Falling, Falling, and Fallen - Book cover

Falling, Falling, and Fallen

Ahanaa Rose

Prince Charming?


He was breathtaking.

His deep blue eyes resembled the ocean, vast and mesmerizing. His dark, thick hair was perfectly styled to the side, a luxurious mane that invited your fingers to run through it for hours.

His lips were pink and plump, irresistibly tempting, begging to be kissed or bitten. His features were chiseled and flawless, like a living sculpture.

He looked like he had just stepped out of a high-fashion magazine, the kind that makes girls swoon and sigh in admiration.

There I sat, staring at this Greek god, imagining all the wonderful things he could do to me. His tongue darted out of his mouth, and I couldn’t help but wonder how he would taste.

He cleared his throat, snapping me out of my stupor. I blinked and quickly looked away, trying to hide the blush I knew was burning my cheeks.

He continued to speak while I looked down at my hands and started fiddling with my fingers. “You were right about one thing. You do have a lot of experience. So why don’t you tell me how your immense experience helps you within this role.”

I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but that didn’t deter me from answering his questions. Without looking up, I launched into a detailed account of my past roles.

I described the responsibilities I had handled, the skills I had honed, and the challenges I had overcome. I explained how each experience had shaped me, making me a better candidate for this role. My voice was steady, but my heart pounded in my chest.

I didn’t know how long I spoke, but during that entire time, I didn’t dare raise my eyes to look at him, afraid that one glance would shatter my focus and reveal the nerves I was struggling to contain.

He interrupted me while I spoke and asked, “Tell me, Miss Reign, are you simply repulsed by me or afraid?”

I quickly glanced up and saw that he was staring directly at me, one eyebrow raised, his hands folded against his mouth. Once again, I was ensnared by those beautiful blue eyes—they were so hypnotic, like deep pools of water that drew you in and held you captive.

His gaze was intense, and I felt like he could see right through me, uncovering all my insecurities and doubts. His expression was unreadable, a mix of curiosity and amusement, and it made my heart race. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, even though I knew I should. Those eyes seemed to hold the promise of a thousand unspoken words, and I was desperate to know what they were.

He slammed his hand hard onto the table and practically shouted, “Miss Reign!”

I jumped and shook my head. “No, sir. I just got lost in thought while trying to answer your question.”

He leaned back in his chair and went back to reading my C.V. “There’s quite a large gap between your last role and now. Care to explain?”

My mind fogged up, and suddenly, I was dragged back to that very dark place I had tried so hard to escape. Memories of my past bombarded me—the pain, the endless darkness, and the suffocating depression. I felt the weight of those days pressing down on me again, the sense of being trapped with no way out. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder of my vulnerability.

I couldn’t think; I couldn’t speak. I was frozen, paralyzed by fear and a sense of impending doom. My breathing became rapid and shallow, my chest tightening as if I were being squeezed by an invisible force. The panic was setting in, creeping up my spine like a cold, relentless serpent.

All I wanted to do was run away from here, to flee this oppressive room and find refuge in the safety of my home. I longed to curl into a ball, to hide from the world and the overwhelming feelings that threatened to consume me.

I could hear him in the background, repeating my name, and suddenly, I felt a hand on mine. I turned to see Mr. Blackwood kneeling beside me, his hand resting gently on mine as he looked at me. His piercing blue eyes bore into mine, filled with unexpected worry and concern. It was startling, considering his reputation for being cold and unfeeling. Yet, in that moment, he seemed genuinely caring.

He whispered my name again. “Lina.”

I saw his lips move and felt his hand tighten around mine. Realizing where I was, embarrassed to show my vulnerability, I quickly shook my head. I pulled my hand away, turning completely away from him.

I cleared my throat. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

I felt him move, knowing he was now standing, hovering over me. His tone reverted to that cold, hard edge that I feared so much.

“It doesn’t seem like you’re fine, Miss Reign,” he stated firmly. “I must make it abundantly clear: if you are currently facing personal issues, this is not the place to work them out.”

I looked up and stared at him directly in the eyes, wanting him to understand my determination and how much this job would mean to me. “I understand, sir. There are no issues. I simply had a moment.”

He raised an eyebrow and looked down at me. “We don’t tolerate ‘moments’ here, Miss Reign.”

He started to make his way back around the table and stated matter-of-factly, “I suggest you have your ‘moments’ elsewhere. I do not have the time or the patience to deal with it. I need someone dedicated and mentally up to the task of essentially helping me run a company, and it seems like that is not you, Miss Reign.”

Before I could say anything further, he stated, “You may leave.”

His gaze had shifted away from me, fixated back on the papers beneath his fingertips. The weight of his words settled heavily in the air, punctuated by the distant hum of the office air conditioning. A mix of disappointment and resignation welled up inside me as I realized there was nothing more I could do or say to sway his decision.

At that moment, I felt a wave of uncertainty wash over me. Was I truly not cut out for this role? Did I let my nerves and personal issues cloud my chances? Questions raced through my mind, each one stinging with a pang of self-doubt.

I gathered my belongings silently, each movement a mechanical response to the dismissal I had just received. As I turned to leave, my foot caught in the chair leg, sending me off balance. Panic surged as I braced for an inevitable fall, but then strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. My eyes snapped shut in reflex, expecting the impact, but instead, I found myself turned around and supported by someone.

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