Vow of a Mate - Book cover

Vow of a Mate


Chapter 3


I found myself staring into his dark eyes. My breath hitched. He was so handsome it should be a crime.

His hair was tousled in a way that was undeniably attractive. His dark eyes were captivating, holding me in place. His sharp nose and chiseled jawline only added to his good looks. And his lips? I couldn’t even begin to describe them.

Suddenly, I noticed the change in his expression.

His face cycled through shock, joy, disbelief, and finally, anger. Anger? I was taken aback.

“Not now!” he barked, before storming out.

I was left stunned. I’d found my mate. I’d always been afraid of this moment.

After losing my parents, I’d been hesitant to form any lasting relationships, scared of experiencing that loss again. But this? I hadn’t seen this coming. Finding and losing my mate on the same day.

My human side understood his reaction, but my wolf side didn’t. I could feel her pain, and it was unbearable. I knew she was trying to shield me from it, but I didn’t want her to.

She’d been with me through everything, even the loss of our parents. I didn’t want her to suffer alone.

Alice’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I responded, not really thinking.

“What just happened? Do you know him?” Alice asked.


“Then why did he leave after seeing you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why did you zone out?” Alice asked, suspicion in her voice.

“I was talking to my wolf.”

“About what?”

“Wondering if we’ve met him before.” I was surprised my voice didn’t crack.

“Alice, I need to go.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’ve just been losing sleep over exams and I’m tired. I think a good night’s sleep will do me some good.” I gave her a small smile and left before she could ask any more questions.


After a sleepless night, I avoided the diner for the next three days. I hadn’t left my house at all, making excuses to avoid any social activities.

My wolf let down her guard the next day, but I was mad at her. How could she think I wouldn’t want to share her pain? We were one soul in two bodies, for heaven’s sake.

Eventually, we both came to terms with reality. I couldn’t avoid everyone forever. More importantly, I wouldn’t give up my dreams for someone I didn’t even know, even if he was my mate.

I felt a little better after that.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, accompanied by impatient knocking. I knew it was Alice on the other side and hurried to open the door before she could break it down.

Alice nearly fell inside as soon as I opened the door. My laughter died when I saw her glare.


“What the hell, Rose? You disappeared three days ago. You weren’t answering your phone. Nate said you haven’t been to college. What’s going on?”

“I wasn’t feeling well.” I turned away, avoiding her gaze.

Alice grabbed my shoulders and spun me around.

“What happened, Rosie?” she asked again, her voice soft.

I hung my head and mumbled, “I found my mate.”

“What? That’s great, Rosie. I’m so happy for you.” She paused. “But why don’t you seem happy?” I could hear the confusion in her voice.

“He doesn’t seem to want me.” My voice was barely a whisper.

She was silent for a moment before pulling me into a tight hug. The walls I’d built around my heart crumbled at her simple gesture.

She patted my head as I cried on her shoulder. She led me to the couch, and we sat there, holding each other for a while.

“Who is he?” Alice asked, anger in her voice.

“Nobody you know.” I didn’t want to reveal his identity. If I was going to get over this, I didn’t want anyone else to know him.

“Where did you meet him? When?” she asked.

I hesitated. I couldn’t say the diner or college; she would figure it out.

“I ran into him on the way home from the diner. He made it clear right away that he didn’t want me. I understood and left. But it hurts.” My voice broke at the end.

“Hey…” She held my hands.

“I don’t have many friends. You know that. It’s just you and Diana, and it took me a while to warm up to you guys. But, you know, I always secretly hoped for my mate.

“I thought he would help me overcome my fear of being around people, like my knight in shining armor. But the way he rejected me as soon as we met... it hurts.

“Even though I say I don’t want anyone to get close, deep down I long for someone who will be mine, someone I can proudly call my family.”

I said all this in a soft voice, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Alice hugged me tightly.

“He doesn’t deserve you. But you’ll find someone who will love you with all his heart, someone who will see what a gem you are.”

I didn’t respond, but I accepted her words, even though I didn’t believe them.

Suddenly, Alice stood up and pulled me with her.


“Enough moping around. Get up. Let’s go to the diner. Diana’s been worried sick about you. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t appreciate you. We’re here for you.”

I smiled back at her. Her words gave me strength.

The rest of the day went smoothly. As Alice had said, Diana was worried about me, and I felt guilty for shutting them out.

After a bit of fussing from Diana, I resumed my place behind the counter. The steady stream of customers helped distract me from my thoughts. But I couldn’t ignore the pain inside me.

I felt him enter before I saw him. The bond between us was stronger with him nearby. Didn’t he feel it too? Or was he just better at ignoring it?

I shook my head, trying to shake off the heavy feeling, as he took a seat in a booth, his gaze fixed on me. His stares made it hard to focus on my work.

I let out a sigh when he finally left. My hands were still shaking a little. I asked Alice to cover for me and retreated to the staff room.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. The rest of the day passed without incident. As usual, Diana, Alice, and I gathered for our usual chat.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Diana asked me again.

“I’m fine, Diana. Just a little tired from studying for exams. I’m better now.”

Diana didn’t look entirely convinced, but she let it go, much to my relief.

“Did you know Aubrey’s ex-boyfriend comes here every day? He always sits in the same spot and leaves after a while.”

“Doesn’t he have a name?” I was annoyed that Alice kept referring to him in relation to Aubrey.

“No clue. He never gave his name when Clarke asked. Actually, he never says anything except his order. But why does that bother you?” Alice asked.

“I...I’m not bothered. I just think calling him Aubrey’s boyfriend could cause confusion,” I replied.

“Ex, Rosie. Ex-boyfriend.”

“Can we change the subject?” I asked, tired of hearing him referred to as Aubrey’s boyfriend.

Alice shrugged and dropped it. Diana was looking at me with a knowing smile. I felt a knot in my stomach. Even if she suspected something, she never said a word.

I said goodnight to both of them and left the diner.


As soon as I stepped outside, I felt his presence. I looked around and saw him standing across the street, leaning against a lamppost with his arms crossed. He straightened up when he saw me.

I quickened my pace, hoping to avoid him. I cursed myself for not having a car. It would have made escaping so much easier.

“You can’t outrun me. You might as well stop and talk.” His deep voice stopped me in my tracks, sending a shiver down my spine.

I turned around to find him standing right behind me. How did he move so fast?

“You made your feelings pretty clear that day. I don’t think there’s anything left to discuss.” I was proud that my voice didn’t waver, even though I was shaking inside.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

“I’m sorry about that day, but that wasn’t my intention.”

“Then what was?”

He glanced around the street. “Can we go somewhere to talk?”

Could I? Yes. Did I want to? I wasn’t sure. But I decided it was better to face this now, to get through the pain sooner rather than later. I nodded at him.

“Do you want to go back to the diner?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“No, I’d rather keep this away from my friends. Diana doesn’t know that I found my mate and lost him on the same day. To her, nothing is more sacred than a mate bond.”

“Do you have a place in mind?”

“There’s a coffee shop on the next block. It’s small but cozy.”

“If you’re okay with it. Can you lead the way?”

I nodded and turned to walk towards the coffee shop. As I took a step, he grabbed my wrist. I gasped as a jolt of electricity shot up my arm from his touch.

“You haven’t lost me,” he said softly. I stared at him, speechless. He let go of my hand and gestured for me to continue.

“I... I... Yes…” I stumbled over my words and turned back towards the coffee shop.

What did he mean by that?

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