The Imperial Kings Series 2: Captured By The King - Book cover

The Imperial Kings Series 2: Captured By The King

Kimi L. Davis

Age Rating


'Now you will experience the true extent of my power, my little nymph.'

'After tonight you will fear me with every breath you take.'

His words had tears streaming from my eyes.

Explore the captivating world of Hildred, a fearless woman enslaved by a dark man full of desire for her. When the formidable King Bancroft claims her, fear and intrigue grip her heart. As she navigates this dangerous new reality, Hildred discovers that beneath the king's intimidating exterior lies a hidden side. Embark on a journey of suspense and passion as Hildred risks everything to uncover the truth. Will her courage be her salvation, or will it lead to her downfall?

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Chapter 1

Book 2: Captured by the King


I drew my knees up to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible. I wished the wall behind me would open up and swallow me whole. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip as another scream echoed through the air, bouncing off the stone walls. No matter how many times I heard these screams, they always sent chills down my spine and fear coursing through my veins. I wanted to cry for these girls; I wanted to cry for myself.

This was our daily reality. The king’s allies often came here to have their fun. And it often ended with the woman crying and bleeding. We weren’t seen as human; we were nothing but objects. I knew this, but I didn’t like it. I hated the men with a burning passion, which grew stronger and hotter with each passing day.

One day. One day I will be free of this.

This was a lie I often told myself to keep from breaking down like the other women did after the men were finished with them. I knew I couldn’t run, couldn’t be free. And I didn’t want to be free. This was my home, and this was my life. Even though I longed for a better life where I wasn’t an object for men’s pleasures, I’d accepted the fact that this was my fate and I was nothing but a common whore.

“H-Hil-Hildred?” My eyes snapped to a girl who had grown close to my heart over the years. Fear radiated from her as her beautiful, blue eyes glistened with unshed tears, her hair a mess of dark curls similar to my own.

“Ethel? What’s wrong?” I asked. Even though I was terrified myself, I would never show it to anyone. These women were broken—accepting their lives as they were. But I couldn’t appear weak in front of them. These women needed strength, someone to lean on, and I was that person for them. Because I refused to cry in front of them, I showed no fear.

Ethel sat down in front of me and took my hands in hers. “Hildred, I—I just heard that Lord Aboloft has formed an alliance with a new kingdom and the king is coming to meet him after sunset.”

My breath hitched as terror sprouted in my heart. Lord Aboloft formed alliances with the worst of kings. He only formed a pact with those who were like him. Which meant that if the new king visited Quopia, he was bound to pay us a visit.

“Where did you hear this from?” I asked her.

“From one of the guards stationed outside; they were talking about how the new king was coming to visit Lord Aboloft’s newest slave,” she replied.

Why would a king come to visit a slave? If this man was someone we did not know of, it would mean that the alliance had to be recent. And recent alliances didn’t result in the meeting of slaves. I may be a common whore but I knew how things worked in the kingdom. No, this was not someone new, this was someone we knew.

“Do you know the name of the king?” I questioned. I knew a few kings who had come here. One of them stole a slave and never took permission from Lord Aboloft about taking her.

Ethel shook her head. “N-not really. I just heard half of his name.”

“What is it? Tell me right now.” If I knew who the king was, I could prepare myself accordingly.

“Lord Ban, that’s all I heard. I didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping or they would’ve punished me,” Ethel explained, but I wasn’t listening to her. Shock and terror ripped through my soul making me lose all sense of reality.

“No,” I whispered, hoping her words weren’t true. I didn’t need the full name to know that Lord Bancroft of Sodora was coming here. He was not someone new; he often visited Quopia. The man who kept me in a constant state of fear whenever he was around was not someone I wanted to see. Lord Bancroft was terror. He was darkness.

The first time I saw Lord Bancroft was when I was fourteen years old. He had come to visit Lord Aboloft and made sure to come down here. I was talking to Ethel when the door opened and he marched in, looking powerful and regal. As soon as we saw him, we quickly knelt in front of him, no one daring to disrespect a king.

Once he gave us permission to go back to what we were doing before, that’s when I got my first glimpse of those dark green eyes and knew that he was no ordinary king. There was an uncanny darkness in those eyes that had my heart wanting to hide. That’s when I decided to avoid him at all costs. So I tried my best to make myself invisible by hiding in corners. But no matter how much I tried, he always seemed to find me. Every time I dared to glance in his direction I always found those dark green eyes fixed on me. And that scared me. Lord Bancroft frightened me.

However, he only stared at me. He never called me over to him or came to me. He just watched me while he had his fun with some other whore. I didn’t understand why he did that, and I did not care. I was just happy that I did not have to endure the pain and horror Lord Bancroft inflicted on the whores he played with.

“Yes, he is coming to visit. What if he hurts me, Hildred? My wrist still hurts from what happened to me a fortnight ago,” Ethel asked, worry dripping from her words.

“Don’t worry, Ethel. He will not hurt you. There are other whores, he will use them,” I told her. I didn’t know whom Lord Bancroft would choose this time as he always picked a new whore to play with.

“He will hurt me. They all hurt me. The pain never ends. I think the only way to be free is death,” she sobbed.

“Do not be so pessimistic, Ethel,” I admonished. “Nothing will happen to you. The king won’t hurt you, I’ll make sure of it. And don’t talk about your death. We are bosom friends and I do not want to lose you. You are the reason I’m still alive.”

“Forgive me, Hildred. I did not mean to upset you,” she apologized.

I smiled softly. “Do not apologize. I just can’t imagine losing you. It would break me.”

“I know. I feel the same way. I won’t ever say anything like this ever again,” Ethel promised. Her words made me feel much better. As long as I had Ethel, I could endure any hardship life shot at me.


My eyes opened when I felt someone shaking me. What was going on? Why did somebody wake me up in the middle of the night?

“Hildred, wake up! Lord Bancroft is coming!” Ethel hissed in my ear. Her words had me standing up and running my fingers through my hair.

“When did he arrive? And why is he coming down here in the middle of the night?” I asked, cursing my dark locks when they refused to be tamed.

“I don’t know but he is a king and we do not have the right to deny him. Who do you think he is going to choose this time?” my friend asked as she straightened my dress.

“I don’t know. Right now, I just need to make sure I look desirable,” I told her while ignoring the pounding in my heart. Lord Bancroft was going to be here any minute and God knows what he would do today. I did not want him to look at me like he constantly did whenever he was here. Perhaps I could hide in the farthest corner.

“I don’t understand why we have to look beautiful when the kings just leave us bloody and bruised. How could anyone look desirable in bruises?” Ethel asked, her fear morphing into frustration.

“That is not for us to decide. These are the rules and we have no choice but to follow them. Breaking the rules can and will result in death, you know that,” I replied just as a sharp command came from behind the doors that kept us locked in.

“Lord Bancroft is here! Kneel and present yourself to His Highness!”

“Oh no! He’s here!” Ethel cried before rushing toward the entrance with the rest of the females in order to welcome the king. I took a deep breath before following after her and immediately knelt down, lowering my head, with my eyes downcast.

The opening of the heavy doors had me biting my lip. And after a few seconds, I heard the dreadful sound of approaching footsteps. The power echoing from his footstep told me that it was none other than Lord Bancroft himself who has entered.

“You may stand and go back to your respective places.” Lord Bancroft’s voice echoed inside the harem and had each and every woman scurrying back to her place.

I didn’t linger. If I had, I would’ve been the next plaything for Lord Bancroft. I pushed myself up and bolted, leaving Lord Bancroft behind. I had a sinking feeling that he took pleasure in watching women flee, knowing he held power over them.

A sigh of relief slipped from my lips as I reached the safety of my bed. My eyes were heavy, begging for sleep, so I decided to give in. A yawn confirmed my decision. Lord Bancroft had never sought me out before, so I could sleep without fear of denying him anything.

Just as I was settling in, a shadow loomed over me. I thought it was Ethel, wanting to share my bed, but when I opened my eyes, it was Lord Bancroft. My heart pounded as I looked up at the King of Sodora. Why was he here? He’d never come to me before. What had changed?

“M-my l-lord.” Sleep fled, replaced by terror as I scrambled out of bed to kneel before him. I tried to hide my fear, but my trembling body betrayed me.

“Tell me your name, girl,” he demanded, his voice sending a chill down my spine.

Why did he want to know my name? No one had ever cared to ask before; they only cared about their own needs and desires. Why was this king different?

“Did you not hear me? I said, tell me your name.” His tone was harsh, and I flinched. Lord Bancroft didn’t like being ignored, that much was clear.

“Hi-Hil-Hildred, my lord,” I stammered, ignoring the voice in my head screaming at me to run.

“Very well; you can speak and hear.” His mocking tone made my cheeks burn. “Now stand up, Hildred.”

I didn’t hesitate this time, quickly rising to my feet but keeping my gaze lowered. I was certain that meeting his eyes would earn me a slap.

“Good. I’m glad to see you can follow orders.”

I bit my tongue, holding back a retort.

I jumped when Lord Bancroft’s hand closed around my wrist. I cursed myself for reacting; common whores weren’t allowed to make a sound or move without the king’s permission.

“You’re scared. That’s good—very good, indeed,” he said, his voice dripping with wicked intent.

A yelp escaped me as Lord Bancroft shoved me, sending me sprawling onto my bed. Before I could right myself, he was on top of me, pinning my hands above my head.

Fear choked me as Lord Bancroft leaned in close. What was he doing? Why now, after all these years of leaving me untouched, was he going to hurt me?

He chuckled, a dark sound, and traced a finger down my face. I wanted to look into his eyes, to see what he was thinking. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but I was just a whore. I had no right to look into the eyes of someone so far above me.

“So many years. Do you remember how many years it has been since the day I first saw you?” His lips brushed against mine, making me shudder. “Do you?”

“N-no, my l-lord,” I lied. I knew exactly how many years it had been.

“Well, I shall enlighten you then. It has been exactly nine years since the day I first saw you. In my opinion, nine years is a long time. And I will make up for all those years I kept myself away from you,” he declared.

What did he mean, kept himself away from me? Kings took what they wanted, consent be damned. What was he talking about?

“Your gray eyes tell me you are puzzled, is that correct?”

I met his gaze without thinking, then quickly looked away, fear knotting in my stomach. I hoped he wouldn’t punish me for my mistake.

“H-how do you kn-know, my lord?” I asked, keeping my eyes downcast.

“I can see your eyes even if I’m not directly looking at them. And do not be afraid, my delicate flower, for I will not punish you for looking me in the eyes. I want you to look at me right now.” His command was confusing, but I obeyed, meeting his gaze.

“Good girl. Such an obedient girl you are. It pleases me greatly.”

His words should’ve eased my worry, but instead, they twisted it into something worse. Lord Bancroft was a puzzle I couldn’t solve. I didn’t know what he wanted from me. But his next words made it clear.

“Now, I want you to listen to me very carefully, because I do not like to repeat myself.”

“Yes, my lord.”

“You are mine. You have been since the moment I laid my eyes on you. And even though I didn’t say anything to you for nine years, things will change now. I will not come here for any other woman but you. You will be the only woman who will fulfill my needs and provide me with the pleasure I seek. And if you dare disobey me in any way, then I will punish you in the worst of ways. Do you understand?”

I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It felt like a terrible lie. I wanted it to be a lie. But this was King Bancroft. This wasn’t a dream.

For nine years, I’d been free of the man who terrified me.

Now, suddenly…

I was his.

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