The Day They Met - Book cover

The Day They Met

Aimee Dierking

Chapter 5

Kate slept later than she had in quite a while, exhausted by the previous day’s events. She opened her eyes at 9:45 a.m. and stretched.

She had her leg elevated on a large pillow and was surprised that it was still perched on top. She sat up in bed, resting against the pillows.

The sun was shining and it looked like a nice day for late November. She picked up her phone and sent off a text, just like she promised.

KateGood morning! I hope your golf game is going well! x

She set her phone down and hobbled into the bathroom, not knowing how long it would be before he could answer.


Ted was on the tenth hole with Dave and was having a great day.

“So, are you going to tell me what or who is making you this happy? I mean, you look like you are drinking or something with that grin on your face. So spill, asshole!”

Ted smirked. “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“Bullshit! You are grinning like an idiot!”

“Let me ask you something, Dave… How young is too young for someone our age to date?”

Dave stopped and looked at his friend. “What do you mean? Have you really met someone younger?”

Ted nodded his head and swung his club and hit the ball to the eleventh hole.

“She is incredible, but she is younger, and I just wanted your opinion on if it is weird or inappropriate before I get in any deeper.”

Dave was thrown for a loop and told his best friend so.

“I’m really kind of speechless right now. You are a good-looking man, a player really, and can have any number of younger women. What is her age, Ted?”

“She is twenty-eight…”

“Okay… That’s not too bad. Does she have her head screwed on straight?”

“She is very successful and owns her own business. So yes, she does. I mean it, do you think it would be weird, our age difference?”

“Ted, why are you so wound up? Did you just meet her? Why are you freaking out about her age? It’s not like you are going to get married or anything!”

Ted looked at Dave and gave him a long, even stare. “Dave, she is different. She has me spinning and I can’t get enough of her!”

“Are you serious right now? You just met this woman and you are talking about marriage? What if she wants kids? Do you really want to start all over again?

“You have two kids who are busting your balls now! I mean, I just…wow!”

“Dave, I know what you are thinking, that I am losing my mind, but I’m not. She is special and I just want to be around her all the time. I promise I know what I am doing,” he said.

He took a deep breath before continuing. “And if she wants kids, I will happily accommodate her on that.

“Dave, she is someone I can have something real with, not all the one-night stands and flings that I have had over the last few years. She is unlike anyone I have ever met.”

Dave was stunned into silence by listening to his best friend. He just didn’t know what to say other than, “I hope you know what you are doing. I will support you in any way I can, bro.”

Ted thanked him and felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and saw the text from Kate on the screen. He broke into a huge grin and Dave rolled his eyes as he watched him.

He read it and replied.

TeddySo glad you slept late! Golf is going well and I am kicking my best friend’s ass. I think you are my good luck charm! How are you feeling? x

He put his phone away as they walked to the next hole where their balls were lying.

“I take it that was her that messaged you?”

“Yep! She was just getting up and I wanted to make sure she was okay. She broke her leg and is not very steady on the crutches, so I wanted to make sure she doesn’t need anything.”

“Shit, you are already whipped! How is she in bed?”

“Hey! We haven’t slept together yet! Just lay off her, okay? She isn’t a slut!”

“Sorry, Ted! I didn’t mean anything by it. Just calm down, okay?”

Ted nodded and moved on while Dave thought that maybe this was the real thing for Ted.

Before this woman, he had no problem kissing and telling with those flings, and now he hadn’t even slept with her yet. He was even more confused than he was before they started talking.

What a strange change of events!

At the next hole, Ted’s phone went off again.

KateGlad I can be your lucky charm, feeling good with the leg, but am lonely… Are you still coming over today? x
TeddyOf course I am! I should be done here in about an hour. I will run home and change and then be there around lunch. Feeling up to going out? x
KateSure, I have been practicing and am getting better on the crutches. I look forward to seeing you! x

Ted put his phone away and grinned again and finished playing their game. Dave offered to buy him a drink, but Ted declined, anxious to see his princess as he thought of her now.

She was just as dainty and elegant as a princess even in jean shorts, and he wanted to give her everything.

He wanted to find out why she felt so indifferent toward her family and give her the love she deserved.

Love. Ted knew he was well on his way to falling in love with Katie and didn’t want the feeling to end.

And with a final hug to his best friend, Ted drove off to change and then to head to her place.

He hoped and prayed as he was changing clothes that he would be spending the night and packed a bag to leave in his car, just in case.

He grabbed his keys and his bag and went out, locking the door behind him.

He pulled around the circular drive, waited for the security gate to open, and slowly went out, hitting the button to close the gate behind him.

And off he went to see the woman that was tying him in knots.

Ted had never thought about love at first sight before. He thought it was something in the movies and for teenagers who ran away and eloped after graduation.

It wasn’t for grown men who had already been married and had two kids, was it?

Kate was thrilled she had gone two weeks ago for a waxing, manicure, and pedicure. She didn’t spend a lot of money but had things she liked to do for herself that made her feel sexy and beautiful.

And living in Florida when she wore open toed shoes and skirts ninety percent of the time, she felt that smooth legs and great feet were vital.

She showered after getting off the phone with Teddy and washed her hair, then let it air dry into gentle waves. She loved her hair and wished it would never change.

She always had adults compliment her hair color growing up and her Grandparents, whom she adored, told her to be proud of how unique and beautiful the color was.

No one else in her family had red hair and she loved it.

Kate found one of her favorite skirts that flowed around her knees perfectly and a sheer top with a silk camisole underneath.

She desperately hoped she wasn’t trying too hard and was making a fool out of herself. She put on some mascara and light lip gloss, her usual routine of makeup.

She made her way into the kitchen to feed and water Millie. She went to the office side of her building and checked some emails.

She was waiting to hear back on a design she did that ended up being entered into a competition. If she won, they would give her a big article in East Coast Design Magazine and a hefty prize.

The only problem was she would have to attend a banquet, which she absolutely hated to do because she was usually alone.

Maybe this time, if she got the award, she wouldn’t have to be alone.

“Stop it, Kate! Don’t push this! Relax and let it develop naturally. Jeez!”

She worked some as she waited for Teddy and smiled as she thought about him and was jolted out of her daydream when her phone chimed.

She saw a message from Teddy asking what the code for the gate was. She grinned as she replied how sorry she was and gave him the code. He said he was only a few minutes out.

Kate was lost in thought until she heard the bell ring and realized she forgot to open the door this morning.

She opened the door and her breath caught in her throat as she saw him standing there in all his sexy glory.

He was wearing black shorts and a white short sleeved button down shirt and carrying a huge bouquet of white and purple flowers.

“Hey, Princess!”

“Oh my gosh, they are beautiful!”

He chuckled. “Then can I bring them in?”

Kate blushed and moved to the side as she watched him walk in her house and into the dining room and set them on the table.

Then he turned around and took off his gold aviator sunglasses and set them down too. He gave her a slow smile.

She stood transfixed and felt like she was melting from the inside out. She watched him slowly walk toward her and she couldn’t move.

He was right in front of her, and she looked up at him and saw the hunger in his eyes.

“I missed you, Katie… It’s been eighteen hours since I saw you and it has felt like days, and right now I want to kiss you so much that it physically hurts.”

“So what are you waiting for?”

Ted heard her words, took the crutches and set them against the wall and picked her up to his height and brought his lips to hers, gently at first.

Then when he heard that little noise she made, somewhere between a moan and a sigh, and took it deeper. She opened her mouth the second his tongue touched her lips.

She felt like she was on fire and it was the greatest feeling in the world. He made her feel so many things at once, especially desired. How did he do that?

Their tongues danced around each other in an intricate dance, trying to get the other to submit first. She had her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, pushing her breasts into his chest.

He felt her pulling him and knew he wasn’t going to be able to stop if he didn’t soon.

She ran her hands through his hair and wanted more; to touch him more, to feel more and it to be more. And she wanted it all with him and she wanted it now.

What was this man doing to her? She was never this way before, she liked to have fun, but was a little cautious as she did it.

Teddy made her want to throw caution to the wind and jump out of a plane. Or jump into bed with him and NOW.

She pulled back and whispered in his ear as she licked the lobe. “Teddy, I want you… Take me to my room…”

Teddy’s eyes all but rolled back in his head as she licked his ear, but then, when her words registered in his brain, his eyes flew open.

“Are you sure, Princess? We don’t have to… I can wait until you are ready or—”

“Teddy, first door on the left NOW!”

Teddy shifted her in his arms to carry her bridal-style down the hallway to her room.

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