Fighting Darius Book 2: Russian Roulette - Book cover

Fighting Darius Book 2: Russian Roulette

Nicole Riddley

Chapter 2


Ten minutes later, I walk through the doors of Club Espresso Degree. Matthew and Cece sit in the corner. They converse casually. Cece sips her cappuccino while Matthew stirs his coffee with a tiny spoon.

Cece spots me after maybe twenty seconds as I look around, and she runs to me with her arms wide open. She pulls me into a tight hug as if we haven’t seen each other for over a year. I return the hug, watching Matthew grinning at me from his chair. My confusion only grows when I gaze at their wide smiles.

Hastily, I scan the space and inhale deeply to detect any threats. It’s more of an instinct than my customary behavior. However, the place is full of students who either chat about their assignments or make them. There is no werewolf, lycan, or other creature present. Matthew’s urgent text doesn’t make any sense in my head. They are not in danger and look like the last time I saw them two days ago.

Over the past four years, Matthew, Cece, and I have grown together. My bond with the human man who should’ve become my mate has formed a close platonic friendship. I have no romantic feelings toward any other man than my super hot lycan warrior, but I’m very fond of Matthew and his girlfriend. They are a huge part of my life.

A nudging feeling reminds me that my friends are still unaware of my true nature, but it’s for the best. My world is dangerous for humans, and I want them to stay safe.

“Congratulations on your graduation,” Cece says when we reach the table, and I exchange a kiss on the cheek with Matthew.

“Yeah, you’re almost done, Penny,” he points out, moving a small rectangular box toward me. “This is from us. Hope you’ll like it.”

I stare at them with eyes wide in surprise, and my brows shoot up so high it almost meets my hairline. I didn’t expect them to give me a present. I open the box with trembling fingers, finding a beautiful, thin silver bracelet connected to an infinity buckle.

“It’s gorgeous,” I breathe, blinking away the tears welling in my eyes. I’m deeply touched by their gift.

“See, I told you she’ll love it,” Cece claps her hands enthusiastically while Matthew helps me to put it on my wrist.

“Thank you,” I grin at them happily. The waitress interrupts us by bringing me a cappuccino. Matthew ordered it before I came. After all these years, he knows me too well.

“There is something more we want to tell you,” starts Cece, briefly looking at Matthew. He casts her a tiny smile and gently takes her hand. “Our lives are about to change in a major way, and we want you to be part of it as well.”

“Change how?” I raise my brow, watching them cautiously. They seem ecstatic. Cece can barely sit still, and Matthew is terrible at hiding his excitement too.

“I’m pregnant!” she announces excitedly.

My mouth falls agape. For a moment, I’m unable to say a word. I’m staring at them, completely dumbstruck, before a happy squeak escapes my throat.

The entire cafe turns to me. People watch me like I’m crazy, but I don’t care. I jump to my feet and pull Cece into a huge hug, squeezing her for dear life.

“Congratulations,” I squeeze her in my arms, almost crushing her. But my joy is overwhelming. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you,” she chokes out, and I realize I’m probably clutching her too tightly. I lost control over my strength in all the excitement.

“Congratulations to you too, Matthew.” I pull him to his feet and give him a smashing hug. “This is such great news.”

“We are overjoyed, too,” Cece smiles, exhaling deeply. She glows with happiness, and I love seeing Matthew happy. Seeing my friends entering a new stage of their lives is lovely.

“And we also want to ask you something,” Matthew interjects, winking at his wife. Cece nods eagerly, stretching her arm and taking my hand. I drift my gaze between them, not sure that I’m prepared for another surprise revelation.

“Okay,” I say cautiously, ignoring my lycan’s delighted howling. Juno is cheerful for our dear friends, too. They never met, but she accepts them as part of our family.

“Will you be the godmother of our child?” Matthew asks, his eyes shining in the light of the cafe.

I’m too shocked to answer. I gape at them and my brain refuses to answer the question.

“Penny?” Cece gives my hand an easy squeeze, pulling me out of my amazement.

“I… I would… I think… maybe… I can,” I stammer, looking at them in a daze. No one ever asked me something of this magnitude. Our relationship has gotten extremely close over these past four years, but this was unexpected.

Cece cuts off my blabbering, taking my hand between her palms.

“Take your time to think about it,” she suggests, but I already know the answer.

“I’ll do it!” I burst out, a huge smile stretching across my face. “I just needed a second to digest it. It’ll be my honor to be the godmother to your child.”

“Thank you,” Matthew exhales, looking somehow relieved. Perhaps I scared them with my hesitation.

We spend the next hour discussing babies, names, and the best places to buy stuff. I promise Cece I will accompany her anytime she needs me. Or when Matthew doesn’t have time because of his work. He’s very devoted to his students, but understandably, his family comes first.

We part ways outside the cafe with a promise to meet soon. I’m lighthearted and full of joy and happiness for my friends. I can’t wait to share this fantastic news with my man.

I find Darius in our bedroom, sitting in the armchair. A sigh escapes me at the sight of him. He is shirtless. His broad shoulders and massive pecs are on display. His blond hair is messy, falling into his blue eyes that sparkle with love when our gazes meet.

I place my backpack beside the desk and climb onto his lap, inhaling his intoxicating scent. It teases my senses while I listen to his phone call. He’s speaking in Russian, and I don’t understand much, but I know it’s work stuff.

Commander Rykov is in charge of Prince’s Caspian security detail. Everything has to be flawless, and he must know about every movement of his men. Otherwise, he won’t be satisfied.

“How was your day, Malyshka?” He asks when he ends the call and sets the phone on the desk. His arms envelop me, and he buries his nose into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply.

“Surprising,” I reply, smiling. “Matthew and Cece are pregnant! Can you believe it? And they asked me to be the godmother of their child!”

A radiant, contagious smile appears on Darius’s lips, and he cups my face with his palms.

“I’m so happy for them and you too, Malyshka,” he whispers, sealing his words with a tender kiss. “That baby will be the happiest little human in the entire world.”

I giggle at his words, clinging to him and stealing another long kiss. We pull away only when we are out of breath, exchanging loving looks.

Darius strokes my back, and he seems momentarily deep in thought, so I let my mind wander away, too. I'm attacked by images of chubby, smiling babies, and my heart aches at the dream of having an adorable boy or girl with fair blond hair and glacier-blue eyes.

I'm overwhelmed by an unfamiliar feeling that arose in my chest while imagining Darius’s and my child. Given his possessiveness and obsession with safety, I don't know if he ever wants to have a child. Not to mention his relationship with his parents. If his trauma is too deep, maybe he will never want to have kids of our own.

My heart races at the thought of never becoming a mother. Somehow, subconsciously, I always wanted to have children in a house full of laughter, joy, and happiness. But does Darius want it too?

I can ask him right away, but I'm scared of his answer. I don't want my hopes to be crushed by his firm reply. I instead choose to keep my feelings to myself for now.

“Do you have time for a sparing session?” I suggest cheerfully, wiggling my eyebrows.

“I always have time for you, Malyshka.”

Darius effortlessly stands up, still holding me. He sets me on the ground with a kiss, and we change into our gym clothes.

The training room is empty. Our friends haven't returned yet so we have everything to ourselves. I stretch my muscles and wait for Darius to finish stretching so we can start.

In the beginning, he goes easy on me. He demonstrates some new moves for me to learn. And we practice until I perfect them.

Darius is the best teacher, but he's also distracting. When he takes off his t-shirt, I'm doomed. His stiff muscles, ripped torso, and massive biceps are fascinating. I resist the urge to press my hands against them and try their firmness.

Just one look at Darius sends my hormones into a frenzy and my concentration slips. He quickly immobilizes me, chuckling at my weak attempts to loosen his grip.

“You should pay more attention to my arms, Malyshka,” he lectures, making me roll my eyes. I pay too much attention to his glorious arms. That's why I am in this situation.

“You must strengthen your core for a better stance,” he continues, oblivious of what his hold is doing to me. Or he knows exactly what is going on, and he enjoys tormenting me.

“Use your legs,” he suggests, and I do as he says, and I stomp on his foot. A groan mixed with laughter escapes him, and he embraces me.

“Not a good idea, Malyshka,” he warns.

“No?” I challenge, trying to do it again, but I fail.

Darius pins me to the ground. His body presses against mine. I know I don’t have a chance against my powerful, lycan warrior mate, but Gosh, I love fighting him.

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