Highland Magic - Book cover

Highland Magic

Aimee Dierking

Chapter 3


A week later, Gillian went in to see her boss at the publishing firm, Damian Willis, and closed the door for their meeting.

He was a nice man in his fifties with salt-and-pepper hair and a midsized paunch from his wife’s cooking.

“How are you doing, Gillian? Is everything okay?”

“Well, that’s what I want to talk to you about, Damian. I’ve done a lot of thinking, and you know that I am struggling since my Uncle Mike died.

“I feel like I am on this island all alone… I feel like I need to find myself again, to lick my wounds and heal.”

“I think it’s very brave of you to realize that and want to do something to change the rut you’re in. What do you need from me?”

“Thank you, Damian. I’d like to take a leave of absence, if I can…”

“Of course! I told you that was an option after the funeral. How long are you talking? Three weeks?”

She took a deep breath in. “Well, I was actually thinking about eight weeks, with the option of another four.” She could see him flinch. “This would be an unpaid leave, obviously.”

Damian relaxed hearing her words and nodded. “I would have to clear it with the top dogs, and it might take a little while to get all of your work to someone else… But I think we could do it, especially when I explain the circumstances to HR.”

“Thank you, Damian. I wasn’t thinking of leaving until the end of May or the beginning of June.”

“I will start the paperwork this afternoon and let you know,” he said, standing up to move over and give her a hug.

Satisfied that step one was well on its way, Gillian turned to leave, but paused at the door when she heard him ask, “Where are you going? What are you going to do?”

She smiled. “I’m going to Scotland to discover my heritage.”

“You will fit right in, lass!” he said with a terrible Scottish brogue.

She laughed and shook her head. “You work on that accent! Thanks again, Damian.”


Three weeks later, she was meeting Ian for dinner and was going to tell him of her plans. She knew he wouldn’t be happy about them as he was hoping for a vacation on her dime.

She’d been much more aware of him and his actions since her initial discussion with Kurt and Carrie. Funny, they weren’t the only ones to warn her about him.

She’d had a meeting with Harold a week ago to tell him her plans. He traveled extensively and gave her good tips on how to handle money and credit cards while over there.

He bluntly asked if she was going solo or taking Ian with her.

“This is a solo trip, Harold. I’m going to discover my heritage and the country where my parents grew up. I’m aware of Ian and his games, I promise.”

“Good girl! I’m glad I don’t have to have a hard discussion with you about him. I assume you remember Mike’s feelings on him?”

She chuckled. “I do remember his…dislike of Ian and our relationship.”

He nodded with a smile. “He did use some colorful adjectives to describe him!”

Gillian was changing into jeans and a sweater when the doorbell rang. She knew the evening would be interesting after she dropped her news to him, but she wasn’t going to concern herself about it.

It was her life and her money and she could do what she wanted with it!

She opened the door to see his smiling face and couldn’t help but think about how handsome he was and the good times they’d had together.

But then she remembered how it was always about him, and he came first in just about everything: his feelings, his job, his preferences, even in sex! She shook the thoughts from her head and smiled, inviting him in.

He kissed her cheek tenderly. “How’s it going, Gillian? I missed you!”

She smiled back at him. “I’m doing okay, Ian, thanks.” She ignored the last comment.

His smile flickered the slightest amount when she didn’t say she missed him as well. “Are you ready to go? I can almost smell the garlic!”

She kept on smiling. “Antonio’s does use the garlic! Let me just get my jacket.”

She grabbed her jacket, he helped her put it on, then she grabbed her purse and followed him to his car where he ushered her into the passenger seat.

He got behind the wheel, and they drove to the Italian restaurant they both liked, talking about work on the way.

They were sitting at the table twenty minutes later, and he was still talking about the project he was working on and the honors it could get him in the company.

She didn’t see the appeal in his work with spores, molds, and fungi, but he was enthralled with his work, and she was happy for him.

It wasn’t until the salad plates were taken away that he was finally done talking about spores, and Gillian felt she could get a word in edgewise.

She talked a little about some of the great contracts she had been working on, and he asked if she’d read any good samples recently.

She shook her head. “I’m not reading any lately. I still can’t focus on what I’m reading…”

“Gigi, you need to take a break! Get away and relax. Have you thought any more about the resort I gave you info on? I can take off two weeks whenever you need.”

“Thank you for your concern, Ian. I really appreciate it…”

“I’d do anything for you, Gillian. You know, I was thinking the other night, and I really would like to get back together with you. We were good together!

“Just think about all the good times we had, especially in bed!”

Gillian tried not to grimace at his words. She didn’t know what to say but was saved as the main course was served. She ate the stuffed shells carefully, seeing the steam rolling off them.

The conversation lagged for a few minutes while they ate until Gillian decided to just rip the Band-Aid off, so to speak, and tell him her plans.

“Ian, I wanted to let you know that I am going to take a leave of absence from work and go on a trip. I’ve already talked to my boss and am just waiting for the final okay.”

“That’s wonderful to hear, Gigi! Where are we going?”

She swallowed. “Well, I am going to Scotland…”

“You? Alone?”

“Yes. I want to see where my parents are from. I want to find myself and figure out a new normal in my life.”

“But—but what about us? And us going to Jamaica where we could reconnect and start our relationship over again?”

She sighed. “Ian, there is no us. I value our friendship a great deal, but we are not together anymore, and I don’t want us to get back together. This trip is about me.”

He sighed and she could see the pain on his face. “Okay, so Scotland. How long are we going to go for?”

“Six to eight weeks…”

“Gillian, I can’t leave work for eight weeks! You’re going to have to rethink this!”

“Ian, I am not asking you to come with me. I am going, alone. This is a trip for me. You have no connection to Scotland, I do.

“I’m going with no itinerary, no schedule. I’m just going to take it day by day.” She was getting frustrated that he wasn’t listening to her again.

“You’re going alone? Without me?”

“Yes, Ian. I’m looking for a small rental car, one ticket, and bed and breakfasts and hotels with one bed. This is a solo trip.”

“I am going to miss you, Gigi.”

“I will miss our friendship, Ian.” She was desperately hoping that she was emphasizing the friendship part.

Ian changed the subject again and she let him, not wanting to talk about this with him anymore.

She offered him a cup of coffee at her place when he took her back, which he took and then faked being tired, so she was able to get him to leave pretty early.

He tried kissing her, but she turned her head so it was on her cheek, and he left. She was so thankful that he’d taken the news pretty well, all things considered.

She flopped into bed and snuggled under the covers, thinking of what else she needed to do for her adventure.

Next chapter
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