The Tech Billionaire's Assistant - Book cover

The Tech Billionaire's Assistant


Chapter 3: Beware of People Whose Names Are Preceded by “THE”

“You made it!” a bubbly, excited voice exclaimed.

Octavia glanced up from the magazine she had picked up. A familiar face was smiling widely at her.

“Lauren, good to see you again,” Octavia responded, smiling back.

Lauren walked over to where Octavia stood, just as she had entered the building.

“I’m so glad she called you in, and that you came. This is perfect!” Lauren’s brown hair danced around her face as she babbled on in excitement.

“You set this up?”

“Yes! Well…no. Adelaide—my boss—did. I knew the position was open, and I just thought you’d be perfect for something like this. So I scoured the internet for your information—it actually wasn’t that hard.

“Then I found your profile on LinkedIn and got your resume. I just slipped it to the top of the pile and well…here we are!” she finished, beaming.

Octavia mused over this. “So that’s it.”

A nervous look came over Lauren’s face.

“I hope you don’t mind. I really wanted to pay you back for saving my life with what you did, and I know you said you were looking for a job.”

“This is a really hard place to get into. I’m…kind of embarrassed to admit it, but I only made it because my mom was old friends with someone in HR.

“And even then, I’m still just a contract employee. Every person alive wants to work at Icarus, but only a select few make it in.”

“Wow,” Octavia said, “lucky me.”

“You are!” Lauren said eagerly. “Working here, you can get a job anywhere if you left. Though I don’t know why anyone would. Icarus Tech is the leader in technological innovation of the modern world.”

Octavia smiled and patted Lauren on the arm. “It’s amazing. Thank you.”

Lauren smiled back. “Come on. I’ll take you to meet Adelaide.”

Octavia slung her book bag over one shoulder as Lauren led her through one of the many crystal-lined halls.

“I really think you’ll be a good fit for this job. It needs to be someone who knows their way around tech and can think quickly on their feet. Like you.”

Octavia gave a weak laugh. “I hope you haven’t overestimated my abilities here.”

Lauren shook her head firmly. “I saw your resume. I know I didn’t.” She suddenly stopped and turned to face Octavia.

“Listen, I think it’s only fair that I warn you—this job, it’s a pretty big deal.”

Octavia wanted to squirm under the pointed look Lauren was giving her. “Um, sure. I’ll…do my best here. You know, if I even get it.”

Lauren shook her head. “No, no. That’s not it. It’s just—well, you know who owns the company, right?”

She did not. Number one rule of interviewing was researching potential employers before the interview.

Octavia had kind of skipped past that one. And pretty much every other guideline of the “How to Ace Your Interview 101.”

“Um…sure. Yes.”

“Well…if you get this job, you’ll be working directly with him,” Lauren said with an excited giggle.


“Him. You know. The man who owns all of this. Raemon Kentworth.” Lauren said his name like a prayer, even piously clasping her hands to her chest.

“With who?”

Lauren’s hands dropped. She stared at Octavia in disbelief. “The Raemon Kentworth. Do you not know who he is?”

“Um, sure I do. You said it…he…he owns the place, right?” Octavia said sheepishly.

For the briefest of moments, Lauren considered turning around and ushering Octavia straight back out the way she came. Before she made that decision, the double doors they had stopped before swept open.

Standing before them was a tall, slender, stern-looking woman in outlandishly high heels and a tight black dress that framed her svelte outline like a second skin.

She swept her raven hair over one shoulder and flicked her dark-framed glasses off her face in one graceful motion. Her eyes went from Lauren and settled on Octavia.

Octavia had put some effort into what she was wearing. She had uncovered most of her interview outfit.

The black capri slacks she had bought on sale for a career fair in her college days had been buried under an old pair of Rollerblades in the back of her closet.

She was able to unearth a plain white blouse from one of her drawers, which was miraculously clean, and she had added a light navy cardigan to complete the look.

Ordinarily, her “professional” look included a pair of black ballet flats she kept specifically for such an occasion. That morning, however, found only one side of her flats.

With the dwindling time she had left to make it to her interview in time, she threw her hands up in despair and grabbed the only pair of shoes she had lying around.

The woman standing before her looked her up and down. She stared at Octavia’s hair; once more, Octavia’s hair was tamed into neat little rows running down the length of her head.

She took in Octavia’s slightly rumpled shirt and her mostly clean slacks; there were a few crumbs dotting the material from the bagel Octavia had grabbed in the lobby of the building.

Her eyes then finally stopped at the black-and-white All Star Converse on Octavia’s feet.

“Octavia…Wilde?” she said.

Octavia nodded, somehow able to command the muscles in her neck.

“I’m Adelaide Weston.” She gingerly held out a hand for Octavia to shake. Octavia reached for her hand and eagerly grasped it, giving her a firm handshake.

Adelaide seemed to wince from the gesture, and she withdrew her hand almost before Octavia finished the handshake.

“Um…pleased to meet you. And thanks. Thank you for this opportunity,” Octavia said, finding her voice.

Adelaide seemed to smirk, but the tilting edges of her mouth were so slight Octavia couldn’t be sure. “Lauren, go get the quarterly profit reports from Warren in Accounting,” Adelaide said.

After Lauren scuttled off, Adelaide looked back to Octavia and gestured toward the wide, double doors. They opened up to another section of the office space.

There were no cubicles here, just separate offices with solemn-looking people staring intently at their screens or speaking intently into their desk phones.

The soft carpet damping the sound of Adelaide’s heels was a rust red, and the light gray of the surrounding walls formed a nondescript background to the area.

“Your resume is quite impressive,” Adelaide said, leading Octavia down a hallway.

“Thanks,” Octavia said.

“First in your class at MIT. President of the Robotics Club—three-time National Champions of the Automation-at-Work Contest. Winner of the Henderson Scholarship for Academic Excellence in STEM fields.”

“I don’t remember putting all that on my resume,” Octavia said.

“No. You didn’t,” Adelaide responded, “but it wasn’t that hard to find it out.”

She led Octavia into a small, quiet conference room off the edge of the hallway. They both took seats across from each other. Adelaide observed Octavia with a piercing gaze.

“You’ve got talent, there’s no doubt about it. But the question is, do you have what it takes?”

Octavia realized Adelaide was waiting for a response. She cleared her throat. “Oh…yeah. Yes. I have what it takes. I…I think…”

“You think?”

“I mean, I hope I do. And if I don’t, I’m willing to work hard to…you know…get that thing. What it takes, I mean,” Octavia fumbled.

Adelaide issued a small sigh and put a delicate finger to her temple, closing her eyes in thought…or possibly irritation.

“The man you will be working for is Raemon Kentworth,” Adelaide announced.

Octavia was silent, waiting for Adelaide to continue.

Adelaide’s eyes opened, and she stared at Octavia pointedly. “Did you hear what I just said?”

“Yes. Raemon Kentworth,” Octavia repeated.

“The Raemon Kentworth.”

“Of course. Him. That guy.”

“That guy? That guy?” Adelaide’s face flushed red, and her brows drew together. “Raemon Kentworth is one of the greatest minds of business and technology of this century.

“Because of him, Icarus Tech is the world’s most powerful resource for technological design and distribution. He is a force to be reckoned with. And he doesn’t tolerate failure.

“The position that you will take will be in assisting Raemon. You’ll be his right-hand…man…of sorts. You will accompany him to meetings, business events, and on business-related travel.

“You’ll be expected to do what he says and deliver what he wants, when he wants it. Do you understand?”

The whole speech had been a little much for Octavia to absorb all at once, but she managed to nod and reply, “Uh-huh.”

Adelaide sighed. “Normally, we’d hire someone more familiar with the rigorous demands of our industry. However, Mr. Kentworth insisted on someone with…technological knowledge.

“Someone who might understand the intricacies of our software and technology. Someone who wouldn’t need explanations on the basic functions of our product just for them to finish a goddamn report.

“You, Octavia Wilde, are going to be that person.”

“…And I’m looking forward to the experience,” Octavia managed to say.

“We’re in a tight spot right now, so I’ll need you to start as soon as possible. Should you accept the position,” Adelaide finished.

Octavia paused in thought. She said, “I need some time to think it over.”

“We can give you three days. After that, the offer expires,”

Adelaide stood and started for the door. Octavia jumped up and followed.

She was walking briskly down the same hallway they had just come through. In spite of her heels, Adelaide moved much faster than Octavia. Octavia had to add a skip to her steps every other second to keep up.

“You’ll report directly to Mr. Kentworth. You’ll be on contract. If you make it through the next three months and haven’t managed to get yourself fired, the position will become full time.

“We offer a wide range of benefits. As for your salary—”

Adelaide was cut off when they rounded a corner and came face-to-face with an imposing figure of a man walking briskly up the hallway in their direction.

She stopped suddenly and jumped to the side, shoving Octavia in the same direction as she did.

“Mr. Kentworth, sir!” she exclaimed in flustered surprise.

Octavia looked from Adelaide’s anxious face to the face of the man who had such a paralyzing effect.

The man before her was broad and tall, with dark hair covering his head and jaw. He possessed a fiery, penetrating gaze in his eyes. An aura of command came off him.

And there was something vaguely familiar about his face…

So, Octavia thought, ~this is THE Raemon Kentworth.~ She was surprised that he wasn’t that old. Couldn’t have been past his midthirties. Even so, he gave an unmistakable impression of power.

I guess I can see why everyone is in awe of him. Wait, is he looking at me? Shit! He is. Damn, what should I do? Should I curtsy or something? Voice a greeting? Goddammit—wait a minute.

W-a-a-i-i-t-t-t…That face. I know that face. Have I seen him before?

Octavia was just about to voice a calm “how do you do?” when it dawned on her.

“You!” she sputtered.

Adelaide’s face snapped toward her, and she gave her a sharp look that commanded her silence without words. Octavia didn’t get the message.

Raemon Kentworth took the three remaining steps toward them, closing the gap between himself and the two of them. He raised an eyebrow at Octavia’s words, looking at her through narrowed eyes.

“I swore I wouldn’t have you anywhere near me again. I see you thwarted my plan.”

“I had no intention of ever even seeing you again. I didn’t thwart your plans”—Octavia jerked a thumb in Adelaide’s direction—“she did.”

Raemon Kentworth took his eyes off Octavia, and they settled on Adelaide.

Octavia watched as the austere, imposing Adelaide withered into a frightened child, only barely managing to keep her stern appearance together.

“She…she’s interviewing…for the position. Your new assistant,” Adelaide stammered out.

“That’s what I was doing,” Octavia mumbled.

“I had no idea you already knew her,” Adelaide began, “that is, I didn’t know she was a…an acquaintance of yours. Or that she wasn’t welcome here.” Adelaide suddenly stopped.

She became composed once again as the right words seemed to dawn on her, and she concluded resolutely, “I’ll have security escort her out immediately.”

“What?!” Octavia exclaimed, jumping back. “What the hell? You all invited me here. Why do I have to be escorted out like some…some kind of crazy person?”

Raemon Kentworth’s frozen eyes left Adelaide and again focused on Octavia. “I should think that would be an accurate description,” he said with a sneer tugging at his lips.

“I don’t know what designs you have, but the fact that you were able to get into this building means extreme measures must be taken.”

Octavia was just about to fire back a retort, but she stopped herself and slowly exhaled. “You know what? Forget it. There’s no need for all of this. Or security. I’m leaving.”

She turned to Adelaide. “Thank you for the opportunity.”

She then turned to Raemon. “As for you,” Octavia started, gritting her teeth, “I said if I ever saw you again, I’d pretend to not know who you were. So that’s what I’ll do.”

Then Octavia turned and marched out the door without looking back.

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