Twisted Minds - Book cover

Twisted Minds

Cassandra Rock

Chapter 4


“You’re a vision, Ms. Vasiliev,” the maid says, her eyes reflecting my image in the mirror. I’m draped in a wedding gown, but I don’t feel like a bride.

Despite my constant reminders, she insists on calling me Ms. Vasiliev. But I’m not a Vasiliev, and after today, I’ll be an Acerbi.

I’m here against my will, about to pledge my life to a man I barely know.

The past week has been a whirlwind. I’ve been cut off from the world, no phones, no Internet. I wonder what my mom has told Kira.

Someone must realize I’m gone. It’s not like me, the girl who’s never left Ohio, to just disappear.

I haven’t seen Valentino since that day at Vadim’s house. I’m grateful for that. But after today, I’ll see him every day.

After the wedding, I’ll be living with him. That could be worse than this past week with Vadim.

The dress I’m wearing is long, trailing on the floor. It’s all lace. The top fits snugly, but the skirt flows freely.

My hair is styled in an elegant updo, with loose curls framing my face. I’m ready, but I wish I had something else to do. Anything to delay the inevitable.

The door swings open, and Viktor steps in, holding out his cell phone. “Your mother wants to talk.”

My eyes widen, and I snatch the phone from him. “Mom?”

“Elaina, sweetheart, I’ve missed your voice…” My mom’s voice fills my ear, and for a moment, I’m back in Ohio.

Tears well up in my eyes. I miss my mom. I wish I could go back to the way things were.

“He’s forcing me to marry him, Mom. What do I do? You’re coming to get me, right?”

I’m scared, nauseous, heartbroken. I’m not used to feeling this vulnerable.

I can’t fight these people. It’s impossible.

My mom sighs, the sound echoing in my ear. “You have to do it, sweetheart. He’s dangerous, and…you need to stay safe.”

She sounds like she’s about to hang up, and I panic. “When are you coming to get me?”

“Elaina, I…I can’t,” she stammers, her voice filled with pain. “I’m sorry, baby girl…”

Before I can respond, the phone is yanked from my hand. Viktor is standing over me, a smirk on his face.

“Enough chit-chat. The wedding is starting, and you’re the star of the show.”

Viktor is cruel. They all are. But Viktor doesn’t hide his malice.

His smirk is chilling, the grin of someone who enjoys watching others suffer. And right now, I’m the one suffering.

Viktor leads me out of the room, towards the ceremony.

This isn’t a normal wedding. I don’t have bridesmaids. I don’t have a parent to walk me down the aisle. This is a forced marriage.

It’s like a nightmare. Everyone is smiling, celebrating, and I’m the one they’re sacrificing.

The wedding march starts, and I snap back to reality. There’s no wedding party, just me.

I’ve been so lost in my thoughts that I’ve lost track of what’s happening around me.

Suddenly, I feel something cold against my back. I freeze, recognizing the feel of a gun.

“Don’t make me force you, Elaina,” Viktor warns, his gun pressing into my spine. I can barely breathe.

I nod quickly and start walking towards the altar.

The crowd is full of stern, powerful faces. And then there’s me: a scared girl who feels like a piece of meat.

Everything seems to slow down. The closer I get to Valentino, the farther away he seems. But it’s just the fear making me dizzy.

I reach the altar and take Valentino’s hand. His face is serious, his eyes unreadable as he listens to the minister.

He’s handsome, with a strong jawline. His features are dominant.

His hand is warm, a surprise for someone so cold-hearted. As the minister speaks, Valentino’s thumb brushes over the engagement ring on my finger.

The next time I see you, I expect to see that ring on your finger.

I’m not about to test how serious he was. The Mafia seems to prefer obedient women.

“I do,” he says, and I snap out of my thoughts just in time to hear the minister recite my vows.

When he finishes, I nod slowly and whisper, “I do.”

Valentino takes a ring from his father, and Vadim hands me one. We exchange rings, sealing this union.

“By the power vested in me by the state of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Valentino leans in, his eyes on mine until they close. Our lips meet in a gentle kiss. It’s brief, but when he pulls back, he doesn’t move away—not completely.

His lips brush against my ear, whispering low enough for only me to hear, “My bride.”

That’s it. It’s all set in stone. I’m his now, legally. He’s claimed me as his own because that’s what I am now: his wife. Elaina Acerbi.


The entire night, I’m at Valentino’s side, his arm holding me close to him like a trophy he’s proud to show off.

He mingles with the guests, a lot of the conversation in Italian, and some words are said while looking at me, which puts a slight edge on my comfort.

“To think you were almost stuck with one of the bloody Irish, brother,” a man, slightly shorter than Valentino, says as he approaches with a drink in his hand.

“This is why we keep our eyes open,” he responds simply.

The handsome man looks at me and extends his hand. “Elaina, more stunning in person.”

I manage a small smile. It’s the most genuine contact I’ve felt in over a week. As I shake his hand, I feel my side being gripped, and I let go of the man’s hand.

“This is my younger brother Stefano,” Valentino explains to me. “He isn’t quite as levelheaded as I.”

Before Stefano can respond, a girl with black hair joins him and holds onto his arm. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s Italian also, but she seems happy.

Maybe I can be happy someday too.

“Congratulations, Val. I never thought a monster like you could find love,” she comments.

My stomach drops as she says “monster.” She confirms everything inside of me.

“As you know, Gianna, this was an arranged affair.” His cold gaze meets hers, and something is different. It’s clear he doesn’t like her, but it’s also clear she doesn’t back down to him.

But why would she be crazy enough to challenge him that way?

Gianna looks at me, her smile staying on her lips. “Where are you going on your honeymoon?”

“No honeymoon,” Valentino answers. “I have business to attend to, as does your boyfriend. Try staying out of the way this time.”

He pulls me in another direction, cussing in Italian. The last thing I need is him angry on our first night as a married couple, especially when I don’t know him.

I’m well aware of what he’s capable of.

“Is that your only sibling?” I ask as he drags me along the floor, through to the main entrance, without answering me.

He turns to face the guest who immediately looks at him with full attention. “Grazie!” My wife and I are headed home for the evening, but we appreciate your presence today.

Translation: Thank you!

The guests clap their hands, and Valentino leads me out of the venue.

From that moment, I have no idea where I’m going. I don’t know where Valentino lives or if he resides in Chicago as well as Vadim.

He leads me to a black SUV and unlocks it, opening the passenger’s side door for me. I get in and look around, noting how large it is. The windows are tinted, which makes it very dark.

Valentino makes his way to the driver’s side, gets in and turns the SUV on without saying a word.

The silence is deafening.

My eyes focus out the window, imagining being anywhere but here. Everyone is supposed to have a happy place, but after my mom left me to these people, I don’t even have that anymore.

“We need to go over some ground rules,” I hear Valentino speak up as he drives and I look over at him, seeing that his eyes are focused on the road.


“You don’t touch another man or let another man touch you.” There’s a hint of bitterness in his tone. “That incident in there with my brother? Next time, you’ll lose a finger.”

“I was being polite…” I attempt to defend myself.

I’m suddenly grabbed by the chin roughly. His piercing eyes leave the road and meet mine. “And don’t you ever talk back to me. You will respect me, understood?”

My chest is heaving rapidly as I nod my head in agreement just so he will let me go.

He lets go of my chin, turning his focus completely back to the road, and I stare down at my lap for the rest of the drive. It’s a relatively long drive, silent and awkward.

Although I’m uncomfortable with the silence, Val seems oddly content. He is, however, the person who caused the discomfort.

We reach a long driveway that’s fenced all around. The gate is high and has a fancy “A” atop of it, which indicates that we’ve arrived at my own personal hell.

Val pulls the SUV up near the gate where there’s a security system. He begins to key in a code, and the gates open.

After he drives through, the gates instantly close behind the vehicle.

“Will I be able to go outside?” I ask him.

Surprisingly, he nods his head. “Of course. We have a very large backyard. I’m sure you’ll find it quite delightful.”

That’s not exactly what I meant, and a part of me knows that Val knows that also. “I meant outside of that gate…”

“Not anytime soon,” he answers truthfully.

Val parks his SUV in the driveway, and I notice someone has come out from the house to put the SUV in the garage. We both exit the vehicle, and I look at the house in front of me.

“House” is an understatement.

It’s lit up, which means it’s occupied. Obviously, more than just Val lives here, and hopefully whoever does is the welcoming type, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on it.

“Your father told me about the arrangement with your mother and that your move here was sudden, so I have some clothes coming for you tomorrow,” he explains as he walks into the house.

“Let me show you to our bedroom.”

All I can do is nod, and even that movement is difficult. Is it possible to throw up from nerves on the spot? And if I do, would he slap me for that?

The walk up the large staircase is endless, along with the walk through the long hallway. This hallway isn’t nearly as creepy as Vadim’s, but I wouldn’t be so quick to judge.

These people are all the same.

Valentino halts at a door, swinging it open for me and gesturing for me to go in first.

I'm never entirely at ease with him behind me. I can never predict his next move.

I step into the pitch-black room, expecting Valentino to flip on the light. But he doesn’t. Instead, I hear the door click shut behind me and feel his hands settle on my hips.

He leans in, his breath warm on the back of my neck, and plants a soft kiss there. I know immediately where this is headed.

As he turns me to face him, I watch him pull off his tie and start unbuttoning his shirt. He’s undeniably handsome—on the outside.

But physical attraction only goes so far. On the inside, he’s aggressive and unhinged.

He places a hand on my cheek, bending down to press his lips to mine with force. His dominance is palpable as his tongue pushes against my lips.

His hands slide around my body, pulling at the zipper of my dress until it pools at my feet.

Now I’m standing in just my underwear, feeling exposed and uncomfortable. I’ve never been this bare in front of a man before, and I’m not ready for it.

The moment I get a chance, I pull away, my heart pounding from the suddenness of it all. I look at Valentino, shaking my head slowly. “No…I—I can’t…”

His finger silences me, pressing against my lips. His eyes flash a warning as he stares at me. “Don’t say no to me.”

He lifts me up in his arms, and in a swift motion, tosses me onto the mattress like I’m a plaything, not a person.

He shrugs off his shirt, unzips his pants, and steps out of them. Everything is happening so fast, and I feel far older than my eighteen years.

I’ve been thrust into a life filled with responsibilities and burdens, my teenage years stolen from me two years too early.

“Lo Gesù, sei sexy,” he groans, his eyes roaming over my body, lingering on my most intimate areas.

Translation: Jesus, you’re sexy.

The mattress shifts as he hovers over me, his fingers hooking into the waistband of my panties and tearing them off. A yelp escapes my lips.

His boxers are next to go. He trails kisses along my jaw, down my neck, between my breasts, and reaches around to unclasp my bra.

As he pulls off the fabric covering my breasts, his lips ravage my skin, his tongue circling my nipple.

My legs are roughly spread apart, and nothing could have prepared me for what comes next. My first time. The brutal way Valentino invades my once innocent body.

He thrusts hard and fast, pain radiating through me. While he moans in pleasure, I have to fight back tears.

A moment I’d saved for someone special is stolen by pure selfishness.

Italian curses spill from his lips, and even though I don’t understand the language, I can tell they’re words of satisfaction and pleasure.

Throughout it all, I grip the blankets tightly, trying to dull some of the pain.

Eventually, the barrier breaks, and the pain gives way to a slightly more pleasurable sensation. But that doesn’t ease the emotional pain I’m feeling.

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