The Night Operator - Book cover

The Night Operator

Constance Marounta

Chapter 3


A week had passed since she’d received the most unsettling call of her career, both as a receptionist and as an operator.

Anyone who’s worked in customer service has had their fair share of oddball customers, but what she’d experienced was beyond anything she’d ever encountered.

She’d dealt with all sorts of people in her time: the polite ones, the polite but clueless ones, the downright rude ones, the frustrated ones, the flirty ones, and even the slightly creepy ones.

She’d always managed to handle them with ease, even the ones who were overly flirtatious. Most would compliment her voice; some would ask if she was single; one even proposed; and another asked for her zodiac sign.

Usually, she could spot the playful ones a mile away, but last night she’d been caught off guard.

The man who’d called to report a minor glitch sounded tired and annoyed that he had to talk to her at such a late hour.

Her first impression was that he had a rather pleasant voice, despite the stern tone he used when he first spoke to her.

She spent twenty minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with his computer, but she couldn’t find the problem.

This had never happened before, and while she expected him to get angry, he instead asked her if she masturbated.

“Well, do you?” Celia asked with a teasing smile when she started to tell her what had happened.

“Who doesn’t?” she shot back, and Celia looked at her in surprise.

“I don’t. That’s what my husband’s for,” she replied, frowning.

“Good for you, Celia, but that’s not the point. The guy was a pervert,” Maggie insisted.

“Honey, don’t overthink it. It was late—he was probably just messing around.”

“He asked me to touch myself so he could listen,” she whispered.

“Oh shit!” Celia said, chuckling softly. “Your sexy little voice must have really turned him on.”

“Stop it, or I won’t tell you anything ever again,” she threatened.

“It took you a whole week to tell me when I told you not to keep the juicy stuff to yourself.”

“How would you feel if you were in my shoes?”

“Ian’s been gone a month and won’t be back for another. I’d be horny as hell,” she stated matter-of-factly.

They both laughed, but Maggie still felt uneasy. What if he called again?


Around three in the morning, she wished she hadn’t tempted fate with her negative thoughts because he did call again.

“Hello Maggie,” he greeted as soon as she finished her opening line.

“Hello, sir. How may I assist you?”

She thought it would be safer to pretend she didn’t recognize him. Maybe that way, he’d get the hint and not try to repeat what happened last time.

“You hung up on me the other night,” he said, his tone cool and collected.

“I apologize, sir. It must have been a mistake.”

“You know that’s not true, sweetheart. Don’t play dumb. You know who I am.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I speak with a lot of clients each day. If you could give me your name…”

“I didn’t give you my name the last time we spoke, and you know that. I won’t give you my name now. I don’t have to.”

“That’s true. Is the problem still there?”

“Which one?” he asked, and she could almost see him smirking.

“The one with your computer, which is why you called,” she reminded him.

“Oh, that. Yeah, I fixed that myself. But my hard-on is a bit harder to fix without your help.”

She swallowed hard.

“In that case, I must inform you, you’ve dialed the wrong number. Our company doesn’t offer that kind of service.”

He chuckled softly.

“But you never answered my question, sweetheart.”

“I won’t, so please, if you don’t have any technical issues that need addressing, don’t call again.”

“Are you in a bad mood, sweetheart?”

“I was fine until you called,” she muttered, earning another soft chuckle from him.

“Do I upset you, Maggie?”


“Is it because I turn you on and you can’t do anything about it right now?”

“No, it’s because you don’t respect that this is my workplace. While you’re at home with nothing better to do than to bother me, I have to do my job as best I can.”

“Well, that’s one way to look at it,” he said slowly.

“That’s the only way to look at it,” she replied firmly.

“No, not really. It might be the proper way, and your boss would be pleased with your dedication, but he doesn’t have to know. I for one won’t tell him.

“Let’s have a little fun. I know I need it, and I’m sure it would do you some good too.”

She closed her eyes. His voice was so persuasive that she didn’t know how to get rid of him.

“I have a boyfriend,” she blurted out, the lie sounding unconvincing even to her own ears.

“I don’t care, sweetheart. Besides, we both know you’re not being honest.”


“After we talked last time, did you touch yourself?”

Yes, she had, just before she fell asleep. And again when she woke up. But there was no way she was going to admit that to him.

“Did you come, sweetheart?” he asked again, softly, as if she’d answered his previous question.

Yes, she had, but once again she remained silent.

“Did you think of me while you were pleasuring yourself?”

She’d been thinking about his voice all week, and it wasn’t even the sexiest voice she’d ever heard.

She couldn’t understand why she was fantasizing about a creep she’d never met.

“Did you imagine my fingers slipping inside you? Or was it my tongue you wanted to taste you?” he whispered.

She couldn’t take it anymore. So, she hung up.

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