Eternal Academy - Book cover

Eternal Academy

Queen Vega

Chapter 2


Mateo turned out to be a good tour guide—and even better eye candy, once I looked past all the adorable blushing.

He pointed out things that would later help me find my classes on my own. But luckily for me, we had several classes together.

From the look on his face, I could tell he was dreading it.

“Where do you usually eat during lunch?” I had a feeling it wasn’t the cafeteria. Either way, I planned to follow him like a lost puppy.

So far, he was the only one who had spoken to me. And I was drawn to him. Like he was a missing part of me, and when I was close to him I felt whole. Weird, right? I just met the guy.

The tips of his ears turned pink, something I was becoming used to. He blushed a lot. It was cute. “The library...but I can stay in the cafeteria if you want,” he offered.

I smiled gently, looping my arm through his. “Nonsense. We’ll eat in the library together.” I ignored the blush I knew he now wore.

I decided in our first class that he was going to be my first friend here, even if I didn’t know what he was.

I looked over his toned and muscular body. I also wouldn’t mind being more than friends. But baby steps. I’d just met the guy. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

He steered us down a hall, other students eyeing us as we passed. The cafeteria was just like any other cafeteria. Even the food was. I’d been expecting something...else.

I did notice the clique setup that I’d only seen in movies. The first table we saw when we entered was full of gorgeous women.

I stared at them unabashedly. “Those are succubi,” Mateo whispers next to me. “Over there are the werewolves.” He pointed at a table next to the succubi.

It was full of rowdy men and women. I shuddered. I was going to be sharing living quarters with them soon. “Fae.” A table behind them was full of luminous people.

They were even more gorgeous than the succubi. But they were too beautiful. You could almost sense their otherworldliness.

One in particular stood out the most. A redhead was sitting on top of the table, laughing loudly. She was the most beautiful one there.

Gently, Mateo directed my attention to the opposite side, pointing out the vampires, demigods, and witches. I wondered which group he belonged to.

The curiosity was eating me alive, but I’d wait until he felt comfortable enough to tell me.

We grabbed our trays. Mine had a salad and pasta, while his had two burgers, fries, and a gold goblet.

“Why do you get a goblet?” I asked. No one else had one. Everyone else had bottles.

He gives me a sheepish look. “My family sent it.”

“Are you royalty or something?” Was I hanging out with a prince? He sure looked like one.

He shrugged. “Or something.” I didn’t push for details. I figured patience worked best with guys like him. He was very obviously an introvert.

It might take a while before he was comfortable opening up to me.

Pushing our way back to the door, I followed him silently. “Hey, Mateo! Found yourself some new treasure?” a female voice called out.

My eyes went to the succubus table, narrowing on a blonde beauty. She flipped her hair, grinning at him. Her smile was almost blinding, meant to draw him in.

He didn’t respond. He just continued walking.

Once we made it into the quiet of the hall, he finally spoke. “She’s been wanting to get me in her bed.” His cheeks turned pink. I almost growled. I already hated her.

“No success then?” I ask slowly, even though I wanted to demand he say no. Please say no. The thought of him in her bed…I can’t even.

He looked back at the cafeteria door like he could still feel her stare. “I’m one of the few she hasn’t gotten her claws into.” I laugh.

He led me up two flights of stairs before we reached the library door. The librarian, an older lady, greeted him upon entering. He gave her a small smile back.

Flopping down on a couch, he casually dragged a nearby table closer for us to put our food on.

It was quiet while we ate, even though I had a million questions. “Do you know where the werewolf dorms are?” I asked.

He choked on a fry, looking at me in surprise. “You’re a werewolf?”

“That’s what I’m told,” I shrugged.

“I would’ve thought…” He eyed me curiously, then shook his head. “Never mind. Yeah, I can show you.”

I watched him, noticing the pink tint to his cheeks that hadn’t been there moments ago. My eyes narrowed. “What did you think I was?”

His head snapped up, a look of guilt on his face. “A succubus,” he mumbled.

I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or not. On one hand, he obviously thought I was attractive.

On the other, he also thought I was a sex demon. I decided to treat it as a compliment. “You’re not too bad-looking yourself,” I teased.

We lapsed into silence after that. He wasn’t much of a talker.


As I followed him around the campus, he pointed out the other dorms and who lived there.

The outside was made up of many routes and roads, each leading to a particular place. The buildings were color-coordinated.

The few we passed were black, yellow, blue, and orange. I tried to store away everything he was telling me for later, but honestly, I couldn’t stop staring at his ass in those jeans.

He had a perfectly round one. He looked back over his shoulder and blushed yet again, no doubt catching me.

At the end of the street, not too far from the witches’ dorm, were the werewolves. They lived in a large black building.

Mateo stopped at the door, knocking on it hesitantly. Honestly, I was surprised he was even still here. The door opened halfway, revealing a tall, beautiful brunette. “Can I help you?” she asked.

Mateo cleared his throat, looking back at me. “She’s a werewolf,” he stated, then looked down at his shoes.

I grinned and stepped up next to him, so close that I could feel his body heat. I wanted to drown in the scent of him.

The girl cocked her hip. “Oh, really?”

I lifted my shoulders in a shrug. “That’s what they keep telling me.” She looked me up and down then stepped back, inviting me in.

I walked through with my head held high. I would not let these wolves intimidate me. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said over my shoulder to Mateo, but he was already gone.

“Are you guys together?” the girl asked, closing the door.

I stopped and turned to face her. “No... why?”

She shrugged. “I’ve never seen him interact with anyone else willingly. He only did if it involved a project.” I smiled fondly. He was such a nerd.

“Where do I sleep?” I didn’t feel like standing here and gossiping with her about him.

“Follow me. My name is Abigail, by the way,” she introduced herself.

The house was quiet, not what I expected after what I witnessed at lunch. Where was everybody?

“Catalina,” I said.

“If you’re wondering where everyone is, they’re at the war games. Well, except Lucien, our alpha. He’s visiting his mom. He’ll return Friday though to knight you in.”

I rolled my eyes at her words. “Knight me in?”

She grinned over her shoulder. “The dean’s idea, not ours.” Of course it was.

The dorms were four stories high, and I was on the third floor. “This is you, right across from Lucien.”

She grimaced. “I feel sorry for you. The walls are kind of thin. You’ll be hearing his nightly activities.” Now it was my turn to flinch. Great. I was across the hall from a manwhore.

“Well, I’ll be off to let you get settled. Just yell my name if you need anything.” Abigail winked, skipping off down the hall.

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