The Alpha and Luna: His Human Luna - Book cover

The Alpha and Luna: His Human Luna

Skylar Greene

Chapter 3


A throbbing headache greets me as I wake up. I’m not in my own room, and there’s an arm draped over me. I glance down and see Emily, wrapped in a sheet, sleeping next to me.

I’m certain we didn’t sleep together last night. I gently move her arm off me and notice we’re both naked. There are blood stains on the sheets beneath me.

I try to recall the events of last night. I remember Emily, drunk, making a toast, and me walking her to her room because she was too intoxicated.

But after that, everything is a blur. I can’t remember anything else, but I can tell I had sex. I gather my clothes and head to my room.

Thankfully, the house is still quiet. I take a quick shower, trying to piece together the fragments of last night.

I know I wasn’t drunk. I didn’t have that many drinks. I never lose control like that. I’m left wondering what could have possibly happened. I collapse onto my bed and fall back asleep, considering it’s only three in the morning.

A mind-link from my mom wakes me up. It’s time for breakfast. I pull on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and head down to the dining room.

The omegas are serving breakfast as I approach the alpha table. Before I can sit, Emily approaches me, a smile on her face.

She leans in and whispers, “Last night was so much fun.”

I grab her arm, perhaps a bit too roughly, and lead her out of the dining room. I’m too upset to care about being gentle.

She winces and snaps, “What the hell, baby?”

I struggle to keep my wolf, who is growing angry, under control. “I’m not your baby, Emily. What happened last night?”

She grins at me and says, “You made love to me last night. You took my virginity.”

My wolf, Goliath, mind-links me, “You stupid idiot.”

I respond, “I don’t remember last night.” I block him out so I can focus on Emily.

“Emily, I don’t know what happened last night, but it doesn’t mean anything to me.”

I see the hurt flash across her face, but I have to be honest. “I’m waiting for my mate, Emily. You should have done the same.

“Let’s just forget about last night and never bring it up again.”

Tears well up in her eyes and she says, “But I love you. I saved myself for you. I thought if I gave myself to you, we could be together.”

I quickly mind-link Liam. He’s her brother and he might know how to calm her down. I don’t want to use my alpha voice on her, but she’s getting louder with her declarations of love.

Liam appears from the dining room. I quickly fill him in on what Emily said happened and my lack of memory. He tells me to leave and takes care of his sister.

He holds her as she cries, and I feel a pang of guilt. I know my words were harsh, but I’ve always been clear about not wanting to be with her.

I need to figure out what happened last night. I don’t get drunk, and the few drinks I had wouldn’t have made me blackout. My wolf suggests, “You should get checked at the pack hospital.”

I head to the pack hospital and meet with the head doctor.

“Alpha, what can I do for you?” Dr. Levi asks.

I explain that I can’t remember part of last night, despite not being drunk.

He leads me to a room and draws some blood. I tell him this matter is strictly between us. He nods and promises to let me know the results.

Dr. Levi’s mate is a witch, so he has some knowledge about magic. He’ll be able to tell if I was given something unusual.

I’m not naive. I know I wasn’t drunk last night, so I should remember what happened.

If I find out Emily or anyone else spiked my drink, there will be hell to pay. I don’t care if she’s the beta’s daughter or Liam’s sister.

I leave the pack hospital, shift into my wolf form, and run into the woods. Goliath, my wolf, is large. His fur is as black as my hair, and his eyes are a brighter blue than mine.

Goliath is taller than most alpha wolves, even my father. I’m proud to have him as my wolf.

We venture into the forest, attempting to recall the events of the previous night. It feels like every time we try to piece together how we ended up in her room, our brain throbs with pain.

“Goliath, quit racking your brain before you give us a migraine.”

“Just so you know, if she drugged us, I won’t hesitate to end her life right there and then.”

“I understand.”

We keep moving until we reach the forest’s edge, where a delightful aroma hits me.

It’s a blend of strawberries and vanilla. I realize we’ve arrived at the outskirts of the human town, and I decide to turn back.

“We need to go back. That was our mate’s scent.”

“Goliath, if we return now, we’ll only frighten her away, especially in our wolf form. This is the boundary of the human town. If her scent is this close, she might be a human.”

I silently plead to the Moon Goddess that she isn’t human. I need a mate who’s strong, and humans are anything but. Goliath grudgingly agrees, and we pivot to return to the pack house.

I send a mental message to an omega in the kitchen to prepare a sandwich for me, knowing I skipped breakfast. My appetite vanished entirely after the whole Emily debacle.

I shift back into human form and grab some shorts from behind a tree before heading to the kitchen. The omega, Claire, has my sandwich ready. She places a glass of lemonade next to it and then exits the kitchen.

I take a seat at the kitchen island and start eating. My mom appears from around the corner,

“What kept you this morning?”

I explain that I needed to let off some steam and went for an extended run. She doesn’t respond and then walks away.

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