My Possessive Mate - Book cover

My Possessive Mate

Jade H.V.

Chapter 3


Sawyer was sitting in front of me, on the kitchen bench, and I was wrapping his arm up in the bandage after I put an ointment on when Natalie came in.

Sawyer’s face seemed to brighten at the sight of her, just as hers did a little, but it faded when she noticed his neck and face.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, and he shrugged a little, putting on a soft and sad expression.

“I could be better,” he said, and then winced when I tied the bandage off.

“Sorry,” I replied. “And now your charms are lost. I say you look better.” I crossed my arms over my chest as Natalie laughed a little.

“Don’t be mean. He almost died,” she said, shoving me a little.

“You’re both bitches, you know that right?” Sawyer smirked a little and got off the bench.

“I could still pleasure you both. What’s downtown wasn’t harmed,” he said, and Natalie laughed, but I frowned a little, feeling like someone was watching.

I looked to the window, but it only showed my truck with Dad’s. I looked to the doorway, but it was empty.

“You okay, Milly?”

~“Milly,” I heard in my head, a whisper so soft I looked back towards the window.

“Milly, I’m going to be okay,” Sawyer said as he moved an arm around my waist. “I’m not dead.”

“I know,” I smirked a little before his lips brushed against mine. Warm and half soft, half dry and crispy.

Natalie fake coughed, and he pulled away completely as Dad came in.

“Milly, don’t you have work?”

“Oh, shit,” I muttered as I ran out and made my way downstairs.

I got to my room and slammed the door closed before I pulled off my shirt and played that fun game where you rush everything and trip over everything too.

I groaned, landing on the floor thanks to the small space. I kicked off my jeans before I got up and cursed again when my phone started ringing.

I moved to it and answered. It was my boss.

“I know. I know. I’m on my way. Ah, stupid traffic.”

“You’re fired,” she replied before hanging up abruptly.

“What?” I asked, but she’d already hung up. I looked down, my jaw open before I sat on my bed and pinched the bridge of my nose.


“She fired me!” I yelled at Natalie as I was back in the kitchen with her.

“I can’t believe her! This was my first time being late. I did everything she ever wanted me to do. Even the stupid dishes and cleaning the fucking cool room. I don’t get it.”

“Well, she did kind of hate you,” Natalie put in, and I sighed a little. “You’ll get another job, I’m sure. You’re you. Smart. Kind. Mean and grumpy now and then.”

“Nat! What am I going to do? I need money.”

“Get another job,” she said. “Like I just said,” she stated, and I took a breath as I sat down on one of the stools.

I looked over at Dad as he came in, tense and angry.

“What’s wrong?” Natalie asked, noticing it too.

He swallowed. “Do you know anyone who’d want to kill Sawyer?”

“Kill Sawyer? Me sometimes,” I replied, and he snickered and glared at me. “What?”

“This morning, his bike was sabotaged.”

“Sabotaged?” Natalie questioned. “By who?”

“I would think the same person who killed him.”

“Excuse me?” I asked. “Killed? He was just here with us,” I said, and he sat down next to me, looking sad. “Dad, what happened? Where’s Sawyer?”

“He’s dead, girls. Jackson found him out back,” he said, and I got up and made my way to the back. I ran out and looked at my truck, my jaw opening. It looked like it’d been keyed. Three lines like a claw.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled and then noticed Jackson just behind it.

I ran over and saw blood over the back of my truck, on the ground in splots. Then the blue tarp over a body.

I swallowed and moved to Jackson, hugging him softly as his eyes were red and puffy.

“What happened?”

“Wolf attack I reckon. I heard a few howls this morning,” he replied. “There must be a pack passing through,” he said as I let go and looked back at my truck.

“No fucking wolf could do that,” I said, moving to look at the damage again. “A freaking tiger maybe.”

“You okay?” he asked, coming to me, and I looked back at the tarp, stared for a moment as tears clouded in my eyes and throat.

“I’m going to go back inside. Police?”

“They’re coming. They’ll want to talk with everyone but probably tomorrow,” he said, and I nodded a little.

I walked back and headed inside before my teeth chattered and tears fell.

I ran through the kitchen and made my way downstairs.

“Milly!” Natalie called, following me, and I disappeared into my room.

She followed, and I turned to her as I started crying. She closed the door, crying too before she came and hugged me.

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