Their Little Human - Book cover

Their Little Human

Lotus O’Hara

Chapter 4


The hallway was bustling, filled with towering figures, each unique in their build. Raven noticed a sea of uniforms, each man armed. Their whispers trailed behind her and Arenk as they made their way to the elevator. Arenk quickly silenced the translator as the crowd thickened. He gently stroked her head, and she nestled into his side.

Once the elevator doors closed, she let out a sigh of relief.

She eyed the panel filled with unfamiliar symbols. Arenk placed his hand on it, pressing a sequence of symbols that set the elevator in motion.

Exiting the elevator, they were met with the same curious stares. The vibrant greenery outside was even more stunning up close.

A large fountain, crafted from some metallic material, dominated the square. It seemed to be a popular gathering spot.

“Can we visit the ship today?” she asked.

He activated the translator, maintaining his brisk pace. She had to almost jog to keep up with his long strides.

“Today, we’re going to the doctor’s office and the market.”

“But what about my ship? I need to contact someone for a ride,” she insisted.

“The radio was damaged beyond repair when we found it. Plus, we need clearance to make that kind of call.”

“Then let’s get that clearance. Today. After everything else.” She reached out and grabbed his hand, pleading, “Please.”

He sighed, his stride unbroken. His jaw tightened, and his grip on her hand grew firmer. As they passed, people paused to stare, whispers filling the air.

“Is that a female?” one voice questioned.

“What is that? It’s so small,” another chimed in.

“We’ll talk about this later. Behave at the doctor’s, and I’ll reward you,” he promised.

She made a disapproving sound, causing him to halt abruptly.

“Be upset if you want, but I don’t want to hear that sound again. Got it?”

She yanked her hand from his. “Fine.”

Just as he reached for her again, the door swung open. “Always early, Lieutenant General Arenk,” a man greeted.

“Hello, Doctor. Are you ready for us? We have a busy day.”

“Absolutely. She seems to be doing well. Now that she’s awake, we can conduct the other tests, including the one you were interested in,” the doctor replied.

“Come,” Arenk beckoned, gesturing towards the doorway.

She stepped inside. “I feel fine. This is all unnecessary.”

“That’s good to hear, but I’d rather hear it from a professional,” he responded, guiding her down a small hallway.

The office was pristine and white, exactly what you’d expect from a doctor’s office, except for the absence of other patients—and the fact that they were leading her to a basement. She froze at the top of the stairs.

The beeping of machines echoed up the stairs, and the glare of lights reflected off the floor.

“There’s no need to be scared. I won’t let anything bad happen to you,” he reassured, extending his hand to her.

She hesitated before taking it. As she entered, her eyes darted to a table equipped with stirrups and straps.

A tray of tools and needles was neatly arranged next to a computer on a mobile cart.

“What kind of tests is he going to do?”

“A general checkup. He’ll ensure you’re not suffering any adverse effects from the planet and collect some samples for research,” he explained, helping her onto the table.

“Strap her in as well. She needs to be completely still for the scan,” the doctor instructed.

“Lie back and put your feet in,” Arenk directed.

She lay back, pulling her shirt down.

“He won’t look. Any procedures down there are my responsibility,” he assured her with a smile.

Once her feet were secured, the table came to life, strapping her in tightly, including her arms. Her heart pounded, but slowed as Arenk soothingly stroked her knee.

He positioned himself between her legs, blocking the doctor’s access, only stepping aside to allow the machine to scan.

“Everything looks fine. We just need to administer the final dose of the vaccine and run the last test you requested,” the doctor informed. “This will sting a bit.” He was quick with the injection. “I assume you want to conduct this one.”

“You assume correctly,” Arenk confirmed.

The doctor set a tray of empty tubes and swabs nearby, then busied himself with the computer.

“After you collect the samples, put them in the machine by the stairs and press enter. The results will display after the analysis. Do you want me to give her a stimulant?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Arenk declined.

Once the door at the top of the stairs closed, Arenk moved to the head of the table. He removed his jacket and tossed it onto a chair in the corner.

He methodically rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, then gathered his long hair into a bun, just like the previous night.

“I promised a reward if you behaved for the doctor. Would you like it now?” he asked, picking up a tube and swab.

His eyes held a familiar heat. A tingling sensation spread through her lower half.

“Your rewards leave me frustrated.”

“Only when you’re naughty, but I think you enjoy being bad,” he teased, holding the swab to her lips. “Open. Wide.”

He swabbed her cheeks and placed it in the tube. Could he be right? Arenk picked up another tube and swab.

“Last chance. You’ll have to wait until the next offer. Would you like a reward for being a good girl?”

His hand traced a path from her calf to her thigh. Her breath hitched as she squirmed under his gentle touch. He stopped just short of her center, massaging her inner thigh. She craved release.

A warmth began to pool between her legs. After a few moments, he pulled away.


Arenk swabbed her cheek, placing the sample in a tube. Is this the right thing to do? He picked up another tube and repeated the process.

“I need it now,” Raven demanded.

Her chest heaved, rising and falling rapidly. A shiver ran through her as his fingers brushed against her slick folds.

“Remember your manners, little one. How do we ask for something we want?”

She moistened her lips, swallowing hard.

“May I have my reward now, please?” she asked, her eyes smoldering.

“First things first,” he replied, sliding the swab inside her.

She squirmed slightly.

As he swirled the swab around her inner walls, he said, “We wouldn’t want to upset the doctor by contaminating the sample.”

He tossed the sample aside and deactivated the table. As it released her, she sat up, rubbing her wrists. He moved to her side, pulling her legs around and spreading them as he drew her closer.

Her petite, firm ass fit perfectly in his hands. Raven’s gaze flickered between his eyes and his lips.

He silenced her with a smirk, and she boldly parted his lips with her tongue. His eyes widened in surprise. Pulling back, he asked, “What was that?”

“You tell me,” she replied.

“You don’t know why you just put your tongue in my mouth?”

She grinned. “That? That’s a soul kiss. Didn’t you like it?”

“I did. I just wasn’t expecting it. Kissing isn’t common here. Most people either don’t enjoy it or simply don’t care for it,” he explained.

He decided to experiment, pressing his lips to her neck. The reaction was immediate. Her head tipped back, her thighs tightening around him.

He gently laid her back, their tongues dancing together. The unfamiliar sensation made his heart race. Her heat intensified.

His hand slipped between them, his fingers tracing small circles over her sensitive bud. She responded beautifully, blossoming and flowing for him.

“Sorry to break up the party, but my next appointment is in twenty minutes. I need to clean and prep the room,” the doctor’s voice came over the intercom.

“I’m sorry, little one,” he whispered in her ear. “You’ll have to wait until later.”

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