Decisions of Desire: Fiction or Fantasy - Book cover

Decisions of Desire: Fiction or Fantasy

Skyla Rae

Chapter 3


“Now remember, Lily, you are falling for him but worried about getting hurt. I need you to act hesitant and unsure,” Kelli said.

I watched Lily nod at Kelli before taking her place next to Asher. “Worried about getting hurt.”

Internally, I rolled my eyes.

Originally, Tessa was meant to be a strong and confident character. The studio was portraying her as an emotionally challenged woman—a person in desperate need of rescue. I huffed. Like some conceited, overconfident man would swoop in to save her.

Am I even talking about the story anymore?

He instantly popped into my head. Walker Donovan. It was amazing how someone I hardly knew could have such an impact on me. The man looked at me like I was the only woman in the room, but then treated me as if I were a naive outsider.

So what if I am?

Just because I didn’t grow up in the glitz and glamor of this industry didn’t mean I couldn’t succeed and prove my worth.

Hell, I’m here, aren’t I?


I jumped at Kelli’s voice.

“The night doesn’t have to end. Are you going to invite me in, Tessa?”

Tessa looked away, but Wyatt wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, stopping her. “Fuck, Tessa. I don’t think you have any idea what you do to me.”

He leaned closer and playfully nipped her bottom lip. When she didn’t pull away, he maintained his grip on her neck and slowly entered her mouth. He moaned as their tongues fought for control. The moment her hands clasped the front of his shirt, he knew he had her. Releasing her neck, he tangled his hands in her silky hair before gently yanking her head backward.

“Let’s go inside.”

All she could do was nod.

Wyatt wasted no time in pushing her inside as soon as she unlocked the door. Closing the door behind him, he pushed her up against it. Dropping her purse and keys onto the floor, Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. He reached behind her dress and gradually unzipped it.

“Ow! Damn it, Asher!” Lily pushed him back. “You pinched my skin.”

Asher rolled his eyes as he stepped away.

Sighing, Kelli hopped off the chair to handle the two stubborn actors.

Well, that brought me back to reality.

I returned to my laptop to review yet another email from the studio.

“Hey, Harper.”

The voice caught me off guard. When I glanced up, Asher was there, smiling down at me with his stunning movie-star smile. I glanced over at where he was standing.

How the hell did he get over here so fast?

“So, what do you think?” he asked.

I let out a soft laugh. “Why do people keep asking me that?”

He gave me a confused look as he took a large drink from his bottled water. “Because it’s your story.”

I took a quick look at the studio’s edits. It was beginning to look less and less like my story with each email I received. I didn’t have to bother Asher with that.

“I think it’s great. It feels surreal witnessing something from my imagination become real.”

He nodded in understanding.

“I bet.” He glanced at the set. “Am I a good Wyatt, though? Sexy enough?”

I held back my laugh at the serious look on his face.

Is he sexy enough?

I discreetly looked him up and down. The man was almost godlike. His entire body was pure muscle. He had such a solid appearance, as if he were made of rock. His skin was currently coated with a shiny substance to enhance his chest muscles and create a sweaty appearance. Personally, I didn’t think he needed it, but who was I to say?

His eyes were so kind, it was tough not to trust him. Until that mischievous grin showed up, at least.

The tabloids were always buzzing about Asher Anderson—a playboy who was constantly seen with a different woman every night. A womanizer who couldn’t be trusted.

Although I hadn’t been here very long, I still needed to see it. It was true he would have women visit him after shooting, but not consistently. Plus, he was Asher Anderson! The man redefined the concept of handsome. It would be odd if he didn’t have women swooning over him.

But he had always been respectful and kind to me.

A little flirty? Sure.

It was never excessive and never made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t really think he wanted me. I don’t look anything like the women he was seen with. Even though he was incredibly good-looking, I didn’t think I was interested in him either. Despite everything, he was starting to become a good friend.

“I take that as a yes.” His deep chuckle brought me back to reality.

Once I realized I had been staring at him without answering his question, I instantly turned red.

Get it together, Harper! You aren’t actually in a movie.

“Sorry.” I gave him a shy smile. “I’m not sure what you mean by ‘sexy enough.’ Have you seen yourself?”

He let out another deep laugh. “I wouldn’t mind going over the character with you. I just want to be sure I’m portraying him right.”

How sweet.

“I’d like that.”

“Great! How about this afternoon?”

This afternoon? The question caught me off guard. I didn’t think he meant today.

With a smirk on his face, he politely waited for my brain to catch up. Once again, I found myself staring at him without saying a word. The man was going to think I was completely out of my mind—a writer who couldn’t form a full sentence around him. I mentally kicked myself.

“I think I can get out of here around four.”

“Perfect. I should be done by three. As long as Ms. Dramatic doesn’t keep stopping the scene.”

He gently squeezed my shoulder before heading back to the set. He yelled behind him as he kept walking, “Wear comfortable shoes!”

Comfortable shoes? To a character discussion?

I turned my focus back to the edits that were waiting for me. Just as I was about to begin, the side door swung open.

It was hard to concentrate because there was always so much going on. Maybe reading emails should be an off-the-set type of activity.

I glanced over and saw him. The man who was so intimidatingly handsome, it was actually hard to breathe around him. The worst part was, even though I was beginning to hate him, every cell in my body screamed for him when he was near.

I had a mental conversation with myself and decided I must avoid him. It was as simple as that.

I closed my laptop and tried to subtly head in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, he was faster.

“Asher Anderson? Really?” Walker said.

I took a deep breath before turning to face him. “He wants to discuss the script.”

“Please. With his reputation, I highly doubt it.”

Impatience turned into irritation. “What is that supposed to mean?”

He crossed his arms. “I know you’re not that naive.”

This guy really has some nerve!

“Maybe I am. How is that any of your business?”

“This is my sister’s movie. I don’t want any unnecessary drama.”

I rolled my eyes and walked away. Before I could even take a second step, he grabbed my arm. His touch sent a tingling sensation through my body. I didn’t know if he felt it too, or if it was the look on my face, but he immediately let go.

We stared at each other for a second—neither of us saying anything. Just as he looked like he was about to speak, I turned and walked away.

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