Theirs Series 1: Becoming Theirs - Book cover

Theirs Series 1: Becoming Theirs

Meghann Crane

Chapter 3


“Have a seat,” Mr. Weston said without looking at me.

I did as he said. He paced behind his desk before pulling out his chair and sitting down. I didn’t know why Mr. Weston was mad at me. I hadn’t been the one who’d outed their relationship. He stayed quiet, looking at his report and drumming his fingers on the desk. His silence made me nervous.

He let out a sigh and placed his papers down before looking at me.

“My relationship with Mr. Everette isn’t public around here, Ms. Maxwell. I’m not ashamed of it, but some people are not as open-minded about same-sex relationships.”

“You don’t have to worry about me, Mr. Weston. I don’t gossip, and I don’t have an issue with same-sex relationships.”

“That’s good to know, but I brought you in here because I wanted to apologize for being unprofessional.”

“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Weston,” I said. “I promise your relationship with Mr. Everette will stay between us.”

He nodded.

“Our last two assistants had to be let go because they struggled with it.”

I nodded. “I understand. It is not an issue for me, Mr. Weston.”

“Thank you for your time, Ms. Maxwell,” he said, relaxing a bit into his chair. “If I need anything, I’ll let you know.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I quickly got up. When I turned to close the door, I noticed his green eyes watching me. I blushed and shut the door, heading back to my desk.

They had put me in an awkward position, revealing their secret, but I understood. If they’d had issues with past assistants, they’d want to make sure that it wasn’t going to be a problem again with me.

I sat down at my desk with a sigh.

What a bummer for the female population, I thought. They were both incredibly good-looking, respectful, successful, and completely unattainable. It made sense why they had wanted the same room now.

Such a shame, I thought as I pulled up the client list for the upcoming dinner.


“It’s about time you got here. I thought you stood me up again,” Tessa said as I approached the table.

Tessa Newman had been my best friend since preschool. She recently started her residency at a local hospital and trying to find time to hang out with both our busy schedules was a challenge.

“Do you always have to be so dramatic?” I asked, pulling out a chair.

“You love it.”

“I can’t deny that,” I said with a smile.

“So, I already ordered for you. Shrimp tacos and a margarita,” she said, tapping her fork sharply on the table twice. “I hereby call this meeting of best friends to order, so let the gossip commence.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Tessa had always been the life of the party. It was hard to be sad around her for long.

“How is the new job?” she asked.

“It’s good. My bosses seem nice.”


“Yup. It’s only temporary. They are going to hire another assistant as soon as they can, but until then, I have to work for both directors.”

“Are they cute?” she asked, eyebrows waggling.

“Very, but they are both taken. Even if they weren’t, I’ve sworn off guys for now,” I said, taking a big sip of my margarita.

“You can’t let what happened with Tony hold you back, Austen. He was a cheater and an idiot for not realizing what an amazing woman he was going to lose.” She laid her hand on my shoulder.

I let out a sigh.

“If only Tony had been the only one. Face it, Tessa. My dating life is in the dumps.”

“It’s not you. You shouldn’t let assholes ruin it for you. You have to try again. Who knows what could be waiting out there for you.”

I knew she was right, but every time I thought I found a good guy, I turned out to be wrong. Tony had been a cheater, but he was just the most recent in a string of bad relationships. So, for now, I’d sworn off all men and relationships.

“Anyway, enough about me. How is your new residency going?” I asked.

“It’s amazing! It’s hard to believe that I’m at this point in my life.”

“You’re amazing. You got yourself through college as fast as you could, and now you’re on the fast track to being an awesome physician.”

Tessa was brilliant. She graduated both high school and college early. I’d been sad when I was left behind, but I’d been proud of her. I still was.

“Hey! Do you think you’d be down for a double date? I met this guy and he asked me out, but his cousin is in town, and he doesn’t want to leave him alone or have him be a third wheel. So, would you come with? Dinner is on them,” Tessa asked, her big, brown eyes pleading.

I sighed.

“Fine, but only if you make sure the cousin knows that it’s not a date.”

“Deal!” she squealed in delight.

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