My Sexy Devil - Book cover

My Sexy Devil

Mars Mejia

Grand Affair


The rest of Friday passed by quickly. I spent my afternoon finishing up homework so I could be free for the rest of the weekend.

Layla was turning eighteen tomorrow, and she was having a big birthday bash. I knew I was going to be tired on Sunday, so I wanted to get everything out of the way now.

“Kara, do you have a minute?” My mom knocked lightly on my bedroom door. I glanced over to see her barely standing on her feet. I grimaced at the sight.

“Always,” I answered gently, not knowing what would break her.

My mom’s dark brown eyes were bloodshot, and her black hair was pulled back into a tight bun. She wore a baggy white shirt and black sweatpants, making it obvious that she’d stayed home all day.

“Your dad called earlier.” Her words made my heart drop. My mom watched my reaction before continuing, “He was wondering if you’d like to visit him next weekend?”

I took a moment to process her words before allowing the memories to return. “No,” I spat coldly.

“I’ve sent him multiple messages through every form possible, and he responds months later? He didn’t even bother responding to me, but decided it’s a good idea to call you?” My voice cracked.

My mom visibly flinched, and I instantly regretted my words.

I’ll never forget the morning that it all happened.

I was getting ready for school when my mom called our home phone. My brother, Charlie, had been the one to answer the phone and told me Dad was going on a business trip for a few days.

A few days turned into a few weeks, a few weeks turned into a few months, and a few months to where we are now, almost a year later.

I first got the hint when I heard my mom crying in her room at night. She didn’t know I could hear her, but I did.

It destroyed me, and I felt so betrayed. Why would my own father leave us?

Charlie didn’t bring it up for weeks. I constantly begged him to explain, and I knew he just wanted to protect me, but it just hurt even more.

The day he explained everything to me was the day I experienced my first heartbreak.

My mom found out my dad was having an affair. She kicked him out, and instead of trying to work things out, he continued his relationship with the other woman.

They got married, and wherever he is now, I wanted him to stay as far away from us as possible.

My parents were together for twenty-two years. He destroyed my mom, and I can’t ever forgive him for destroying our family.

The worst part was that the woman he was having an affair with knew he had a family. That he was married with two children. That she was a huge reason for the separation of my family.

She was the reason my mom was in so much agony. She was the reason my brother and I were left without a father. She was the reason I no longer had a happy family.

If I were to ever see her or my father’s face again, I’d rip them apart, just like they did to my heart.

“Tell him I never want to talk to him again.” My eyes watered when they met my mom’s, who was also trying to hold back tears. I got up from my desk and embraced her. My heart ached at the sight of her pain.

They were together for twenty-two years, and he threw it all away as if we meant nothing to him.

My mom quietly sobbed as she held me tightly, and I knew deep down in my heart that I’d never be able to forgive my dad.

“Tell him he’s dead to me.”

“You look hot as fuck,” Jess complimented when I walked out into Layla’s big room in my new dress.

Today was Layla’s birthday party, which happened to be black and white themed. Of course, since Jess and I were her best friends, we had to wear a color that stood out.

How could I deny the birthday girl her wish?

After making my mom some tea and helping her get a decent night’s sleep, I spent the rest of the night freaking out over what I was going to wear to Layla’s party.

Luckily I have the greatest friends in the entire world and they surprised me with a dress that they had picked for me. It was my favorite color too.

Jess wore a beautiful red dress and I wore a yellow one that made me feel like sunshine itself.

Not to mention it made my ass look amazing.

“The things I do for you.” My arms wrapped themselves around Layla, hugging her tightly, and she giggled happily.

I was glad that she was turning eighteen because her parents finally allowed her to throw a huge party. Another year with one of my best friends. We’ve all known each other since we were little.

I met Layla in second grade when I accidentally threw my shoe at her head.

“Thank you.” The blonde smiled widely at the two of us and gave us both a brief, but tight hug. “You two better have a fun night! Especially you, Kara.”

Layla gave us her devilish smile and we all glanced at the door when someone knocked. Layla opened the door and a man with a brown buzz cut appeared.

“People are arriving,” the security guard announced with his head peeking through the doorway.

Layla’s parents were wealthy and provided her with everything she needed. They didn’t spoil her and her brother, Liam, though. They were very humble people.

Layla was a kind and caring person. Which was why she made her party grand, so she could spoil herself, along with everyone else. People loved her parties, even if they were rare.

“You two go. I’ll meet you down there.” Layla jumped with excitement while Jess and I walked out.

As we descended, I looked out the window overlooking the stairway and noticed that a good number of people were already here. They decorated her gray brick walkway that seemed to go on for miles.

I took a deep breath as we stood by the door, ready to let everyone in.

The music was already blaring from outside in the backyard, and people were chatting and laughing in her front yard, waiting to be let in.

A lot of people came surprisingly early. Most people didn’t bother showing up until ten or eleven.

I flipped one of my brown waves over my shoulder and waited for Jess to open the door. As soon as she did the crowd cheered, jumping up and down wildly with enthusiasm.

Jess and I waited on either side of the doors as people handed us our invitations and walked in.

Due to so many people wanting to come, Layla made sure only a limited number of people came so it didn’t get too wild. She’d handed out about one hundred invitations to random people and then some to her close friends.

I let a small smile slip when I saw Layla’s picture on the small decorated card. She definitely went all out for this year’s party, but I didn’t blame her. Layla wanted to have a night she wouldn’t forget.

Jess coughed loudly, causing me to look up at her. Her dark brown eyes widened, trying to signal something to me, and she darted her eyes to outside the door.

Confused, I followed her gaze, and my eyes widened when I saw Jason. I wasn’t really surprised to see him. It was more like I was just surprised that he actually looked so sexy to me at that moment. Like really sexy.

Jason was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt that stretched around his muscular biceps. His gold hair was a wavy mess, and his collarbone looked so kissable.

I wanted to rip his shirt off.

“Layla invited him,” Jess explained to me as she took a girl’s invitation and threw it onto the growing pile on the ground next to our feet.

Of course Layla invited him. “Wouldn’t be a party without Jason Kade,” I mocked under my breath.

“I should’ve known she would,” I muttered loud enough so Jess could hear and proceeded to snatch the pink card out of the next person’s hand.

I couldn’t wait until I could leave my post here and begin to enjoy the night with my two best friends.

“Someone doesn’t look too happy,” a deep and amused voice said. My head shot up to see the face I despised most. The face I wanted between my legs. Ugh.

“That’s because you’re here,” I retaliated quickly and made a motion with my hand, telling him to keep walking. Jason chuckled and strutted into the house like he owned it, which only caused me to roll my eyes.

Jess and I continued to let guests in until Layla walked up to us, looking stunning in her long blue dress. She had two bodyguards on either side of her who had stoic faces.

I watched the three of them in awe. They looked like they could be working for the president.

“They’ll take over your spots.” My beautiful friend smiled and grabbed our hands, tugging us along with her to the fun.

As we followed behind her, I saw people dancing everywhere, and if they weren’t dancing, they were either talking or eating the delicious food.

Layla found Milo and gave us a quick goodbye before leaving us behind to have our own fun.

“Drink?” A hand holding a red cup stretched out in front of me.

My gaze followed the arm and connected with warm chocolate eyes. I grimaced when I realized he was one of Jason’s friends.

My eyes narrowed, not trusting him. I recognized him from my Math class, and because Jess had the biggest crush on him.

The gears in my brain turned as I tried to understand what he was doing.

“Is this some sort of prank? Because I’m not falling for it.” I stared at the cup.

Quintin shook his head laughing. “No, just trying to be friendly.” My mouth opened slightly to give him a reply but instead I gave him a confused look.

“Sorry about Jason,” Quintin gave me a coy smile.

From what Jess said, he did seem like a nice guy. I knew a bit about him, like how he and his family were big donors to one of our local churches, and that he was a very good football player.

“It’s not your fault.” I sighed. There was a brief awkward silence. The dark red button-up he wore popped against his umber skin. It was a good color on him.

Quintin was about to say something, but someone came up and threw an arm around his shoulder.

“Well, if it isn’t Cora.” Jason smirked at my angry reaction. Oh, so now he’s calling me by another name? Way to be original.

I gave him a bitter smile and retaliated. “Hey, Jackson.” His sly smirk faltered into a straight line and I grinned.

“Q, you know Kara?” Jason removed his arm. I smiled when he said my real name. So the little devil knew my name after all.

Quintin shrugged. “Not really, but I’m hoping to.” I thought he was kidding, but he smiled at me with hopeful eyes. Jason’s face screwed up into a confused scowl.

My stomach knotted, knowing that this wasn’t good. Jess has had a crush on Quintin for the longest time. I didn’t want to give him the wrong idea.

“Maybe we can hang out soon, as friends?” I gave him a small smile, and Jason stood there dumbfounded. I could use this opportunity to finally get Jess to talk to him.

“That’s cool with me.” Quintin grinned. The three of us stood there silently before we were interrupted.

“Kara,” I heard a feminine voice say. I turned to stare at a familiar brunette who had ripped my heart out.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I hissed venomously. My heart was pounding, and I was suddenly full of rage and pain.

Karina hooked up with Adam behind my back and had known all along that he had a girlfriend.

“I— My friend was invited.” Karina’s large brown eyes stared at the guys next to me. I couldn’t pinpoint the expression she held. I didn’t give a fuck, either.

“Well, are you going to talk?” I snapped.

Karina’s presence was pissing me off. I could feel the pain in my chest begin to swell again, and I hadn’t even thought about it for the first time in a week until she had shown up.

“I’m sorry.” Karina shook her head, looking lost, and walked away quickly. If she was here then that meant…oh no, Adam better not be here with her.

My hand quickly reached for my phone in my pocket, only to remember I was wearing a dress.

“Who was that?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow, his sapphire eyes glued to the back of Karina’s head. She didn’t go to our school, so I didn’t expect them to know her.

Vivid images flashed through my mind and pain coursed through me. Even though Adam and I hadn’t been together for long, no one deserves to go through this kind of pain.

“The girl Adam left me for.” I blurted out the words before I could think, mentally slapping myself for admitting something so personal to Jason.

“Did you see her nails? Don’t make me bring up that shape job.” I laughed at his attempt to make me feel better, before turning serious and clearing my throat.

“You, on the other hand…” Jason took the opportunity to give me a once-over while his bottom lip was between his teeth. My eyes narrowed at him before realizing he was doing this on purpose.

“Well.” I subconsciously rubbed my thighs together. “I’ve got to go.” I spun around quickly and began to look for Jess. My eyes wandered the room, noticing how happy everyone looked.

Layla would be thrilled.

I glanced at the dance floor, expecting to see Jess jumping up and down, but the set of long black locks was nowhere to be found.

As I turned to walk away from the dance floor, someone grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward them. I tried to turn around, but my body went tumbling back to whoever had grabbed me.

They had a tight hold on my hips.

“Dance with me?” they whispered into my ear, and my mind registered Jason’s familiar voice. I hesitated, trying to think straight. His warm body pressed so closely caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

“Relax.” Jason’s hold on me loosened, giving me the opportunity to either leave or stay, and I could feel him begin to sway behind me.

I wasn’t sure if it was him or the room that made me very hot. I was grateful that I was facing away from him because I could feel my face turning shades.

As a new song began to play, I felt myself dancing to the rhythm. Jason’s hands moved up my sides, and I closed my eyes as they slid around my waist.

I knew I shouldn’t have been enjoying this, but I couldn’t help it. I arched my back and pressed my ass against him.

My eyes flashed open, and my breathing hitched when he turned me around to face him.

Jason’s blue eyes were glued to me, and his breathing pattern was matching mine. His minty breath fanned my face, and his hands were on my waist, holding me to him tightly.

Both of our chests were rising up and down against one another. The moment was so intense that I could feel his heartbeat against my chest.

I felt like my heart was in my throat, and my stomach fluttered as he stared down at me.

“Jason,” a girl snapped loudly, and we both jumped away from each other. I had been in a complete daze.

I turned to see who had ripped us from our strange and entrancing moment only to see a girl with brown hair. Once she was close enough, I saw who it was: Sarah Miller. The school’s dramatic bitch.

I rolled my eyes as she stomped toward us with a jealous glare.

“What are you doing with my boyfriend?” the brat screeched loudly, making it perfectly clear to hear her over the loud music.

I could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. My stomach dropped when she said “boyfriend.”

Was it guilt? Or just the fact that I felt stupid? Of course, he had a girlfriend, and of all people, it was the girl who hated me.

I looked over at Jason, expecting him to go running to her like a lost puppy, but instead, his face was stone cold. In fact, he was glaring at her with pure rage and it left me baffled.

Before the situation worsened, I scurried away to do what I had originally planned.

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