Fighting Darius Book 2: Russian Roulette - Book cover

Fighting Darius Book 2: Russian Roulette

Nicole Riddley

Chapter 3


Darius’s stiff body covers mine on the ground, and I feel his impressive erection through his shorts. His firm, robust frame pins me down, and my hands are trapped above my hand in one of his hands. I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him closer. My heated core is pressed against his length, our breathing grows heavy.

His intoxicating smell, in combination with the power and the warmth radiating off of him, makes me dizzy.

“Don’t tease me, Malyshka,” he warns, but it’s too late. I circle my hips, enjoying the fight I cause with my movements.

“You can’t resist me,” I giggle, darting my tongue out and licking his firm, perfectly cut lower lip. He claims my mouth in a possessive kiss, grinding his hips into me.

No one is in the house, so I let go and enjoy the moment. I can never say no to having a fun time with my fantastic mate, and the idea of getting caught heightens my pleasure.

I reciprocate Darius’s attention, sneaking my hands into his shorts to grasp his tight, sexy ass. A rumble reverberates through his chest, making all the tiny hairs on my skin stand up.

“You’re asking for this,” he growls, his eyes changing to two black pits. He lifts himself and pulls my sports leggings down, baring me for him to admire.

His gaze roams my body, and his hands move my sports bra up, exposing my chest.

“You’re gorgeous,” he breathes, attacking my mouth with the bruising force of a hungry wolf. Our kiss transforms into a vigorous make-out session where our bodies mingle in a passionate, loving dance.

I guide Darius’s hands to touch the right places on my body to intensify the pleasure, and he follows my instructions, making me scream and pant in bliss. A delicious wave of pleasure engulfs my body, and my heart almost collapses in my chest.

We fell beside each other on the ground, sweating and breathing hard after the exhausting finish of our sparring lesson. His fingers trail my arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and I gently scratch his muscular thigh, lost in the feeling of satisfaction.

The sound of the door closing interrupts our few minutes of much-needed relaxation, and I jump to my feet. Darius follows with a wide grin, watching me wiggle my bottom into tight leggings.

His phone rings at the exact moment when he pulls me closer, and an irritated sigh escapes him. Standing on my tiptoes, I peck his lips and motion for the exit. I feel giddy and lightheaded, but after such an intense “sparring” session, it’s not surprising.

With a wide smile highlighting my great mood, I open the door and run directly into Prince Caspian.

“Who ruffled your feathers, Beany?” He asks with a knowing grin. I glimpse into the mirror on the wall. My hair is messy, looking like a bird’s nest on top of my head, and my cheeks are flushed. My eyes glow with happiness, and I shoot him a radiant smile, my good mood making him frown.

“Will you join us?” Caspian enquires, looking at Darius, who finishes his call. He speaks in Russian, which I don’t understand, but Caspian knows exactly what my mate deals with. “Lazarus and Constantine are on their way.”

“Nooo,” I stretch before the mirror, admiring my curves. Darius casts me an appreciative glance, and my heart flutters as I feel the love through our bond.

Yet something feels slightly off with me. My stomach cramps, and a cold shiver fans down my spine. For a moment, my vision blurs, and I waver. Darius is instantly by my side, gently taking hold of my elbow.

“What is going on, Malyshka?” He asks, studying my face.

As quickly as the weakness enters my body, it disappears. I blink and frown, thinking it was just dizziness caused by the training.

“I’m fine, mi amor,” I reply, turning to him. “I received a text from Serena. Girls plan to sunbathe. I need to change.”

He simply nods, kissing my forehead. The concern doesn’t vanish from his eyes, but he lets me go and welcomes Lazarus and Constantine. Both give me a smile and a hello, and I wave at them before running to my room.

The dizziness returns with full force when I remove my clothes. My head is woozy, my knees trembling under my weight. I sit on the bed, rubbing my temples to ease the tension.

Genesis texts me to join them at the pool, but I stretch on the mattress instead, closing my eyes for a moment. A strange exhaustion overwhelms me, and I decide to take a quick nap. Ten or fifteen minutes will help me feel fresh and energized.

I’m woken up by my buzzing phone vibrating beside my head. I wipe the sleep from my eyes, squinting at the screen. It’s Genesis.

“Penny, where are you?” She asks. I can hear the splashes of water and echoes of chatter from the other side. “We’ve been waiting for you for over an hour.”

I lift a brow, checking the clock on the nightstand. I aimed to take a quick nap, but instead, I slept for an entire hour and I still felt exhausted.

“Sorry, I lost track of time,” I reply, pulling myself up, but the dizziness returns. Slowly, I stand from the bed, holding the nightstand for support while I listen to Genesis’s excited chatter. Everyone is at the pool waiting for me.

“Give me a sec. I’ll be right back,” I promise, hanging up. Ruffling through my closet, I find my swimsuit.

The wooziness doesn’t leave me. My hands slightly tremble, and I feel the drops of cold sweat running down my back. My stomach is nauseous, and my mind is hazy. I stare at my swimsuit for almost half a minute before I realize the top does not match the bottoms.

What is going on with me?

Shaking my head in annoyance at my weird state, I change and check myself in the mirror. I’m unnaturally pale, but I wave it off.

With a smile plastered on my face, I head downstairs while pushing my unwell feeling to the side. Maybe it’s just stress from my upcoming graduation or the pressure from becoming a godmother for Matthew and Cece’s baby. Not to mention one particular handsome lycan who demands my undivided attention. So much happened in one day that it’s probably taking its toll on me.

I can’t slow down now! There are too many things to care for in my life to pay attention to some minor sickness. It will go away as quickly as it came—no need to make a fuss about it.

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