Discovering Us Series 5: Perpetuity - Book cover

Discovering Us Series 5: Perpetuity

KL Jenkins

Chapter: 1


Callum and I have been hitting the gym hard lately. Today, I set a new personal record by bench pressing three hundred pounds.

We’ve been enjoying a friendly rivalry, and despite the sexual tension and competitiveness, we’ve been gaining muscle. I’ve been regaining what I lost, but I’ve also seen some new growth.

Callum, on the other hand, is all new muscle, especially in his midsection and thighs. Damn, his thighs are looking incredibly sexy right now. Even Tyler has been working out more, transforming his lean body with added muscle.

I think the three of us appreciate the change. Violet, too. She’s been training, and her body is just pure perfection.

Her ass is round and firm, just like her breasts, and her stomach is flat with a hint of abs beneath. She even has that V-line muscle that she didn’t have before.

Her legs are more muscular, and she’s toned up her arms. She says it’s all for our wedding, which we’ve finally set for eight months from now, in August.

I can’t wait to walk down the aisle and legally marry her. To have a legitimate claim to her.

She will be mine…ours forever from August twentieth onward. Then we have to convince her to have at least one more child.

At least one more…but that seems like a monumental task. I want another child with her, and I’m pretty sure Tyler feels the same.

Callum has been dropping hints for a few weeks, joking about wanting another sibling for the kids. She either ignores the comments or lets them slide because she’s not ready to discuss another pregnancy.

I’m not sure if it was the pregnancy or the birth that put her off with the twins…or both. She’s refused to discuss it with us, insisting that her education and our wedding are more important right now. And I suppose she’s right. Last year, she aced an access to midwifery course before enrolling in the local college last September.

She’s one semester in and enjoying her midwifery course so far. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t struggle sometimes. Our girl has dyslexia, which she’s managing with the help of a home tutor, colored paper, and various other aids. But it’s working for her, so it’s worth the damned expense.

Her goal is to become a NICU nurse. Atticus, the doctor or, as she calls him, her friend, advised her to become a midwife first before he could arrange for her to gain work experience in the NICU ward.

I don’t understand how it works, but apparently, that was the easiest way for her to achieve her goal. Of course, the three of us were more than happy to foot the bill to ensure she got whatever she wanted.

That’s not to say life isn’t a bit more complicated now that she’s busy with her education most days. It’s been left to the three of us and Tyler’s and my mothers to help with the kids while she’s at college or doing her work experience. She hates being away from them, but it’s only for a few short years.

Tyler is still working part-time and remotely from home. Callum works every other week with Sense and uses his off weeks to help out at home. As for me, I’m managing the two clubs and hotels by myself, so I spend the least time at home, but that’s okay.

I enjoy working, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss spending time with the kids.

“Jesus fuck, how do you manage to move up so quickly?” Callum laughs at me as he helps me push the bar back up.

I sit with a smirk on my face. “It’s called dedication. Come on, man, you’re fifty pounds behind me now.”

“Shit, I don’t know if the competition is worth it anymore. I think I’d rather just fuck.” He smirks, handing me my towel and water bottle after leaning down to kiss me on the lips, with tongues, I might add.

Ever since the day we first had sex, things have changed drastically for us. Callum enjoys being fucked by Tyler and me just as much as he enjoys fucking Violet or us.

Things are more balanced now, making our lives easier when one or two of us are busy or away. Like currently, Violet is so busy things have been a bit slow with her, but that’s okay because we have each other to fool around with while she’s otherwise engaged.

That’s not to say she doesn’t still get her fill when she wants or needs it, though. No, our little minx loves a good quickie at four in the morning before she showers and spends time with Ella before leaving for college or her work placement.

She’s insatiable, just like me, but she has a better handle on her needs when she has to. Unfortunately, I can’t go without it.

Since working on my own mental health regarding the situation that I no longer think of, my sexual appetite has increased exponentially. I fuck one or more of the three of them before I leave for work. And some days, I purposely forget to bring something to work so I can get one of them to drop it off, just to fuck, then I come home at night, and we play in the playroom.

Yes, even Callum. He, who never found BDSM sex fascinating, is now an avid player. He enjoys being dom but has tried, primarily for my sake, to be a submissive. It’s fun teaching him to be either because either I fuck him how I like or I get punished before being fucked how he wants, and that is precisely why I am bisexual.

“Fucking sounds good,” I mutter, smirking at him as I take a swig of my water.

“’Course it does. Are you never not horny?”

“I’ve had a perpetual boner since I turned thirteen, or thereabouts,” I joke, standing to walk down the hall to the showers.

The Sense security building has proved very beneficial for us. Not only does it house our state-of-the-art panic room but also the gym, private offices, and homes for some of Sense Security. It’s nice to have some of the team living on the premises.

I think it gives Violet and me that extra sense of security. You know, after the eight-foot steel-plated fences that are constantly electrically charged and Lola, who has proven to be the guard dog of our dreams.

That dog was the best investment I made nearly three years ago, because not only does she stick by the kids, but she alerts us to people sniffing around the boundaries of our property.

I know dogs have good hearing and all that, but we have acres of land in every direction, yet she can alert us before the sensors do. I swear my name’s down with her breeder for two or three or four more of her.

The way she carries herself with the kids, warning people away from them, is a dream. I imagine her teeth ripping into any prick’s flesh that dares to come near the girls or the twins.

My shower is uneventful, even with watching Callum wash his body meticulously with his loofah. I want to lick up the water droplets and soap bubbles from the grooves in his muscles, but I refrain. I have plans for him this evening, good plans.

Today is my day off, and I’ve chosen to spend my free time sitting in on some interviews for new staff members with Callum. With the wedding coming up, we will use up almost all of our staff to man our own home during that day, leaving us with one of two options for future work come July and August.

We either don’t take any jobs, which is an enticing possibility, or we hire enough staff for one team to work rotational shifts wherever the work may take them. I’m leaning toward no work for Callum and the team. Call it a reprieve or paid extra holiday, but Callum thinks that would be detrimental to his work ethic, so interviews it is.

We walk hand in hand to the conference room to find Dante sitting with the twins and Cathrine.

“Dada!” Asher shouts as the both of us walk into the room. Atticus, of course, shares a small smile but stays silent, much like Ella does.

“Boys,” I say, ruffling both of their hairs before picking them up for a cuddle.

“I’ll have them out of your hair before the interviews start,” Cathrine tells me as Asher reaches for Callum.

You see, Callum is Asher’s favorite dad, typical that the little shit’s mine but prefers boring, flighty parent Callum. I mean, the boys can’t ever run without him shouting demands to watch out for bumping something. Fuck, I always fell and hit my head, and I’m fine, kind of.

“What have you been doing today, Atty?” I ask him.

He pulls his notebook from under his arm to show me his drawings of the four of us, his brother, and sisters.

These little potato people with lines for arms and legs, circles for eyes, plus straight lines for the mouth are the best. Some would say it’s shit, but I love his drawings. Because like Ella, that’s what he enjoys.

Asher hates to draw. He’d rather eat mud or sand in the yard or play pirates in the treehouse.

Night after night, we’ve had to wrestle his lanky fourteen-month-old frame from the tree house, readying him for his bath and bedtime. His protests are loud and physical, full of screams and kicks. But boy, can he talk. Out of all our kids, his vocabulary is simply mind-blowing.

He’s a smart aleck, and he’s fully aware of it. He’s a chip off the old block, just like his dad.

I can already see the teenage years being a challenge with him. My mom calls it payback. I can’t say I’m excited about it.

But there’s one thing about Asher that stands out—he’s fiercely protective. His first priority is always his brother Atticus, followed closely by his sisters.

If he sees Ella sitting by herself, he makes sure she has a playmate. And when Ava starts picking on Tilly, he’s right there, pushing Ava away. For that, I can’t help but feel proud.

“Okay, boys, it’s time for Daddy and Dada to leave. You’ll behave for Cathrine, won’t you?”

“Why?” Asher’s innocent toddler voice rings out.

“Because we don’t want to scare her off, buddy. Mommy really likes Cathrine.”

“I like Cathrine.” He grins, his dimples on full display. I can’t help but chuckle at him.

“Then be a good boy,” I say, laughing as I plant a kiss on his head, then Atticus’s. Callum and I then hand them over to Cathrine. They both scamper off, eagerly grabbing Cathrine’s hands and following her obediently.

“Bye, boys,” Dante calls after them. “You’re going to have your hands full with that one,” he laughs. I’m pretty sure he’s talking about Asher.

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