The Pool Party - Book cover

The Pool Party

AJ Pages

Chapter 2

Jack had initially mentioned that the party would kick off at twelve, but it was almost half past one when we finally showed up.

Pete, a coworker of Jack’s and the owner of the house, was the first to welcome us at the entrance. He was a tall, thin man with a grin that seemed to consume most of his face.

Something about the way his eyes roved over me as he greeted me made me feel uneasy.

I thought I caught a hint of tension from Jack as well, but when I shot him a questioning glance as we stepped inside, he just offered me a reassuring smile and seemed to dismiss it.

We navigated through the house, entering through the living room and making our way to the kitchen, where Pete served us drinks. Jack chose a beer, while I went for vodka with lemonade.

“We were starting to think you guys weren’t going to make it!” Pete jested as he poured my drink.

Jack blushed slightly, grinning at me as he shrugged off the joke.

I guessed he was recalling our earlier escapade on his couch, which was the reason for our tardiness. The thought made me blush too.

Once we each had a drink, we headed out back through the sliding glass doors that led to the yard and pool area, where the rest of the guests were mingling, drinking, and enjoying the music.

Considering our tardiness, I was surprised to see that there were only a handful of others there. There were six guys, including Pete and Jack, and just one other woman. They all seemed to be around our age, late twenties or early to mid-thirties.

Jack introduced us all, and I did my best to remember everyone’s names.

Claire was easy to remember, not just because she was the only other woman there. She had striking green eyes, dark-brown hair that barely touched her shoulders, and a few visible tattoos peeking out from the multi-colored cover-up she wore over her swimsuit. She was outgoing and friendly, and seemed genuinely pleased to have another woman at the “sausage fest,” as she put it. I realized I felt the same way.

Scott was quite attractive, just a tad taller than me. He seemed to be biracial, with brown skin and captivating light-blue eyes.

Dan was your typical tall, handsome, white guy. He was the quintessential All-American Ken doll type, with neatly trimmed brown hair. My first impression was that he would’ve been “the cute one” if he ever joined a boy band.

Ari and Johnny were manning the grill, but they turned their attention to Jack and me as we were introduced. Ari was a bit shorter and slim, with long, wavy black hair and bronze skin. I recognized his name from Jack’s stories, and I got the impression that he was the group’s comedian, as well as the butt of most jokes.

Johnny was a tall, burly guy wearing a backward baseball cap, who seemed a little shy as he mostly avoided eye contact when Jack introduced us.

“Is everyone else from your department coming too?” I asked, directing the question to the group rather than anyone in particular.

There was a slightly awkward moment, during which the guys all seemed to share a knowing look, before Jack turned back to me and replied, “We’re actually the last ones.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, trying to recall what, if anything, Jack had mentioned about the party that led me to believe there would be more people. Maybe it was just the fact that he’d referred to it as a party.

“Yeah, we thought we’d keep things intimate,” Pete chimed in, smirking. “Though I’m sure seven can still feel like a crowd, depending on the activity.”

There was some snickering after he said that, which made me think some others had interpreted that as a dirty joke.

“Your pool has plenty of room,” Jack said, either not catching on or trying to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Why aren’t you guys swimming yet?”

“Just running the vacuum,” Pete replied, still smirking. “It should be ready soon.”


While we waited for the pool to be ready, Ari and Johnny finished grilling, and we ate and continued drinking and chatting. I still thought I was picking up on a weird vibe among the guys and Claire, but they were all being nice enough, asking me questions about myself and answering whatever questions I posed to them. As the afternoon wore on, I became more and more comfortable as part of the group.

At some point, Claire noticed that my drink was nearly empty and invited me into the kitchen with her for a refill. I agreed easily and followed, happy to continue chatting with her one-on-one.

“So how is it really, working at a company that’s basically ninety-nine percent male? Is it as bad as it sounds?” I asked as soon as we were out of earshot of the guys.

She smiled back at me as she retrieved the lemonade from the refrigerator, then grabbed the vodka to pour us each a refill. “Well, not seriously bad. Not for me, anyway, since I have them all convinced that I’m a lesbian.”

My eyes widened as she finished pouring lemonade into my cup and handed it back to me. “You’re not?!”

Claire bit her lip and shrugged. “Not exactly. I’m bi, but definitely more on the gay end of the spectrum. I still deal with inappropriate jokes here and there, but at least they rarely bother with the flirting, a.k.a. harassment, bullshit.” Then, leaning closer to me a bit conspiratorially, she whispered, “Don’t tell anyone!”

I laughed. “Your secret’s safe, trust me!”

She laughed, too. “Good, thanks.”

My interest piqued as she told me about one woman in particular who she’d gone out with recently, bringing out her phone to show me the woman’s Tinder profile.

“She was really hot. And really crazy. Unfortunately, I’ve found that those two traits seem to go hand in hand more often than not with women.”

I laughed along.

Then Claire considered me with a curious grin. “You seem perfectly sane, though.”

I laughed again, feeling heat rising in my cheeks as I took a sip of my drink and cleared my throat before responding. “I’m sure they all do at first.”

“Claire, stop hogging our guest! We already know she likes cock, so you can stop wasting your time!” Pete called from outside, interrupting our conversation.

She just rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I’d take a crazy chick over that any day.”

I laughed with her and took my drink, following her back outside.


We’d all had quite a lot to drink by the time Pete announced that the pool was open for business. I was on my third vodka lemonade, and I knew the others had quite a head start before Jack and I arrived. Part of me wondered whether it was a bad idea to get in the pool at that point, but I didn’t fight it.

The others were already wearing their suits, so the guys stripped off T-shirts and got into the pool right away, cannonballing and flipping in, showing off.

Claire pulled off her coverup, and I noticed she was wearing a pink halter bikini. My eyes caught on her breasts, which were larger than I’d originally noticed in the dress she was wearing. Not as big as mine, but what seemed to be a perfect handful.

Not sure where that thought came from, I blinked and forced my eyes away from her, but not before noting that her swimsuit had thicker straps and a wider waistband than the stringy gold option I’d brought. I decided at that point to go with the black one-piece suit I brought and started rehearsing my explanation for Christina. “There was only one other girl there, and her suit wasn’t skimpy like the gold one!” I’d say.

Jack and I were the last ones left on the deck, and the others called from the pool for us to join.

“I just have to change first!” I called back. Then I turned to Jack and told him, “You should get in. I’ll be right back.”

“Use the guest room. It’s at the end of the hall on the right!” Pete called back from the pool. Then there was a wink and some kind of look exchanged between him and Jack that I nearly missed.

Jack grinned mischievously. “Sure you don’t need help to get your suit on?”

I laughed. “I think I’ll manage.”

“I’m excited to see what it looks like. You sure I can’t have the first peek?”

I smiled and blushed, looking over at the others who were suddenly quiet, as if trying to listen in on our conversation.

“I think your friends will notice if we both disappear,” I whispered.

Jack shrugged. “I’m not worried about that. I’m sure they’d understand.”

I laughed some more and then just turned to walk into the house, letting Jack decide what to do. I could feel his eyes on my ass as I made my way back through the kitchen, then turned the corner to walk down the short hallway in search of the guest room.

I could hear Jack’s hurried footsteps echoing down the hallway behind me, and a smile tugged at my lips as I felt his body press against mine from behind in the doorway of the guest room. His arm snaked around my waist, pulling my hair away from my shoulder and neck, making way for his lips.

A shiver ran down my spine as his lips met my skin, causing me to sigh involuntarily.

In response, he pressed his hips into me, his semi-hard cock brushing against my ass and lower back.

A groan escaped Jack’s lips as he murmured into my ear, “Let’s get you naked,” while his hands found the hem of my dress.

I laughed, turning around to escape his grasp. “I think I should handle that,” I warned him.

He simply smiled, his eyes leisurely taking me in.

I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to the fluttering sensation that started in my chest and ended up in my pussy every time he looked at me like that. I bit my lip, trying to hide the full smile he’d caused.

“You should probably wait outside,” I suggested again, feeling my resolve weakening.

In response, Jack simply removed his own T-shirt, still wearing that unfairly handsome grin.

His gaze felt like it was piercing through me, and it wasn’t the first time I’d wondered if he had some sort of hypnotic or telepathic abilities. My heart pounded in my chest as my eyes trailed down his naked torso to the sexy trail of hair that disappeared into his swim trunks. Fuck.

He knew exactly what he was doing to me, his expression turning devilish as he said, “Your turn. Take off your dress.”

My knees buckled slightly at his command. It was something I’d recently discovered about myself with him. Hearing him give me orders, telling me what to do, turned my insides into a quivering mess instantly. I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks, my earlobes, and between my legs, and I knew it had nothing to do with the rising temperature outside. I swallowed and did as I was told, pulling the dress up over my head in one swift movement.

Jack licked his lips, glancing back briefly at the open doorway. Just acknowledging that we were both allowing the door to remain open.

I wondered if he’d move to close it, but he didn’t.

“Now the bra and panties,” he commanded.

I had to concentrate to keep my breathing steady as I reached back to unhook my bra, peeling it off before reaching down to do the same with my panties. I tossed them onto the bed beside my bag, but then Jack extended an open hand, palm facing up. I thought I knew what he wanted but asked to be sure.

“The panties?”

He nodded.

A sigh escaped my lips, sounding more like a whimper, as I stepped forward to hand them to him.

“Good girl,” Jack said, bunching my panties up in his fist and bringing them to his nose for a sniff.

I watched his every move, feeling captivated and desperate to see and hear his reaction. I wasn’t disappointed, as he groaned and closed his eyes, taking in my scent.

Then came his next command: “Lay back on the bed.”

My eyes widened slightly. I felt unsure about what Jack was asking me to do. But in some ways, I had already come to trust him more than I trusted myself to know my limits and how far they could be pushed. Things had gone past what I thought I wanted so many times already, with only intensely pleasurable results.

“I don’t see you moving,” he replied sternly. I’d taken too long to respond.

My chest heaved slightly as I held his gaze and felt his power. The power I gave him, that I wanted him to have over me. Without another thought, I climbed to the middle of the bed and lay on my back.

“Like this?” I asked, to be sure.

“Yes, just like that,” Jack confirmed. “Now spread your legs for me.”

I sighed, my head rolling back, and did as I was told, opening myself up to him in the open room.

He climbed onto the bed and knelt between my legs, pushing back on my thighs to spread me open farther.

I held my legs back for him and felt an arousing swirl of excitement rush over me.

Then Jack brought a hand to my pussy.

I leaned up to watch, moaning as he rubbed all four fingers and his palm over my mound, his thumb rolling circles over my clit.

He took his middle and pointer fingers and curved them inside of me again, feeling how wet I still was for him.

My face furrowed with pleasure, eyes bouncing from his hand, to his eyes, to the growing bulge in his swim trunks.

Jack swallowed. “I can’t stop thinking about how good it felt to cum inside of you earlier. And that there might still be some of my cum inside of you right now.”

I nodded, biting my lip. “Yeah, I like that, too.”

“You like having my cum inside you?” he confirmed.

“Yess,” I hissed. “I like that a lot.”

“Good girl,” he said, a hint of a smile on his lips.

I smiled back broadly, trying to tempt him to do the same.

Instead, he slid down onto his stomach, bringing his mouth to my pussy.

I gasped as I felt his lips close over me there, his tongue tracing the lines of my slit before delving into me.

“Oh, fuck!” I yelled loudly, unable to stifle my reaction to having his tongue inside of me.

My head fell back against the mattress, and I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensation of Jack’s tongue thrusting in and out of me, curling and rubbing along my inner walls, tasting me, and probably himself, thoroughly.

My thighs quivered and quaked involuntarily, squeezing around his head when I felt his moan reverberating through me there. He grunted and brought his hands to my inner thighs to press them back. Then he trailed his hands down to squeeze and lift my ass, running his tongue up and down along my slit, to my asshole.

My breathing became more ragged as I watched and felt Jack’s mouth all over me. He made his way back up to my clit, but agonizingly slowly. I struggled to contain the writhing of my hips, to keep myself from thrusting up against his face.

When Jack finally reached my clit, he grazed the tip of his tongue over it once, twice, lightly before pulling back completely.

I groaned in frustration, leaning up to watch him kneel back up again.

“Show me your swimsuit,” he ordered.

“Okay,” I sighed, tingling with unfulfilled need. I sat up and reached for my bag. “I brought two.”

“Why did you bring two?”

“Because I didn’t know which one I’d want to wear,” I responded simply. I pulled out both suits, laying the black one-piece and the gold bikini on the bed beside me.

Jack eyed them both, licking his lips. “That seems like an easy fucking decision to me.”

I smiled a bit, despite myself. I couldn’t resist.

Jack even broke character for a moment to smile back, and we both laughed a little.

“Why wouldn’t you wear the gold one?” he asked. “I bet it looks incredible on you.”

I shrugged self-consciously, looking down. “I wasn’t sure I’d feel comfortable in it. And now I feel like it would be a little much to wear in front of your friends out there.”

An inscrutable look crossed over Jack’s face then.

“What is it?” I asked quickly, picking up on the same weirdness I’d noticed earlier. The looks that he and the other guys seemed to give each other.

Jack hesitated before responding. “Nothing. I still think you should wear the gold one. Can I see you try it on?”

“Okay,” I answered, dutifully. I got up and stood at the foot of the bed, picking up the gold bikini and figuring out the strings to put it on.

Jack turned around to lie back on the bed in my place, relaxing with his hands behind his head.

I noticed his posture as I dressed and smiled. “Enjoying the show?” I asked playfully.

“Very much.” He winked.

I tied the last string and pulled at the sparse fabric of the bikini a little to make sure it was in place, looking myself over with scrutiny before looking up to note Jack’s reaction.

His eyes studied me, slowly and appreciatively.

“Do you like it?” I asked, blushing with self-consciousness.

“Yeah, I like it a lot,” Jack said.

“Can I see how much?” I asked, glancing toward the open door again, then back at the bulge in his trunks, smiling and biting my lip.

Under my gaze, it twitched slightly, just enough for me to notice.

Jack chuckled and grinned back up at me. “Told you I like it a lot.”

I laughed, shrugging. “I don’t know. I think I’m going to put the other one on instead.”

I reached out to grab the black one-piece, but Jack was faster. He snatched it from my grasp and tucked it under the pillows at the head of the bed.

I made a face at him, moving to the side of the bed to try and retrieve the swimsuit. But Jack was quicker, pulling it farther out of my reach.

He then grabbed my arms, pulling me back onto the bed with him. We wrestled playfully until he had me pinned beneath him, his knees on either side of my thighs, his feet hooked over mine, and his hands holding my wrists against the mattress on either side of my head.

My chest rose and fell rapidly, the sensation of him pinning my wrists down causing my breath to hitch. Jack noticed, his gaze roaming over my partially covered breasts as they moved with each breath.

He adjusted his position, pushing my wrists farther above my head and holding them down with one hand. His other hand reached down, slipping into my bikini bottoms.

I gasped as I felt his fingers there, my arousal still high. He traced along my slit before sliding two fingers inside, feeling my wetness as my pussy clenched around him.

“Fuck,” I muttered, straining against Jack’s hold, writhing beneath him.

“You sound frustrated,” Jack observed, a smirk playing on his lips.

I let out a laugh, though it sounded more like a whimper.

“Do you want to cum?” Jack asked, his gaze piercing into mine.

“Yes,” I breathed out. “I need to.”

I felt his hard cock twitch against my hip in response.

“How badly do you need it?” he asked, removing his fingers from inside me and rubbing circles over my clit.

I moaned louder, writhing beneath him, thrusting my hips up against his hand as much as I could.

“That feels so good! Please don’t stop,” I pleaded.

I should’ve known what would come next. As soon as he heard me beg, Jack pulled his fingers out from under my bikini completely.

I groaned at the loss, my hips writhing, craving more.

“Please, Jack!” I tried again.

“You need me to make you cum, right?” he teased.

“Yes! Please put your fingers back there. Or your mouth. Or your cock. I just need you,” I breathed out.

Jack groaned, despite himself.

“Tell me you’ll keep this bikini on,” he demanded.

“What?” I asked, breathlessly.

“You heard me,” he said, bringing his hand to my chin and holding, keeping my eyes on him. “The bikini stays on, or you don’t cum. Not now, not at all tonight.”

I whimpered again, my body writhing under him with my growing need.

“Fuck!” I cursed, my head rolling back.

Jack’s hand slid down to my neck then and squeezed.

I moaned so loudly then that the others likely would’ve heard it through the still-open door.

“Okay!” I gasped.

“Say it,” he commanded.

“I’ll wear the bikini,” I conceded, feeling the vibration of my vocal cords against his hand as he squeezed my neck.

“Good girl,” he breathed, his grip on my throat loosening.

Then he slid down between my legs again and tugged my bikini bottoms aside, exposing my soaked lips. He looked up at me, smiling. Hesitating. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want to feel more of your mouth on me,” I breathed, my hips writhing and rolling up toward him with need. “Please!”

Jack licked his lips as he smiled up at me, taunting. “You want my tongue?”

“Yes,” I hissed.

Finally, he leaned in and brushed his lips over my pussy softly, then started licking up and down each side.

I moaned, holding his head and pressing him down where I wanted him. “I want your tongue and your lips on my clit.”

Jack immediately removed my hands from the back of his head and brought them down to my sides, holding them there. I felt him teasing me, flicking his tongue over my clit just once before using it to separate my lips, sliding up and down between them, under my clit, then around the top.

“Fuck!” I yelled out, no longer caring how loud I was being. The moaning and whimpering and begging were beyond my control. “Oh god! Please, Jack! Fuck! Pleeeeaasssseee!”

Finally, he circled the tip of my clit with his tongue.

“Yes! That feels so good!” I breathed, grinding on his face, my pussy clenching.

He pulled back again to lick down between my lips to my opening, pushing his tongue inside and tasting me.

A steady stream of moans spilled out of me as Jack continued building me up. “Ooh my god! Oh fuck, that feels so good! Please don’t stop!”

He returned to my clit next, circling it with his tongue again before covering it with his mouth and sucking. He pushed two fingers inside me at the same time and curled them up, pressing under my clit.

“Ooh god!” I moaned, squeezing around Jack’s fingers.

He licked harder circles on my clit as he moved his fingers inside, pressing into my G-spot.

I squeezed my thighs around his head in reaction, trapping him there as I bucked and whimpered and yelled more desperate pleas for him to continue.

He licked faster, moaning into my pussy and breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. He picked up the pace of his fingers as well, and I felt the wetness from inside of me mingling with Jack’s saliva and dripping down my ass.

He looked up at me then, pulling back just enough to give another command. “Cum now. Cum for me, Jess.”

I groaned and pushed his head back down as he went back to licking and sucking. I felt myself building, ready to roll over the edge, grinding on his face and cursing wildly. And then I was there, my whole body spasming as I planted my feet on the bed and thrust up against him. I held his head down and rubbed my pussy on his stubble, making a mess all over his face.

Jack moaned, and that just spurred me on even more as I came hard on his face, his tongue, and his fingers.

“Fuck,” I breathed, loosening my grasp on Jack’s head and breathing hard as the waves of pleasure finally subsided.

“That’s my good little slut,” he growled, slowly pulling back, slipping his fingers out of me.

I smiled without opening my eyes, chuckling with him.

“That was so fucking good,” I sighed.

“It looked amazing!” someone said, the voice coming from the open doorway.

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