth. “It’s getting to me again.”

“I thought your fits during the night haven’t been as often this week,” Landon says in between bites of his turkey sandwich. “Ever since Monday, right?”

“That’s true.” I shrug. “But it still bothers me, ya know?”

“He’s so gorgeous!” A lowerclassman giggles. “How can a being that hot not be on TV?”

“Ugh! I know, and he’s a senior! It’s so not fair!”

“You ready to take your stuff inside?” Riley looks at Landon who is mid-thought. My twin looks at her and then at me. His mate rolls her eyes and looks at me.

“I’m ready.” I laugh and stand with Riley. “I’m so excited for this weekend.”

“Landon was talking about you and your dad going hunting; is that true?”

I throw my trash and Riley’s in the garbage and nod. “It’s been eighteen years, and my dad is finally letting me go with him and Landon.”

Right before we go outside, my feet stop in their tracks. A mouthwatering scent fills my nose, and I can feel a tall figure behind me. Their breath is tickling the side of my neck.

At first, I believe it to be my mate playing some sick, twisted game, but this scent is different. It smells of berries and rainwater.

“Lake?” Landon says as he joins Riley and me. I can barely hear him over the breathing mine is so in tune with. All my senses are focused on this person behind me.

“Lake…,” the mysterious stranger repeats after my twin. “What a beautiful name.” His voice is deep and sends my mind into a frenzy. Lynne is begging me to turn around and look him in the eyes.

Something is making me freeze.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Landon pulls me into him and then behind him. “You don’t get that close to her without permission, mutt.”

Lynne is whining. She’s wanting to be close to the one who was behind me. Her anxiousness is making my body begin to shake. Riley grips my arm reassuringly.

“Hey, you’re that new exchange student, right?” Some girls behind us start giggling.

The newcomer ignores them. “Watch it,” he says to Landon. “You don’t know anything about this situation, so I suggest you show me the one I came here for.”

“You little—”

I put my hand on Landon’s back and motion for him to step aside. He doesn’t do anything but growl until Riley makes him do as I wish.

I take a deep breath and look up at the man who stood behind me. By this time, all our pack mates have their eyes glued to what’s happening between us.

As soon as my eyes meet his, I can’t see anyone else.

His gray eyes and light-brown hair captivate me. The stubble all over his face is messy, but it suits him. A small smirk grows on his face as my breath increases.

He’s wearing light-washed jeans and a white T-shirt. Converse that match mine are on his feet. His light-gray jacket complements his eyes nicely.

He’s the new transfer student?

This can’t be happening…

“Hey, Moonlight,” Jake says. He shoots me a wink. “Long time no see.”

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