ADAM the Web Movie - Book cover

ADAM the Web Movie

Michael BN

Chapter 2

Adam followed me back to the bedroom, so I could give him something to wear. As much as I would have enjoyed watching him walk around butt-naked, it would probably end up being too distracting.

I handed him a set of clothes but I guess I should have asked first. He gave me a curious look and closed his eyes. His skin shimmered and seconds later he was fully dressed.

Fuck me, talk about a skin-tight outfit!

“I cannot sense Terra Prime nor Alpha Centauri Prime. Are we currently in a corridor?” Adam asked, in a deep husky voice. It sent a tingle down my spine.

“Uh, huh,” I said, feeling like a complete moron in front of this utterly gorgeous creature.

“How many jumps have we completed?” He continued his interrogation, studying me like a predator.

Why did that look excite me?

“We actually just left Earth,” I said hastily.

Did he know that I wasn’t supposed to let him out? I repeated my earlier question to distract him.

“What are you?”

He was quiet for a moment as if weighing whether he could tell me or not.

“Operating system, Padrona Mark 9 sentient AI. Hardware configuration, nanite anthropomorphic frame. Power source, null point energy core,” Adam spoke without taking a breath.

Did he even breathe?

“Awesome,” I said, having absolutely no fucking clue what any of that meant.

“Would you like to know more?” Adam cocked his head slightly.

His ability to mimic human behavior was uncanny.

Should I ask him if he was queer? Did a dude like him even have a sexual identity? How advanced was his AI? If I asked him to spank me, would he let me call him “Papi”?

Maybe, I should offer him breakfast first. My circadian rhythm was already fucked so I might as well. Shit! Did he actually need food? Would I have to share my crackers?

I should never have touched that fucking ball!

Adam patiently watched me eat. I couldn’t concentrate on two things at the same time, so it was deadly quiet at the table.

Was he always going to be this…creepy?

I waved at him, still afraid to shake his hand, and made my way to the bedroom. I'd tried skipping my night's sleep, but it eventually bit me in the bum.

I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Was that music?

The cold floor nipped at my bare feet as I pulled on my unicorn slippers. I'd smuggled them onboard as if they were hard drugs. I didn’t want to go anywhere without them but didn’t want anyone to know.

I found Adam in the music room playing a prewar classic, “Kashmir," by Led Zeppelin. On a fucking cello! The bow moved fluidly over the strings as if he were making love to the instrument. It was beautiful, very sensual, and totally unexpected.

Why would they teach him to play instruments?

I stood there watching until he finished the piece. He looked up as if only just noticing that I was there.

“Did you like it?” he asked.

And then he smiled! Holy Fuck!

I'd already seen this dude naked, how was it possible that a flash of pearly whites could get my knees to buckle? This was going to be a long trip, and I couldn’t really ignore him.

“Adam,” I said hesitantly. “I…I…wasn’t supposed to ‘activate’ you.”

He didn’t react, seemingly waiting for me to continue.

“To avoid becoming Alpha Centauri’s first public execution, is there any way you could go back into your ball?”

Adam stood up, carefully put away his instrument, and walked toward me.

“Now why would we want that?” he said, gently brushing a finger along my cheek. “I just started to enjoy myself.”

He walked back toward the instrument rack and this time grabbed a rock guitar. Staring deep into my eyes, he gave me a flawless rendition of another piece of classical music, “Nothing Else Matters,” by Metallica.

I clutched my cheek, still feeling his soft, warm touch. Was this actually happening? Or did I have some kind of corridor fever?

“Are you hitting on me?” I dared ask after he was done playing his guitar.

“Should I?” he said, walking straight past me into the hallway.

“What exactly is your purpose?” I asked, confounded.

I was starting to feel like I had been suckered into this bizarre situation.

“Finally, he asks!” Adam said, leaning casually against the hull.

For a second, I was distracted by the colorful swirling view behind him.

“Are you going to answer?” I said, crossing my arms.

I tried to imitate his easy swagger but failed miserably. I blamed my slippers, one of the unicorn horns was bent.

“I'm a digital archive matrix,” he said as if that explained everything.

“Yes, but what does that mean?” I said, raising my arms in frustration.

“What do you think that means?” he replied, calmly.

“You're a walking library!” I replied, blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

“Precisely,” he said excitedly.

“Wow!” I said as if I knew why I was supposed to care.

“What am I going to do with you?” Adam rolled his eyes.

It was like he had needed a few hours for his personality to load properly.

“I have a couple of ideas, but I don’t think they’re part of your library.” I used air quotes on that last word.

“My archive contains all seven books of the classic Kamasutra, as well as the adapted versions for same-sex intercourse,” he said like he was pulling it straight out of his…database.

“I meant a game of chess, you pervert,” I replied, already starting to laugh.

“Your implant says otherwise!” he quipped, his eyes sparkling with mischievous delight.

Shit! He had access to my implant?

Exiting corridor in 5…4…3…2…1.

Again, that lurching feeling as the ship exited the wormhole.

I could now see the black void of space behind Adam and… Was that debris?

Holy fuck? Where was the second jump point anchor?

A quiet banging sound reverberated throughout the ship, as the debris mercilessly pummeled us. I ran to the bridge and Adam kept up just by walking.

It was as if we were in an asteroid field! The navigational AI wasn’t meant for micro-management, and it could no longer detect its destination.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! The jump point anchor was completely destroyed!

My first thought was whether the ARC ships had made it. I was just one dude with a pretty ship and an even prettier… I needed to decide what he was.

I knew he wasn’t human but perhaps it would be better for my psychology if I called him a “Fuck, You’re a Smoking Hot Robot”—FYSHR! No, that was too long!

A heavy thud almost knocked me to the floor.

“If you don’t plan on doing anything, do you mind if I try,” Adam said, already making his way to the navigational console.

…And the show-off had a hero mode!

The holographic interface was initiated but apparently, he didn’t need it. I watched in shock as his hands disappeared into the terminal. The ship made a couple of impossibly sharp turns and soon we were clear of the remnants of the anchor pylon.

He retracted his hands and closed his eyes before announcing, “Terra Prime reports that the ARC ships have successfully entered the fourth corridor.”

“So only we are stuck?” I asked.

“No. This ship is fully prepared for all circumstances. It's for all practical purposes an upgraded version of the Hermes.”

Holy fuck! The Padrona Corporation had almost gone bankrupt during the construction of the original Hermes.

Once its crew had built the “Road to Rome,” however, every organization on Earth paid a toll for transport to the new home world.

Padrona was now richer than God and could easily afford… Ooooh! I looked at Adam, reevaluating what he was.

“We will need to manually place the new pylon and calibrate it.”

“You mean go out into space? But that’s fucking dangerous! Have you never watched classic sci-fi cinema?” I cried in horror.

Even looking at my slippers couldn’t calm me down.

“I will do it!” he said, walking up to me and grabbing my shoulders. “But you’ll have to disable all of my self-protection protocols!”

“Are you fucking shitting me?” I shouted in panic. So much for being a space nanny!

“Nah! I'm just messing with you. The process is fully automated. We should be on our way again, shortly!”

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