A Ridge Mountain Pack Series: Alpha Max - Book cover

A Ridge Mountain Pack Series: Alpha Max

Lora De La Cruz

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Alpha Max faces the challenges that come with being groomed to lead the Ridge Mountain Pack. As he prepares for his new role, secrets within his family and pack start to unravel.

Meanwhile, Sebastian and Serena's romance deepens, and familiar characters from the past return with new tricks. Will Max uncover the hidden truths in time, or will these secrets change everything?

Dive into a world of love, power, and mystery where not everything is as it seems.

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62 Chapters

The Arrival

Book 2: Alpha Max

Sebastian can’t keep still. He’s a bundle of nerves, pacing back and forth, waiting for his twins to arrive.

His other two kids are safe at home with his dad, Michael, and his stepmom, Marybeth. He steals a glance at his younger sister, Yvonne, who’s nervously gnawing on her nails.

“You’re going to chew your fingers off if you keep that up,” he warns her.

She drops her hand and gives him a sheepish grin, shrugging her shoulders.

“Is it always this nerve-wracking?” she asks, her voice trembling with apprehension. “The whole idea of having kids seems terrifying.”

“I was there for the birth of the first two,” Sebastian confesses. “But this time, the doctor thought it was best if I stayed out here until they were sure she could deliver safely without needing surgery.”

“I guess my temper is a bit infamous.” He chuckles, thinking about how the pack doctor was worried that if things didn’t go as planned, he’d go into alpha mode and just be in the way.

Suddenly, Amanda bursts out of the delivery room. “Come now, Alpha, she’s ready! Your babies are on their way and everything seems to be…”

She doesn’t get to finish her sentence as Sebastian rushes past her, the double doors swinging in his wake. “Fine,” she laughs, shaking her head at his eagerness, and heads over to the coffee maker.

“So, everything’s okay?” Yvonne asks, her eyes wide with anticipation. “Can I go home and tell our parents that the newest grandkids have arrived?”

“I’d hold off for a bit,” Amanda advises. “Childbirth isn’t usually a quick process. It could still be hours.”

“But you don’t have to stick around. I’m sure you have some schoolwork or something to do, right?”

Yvonne twirls a lock of her curly dark hair around her finger, biting her lip. “I hate school. I really don’t feel like doing my homework.”

“My math teacher is such a jerk, always piling on extra work.”

“Oh? Why’s that?” Amanda asks, intrigued.

“He says I need the practice, that I’m not good at it and if I don’t do the extra work, he’ll fail me,” Yvonne admits, sounding defeated.

“Well, let me help you. I’m pretty good at math, although Serena is even better.”

“We can teach you some tricks. Sometimes it’s not what you’re being taught, but how you’re being taught,” Amanda offers.

“That would be great, thanks,” Yvonne says, her face lighting up with a smile.

Everyone has grown to love Yvonne. She and her mother, Marybeth, have fit right into the family and the pack.

Michael and Marybeth agreed to give Ridge Mountain a chance and if it didn’t work out, they’d move to Texas, where Marybeth’s pack is. But after four years, they have truly settled in, with Yvonne even attending University in Billings.

Sebastian and Serena have been leading the pack together for five years, and it’s thriving. Their warriors are the best in the continent, with many packs asking for Milo to train their newest warriors.

Serena has long since reconciled with her friend Amara, and they speak often on the phone. Things are going well for the Ridge Mountain Pack.

Now, they’re about to welcome the two alpha twins, a boy and a girl, a rare occurrence in their world. As the twins make their grand entrance into the world, word spreads quickly through the pack.

Serena has successfully delivered a girl, Selene, and her younger brother, Jaydon. Selene has bright teal eyes, just like her mother, and a head full of blond fuzz.

Jaydon has brown eyes and dark-brown hair, but the doctor says their appearances could change as they grow. They’re both perfect and healthy, and the pack feels blessed to have four strong alpha children.

Serena and Sebastian couldn’t be happier with their family—Max, the oldest, Melanie, two years younger than Max, and now the twins, born four years after Max.

Just as Serena requested, the pack house was expanded a couple of years ago to accommodate the growing families. In addition to the four alpha children, Beta Jackson and his mate, Amanda, are expecting their second child.

The future of the Ridge Mountain Pack looks bright.

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