The Grey Billionaire Series: Secrets and Lies - Book cover

The Grey Billionaire Series: Secrets and Lies

Rasheen Rebel

Chapter 2


I’m tying the strings of my Balmain bikini top as I hit Send on my latest Twitter post. It’s a full-time job, riling up my haters. Not that their opinions matter to me.

So much has shifted since I took full ownership of my boutique. I’m the fresh face of Cover Girl, Gillette. I’m gracing the cover of Maxim’s 100 Hottest Women in the World. I’m featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated. I have a three-page spread in Essence magazine, and my face is plastered on a billboard in Times Square. But who’s counting?

I keep myself occupied. Occupied so I don’t have to think. Occupied so I don’t have to feel. Occupied so there’s no space to want (him).


Roland is a party animal. Being friends with the bassist of the rock band Plus One has its perks, like exclusive party invites.

I recall our first meeting. I was twenty-four and new to the concert scene. I don’t remember who I was with, but Roland pulled me on stage, and we became a thing until he went back on tour.

But now, I’m more than just a free-spirited nobody trying to make it. I’ve reached the pinnacle of my career and I’m as well-known as he is. When he called me out of the blue three days ago to invite me to his mansion party, I didn’t hesitate. It beats sitting at home alone, watching him post pictures of his fun without me.

Roland’s skin is like chocolate; not the dark, bitter kind, but the sweet, brown kind. He’s tall and handsome, with dark, curly hair always tied in a man bun. He’s good in bed and he listens. It’s strange that he listens. Sometimes, when I think he’s not paying attention, he asks a follow-up question.

“So what happened next?” he asks after I pause in my rant about Chris.

I tell him about our brief history with the boutique over the past few months, and then running into each other at events. I tell him about last week, and the call I overheard. I’m usually not this chatty and it’s annoying me that I’ve become so…ordinary.

“Nothing. I told him I wouldn’t go to the stupid banquet. I told him I want us to go back to our lives and keep things strictly business between us.”

He looks like he wants to laugh. I wouldn’t blame him if he did. I’d laugh at myself too, considering how ridiculous I’ve been acting. I can’t even tell Draya any of this. She looks up to me, sees me as a strong woman, not a lost puppy pining for a man.

“No offense, Reece, but I’m a little disappointed in you. You don’t strike me as the type to be this affected by someone. Unless he’s better in bed than me. And I highly doubt that.”

It’s been a week, but I finally laugh. Laughing feels strange now that I haven’t done it in so long. But I’m grateful nonetheless.

“We haven’t slept together,” I admit, my voice less tense.

I feel more relaxed after laughing. I let out a long sigh. I take another deep breath and let it out again.

I feel better.

“No sex and you’re sitting here thinking about him? Who is this guy and what do I have to do to get you to stop whatever this is?”

I laugh again.

I had forgotten how nice it was to spend time with him. No drama, no tension, just relaxation and fun. I miss that. I miss normalcy.

“How’s your new album?” I ask, changing the subject.

He’s sipping on a bottle of Hennessy next to me and I roll my eyes at him. I don’t know anyone else who can drink for twenty-four hours and still communicate effectively. Rock stars. Ugh.

“The album is almost finished. I’m performing a new song at the banquet tonight,” he reveals, and my eyes widen.

Not because he’s performing a new song, but because I didn’t know he was going to the banquet at all. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own drama that I didn’t ask about his weekend plans.

“Before you apologize for being insensitive, why don’t you come with me? I know you don’t want to hang out here on your own all day. The other band members left for the city hours ago. I have to go too for practice, but I chose to stay back a little longer so I can be with you. You seemed upset and I didn’t want to leave you alone like that. I still don’t.”

I want to say Awwww but I hold back.

“I’m grown, you don’t have to worry about me,” I declare, puffing out my chest.

“Yeah, says the girl practically crying over a guy who’s probably banging someone else as we speak.”

Damn Roland. Stick a fork in me why don’t you!

“Point taken. But for your information, I’ve decided not to like him anymore. I’ve decided to go back to how I was before. Nonchalant and free-spirited.” I try to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

Roland takes another swig of Hennessy and pulls his shirt over his head. God.

Abs like chocolate bars; hard and defined, every dent visible to the eye. I hate him.

“I don’t do emotions, but even I know it doesn’t work like that,” he teases me while undoing his pants. Why the hell is he taking his clothes off? And why am I still staring at him?

“Whatever. I’m done either way. I’m fine,” I state firmly. I want to believe myself as much as I want everyone else to believe me.

He removes his socks and then his boxers. The sun hits his naked body, making him look like a perfect statue. Sculpted flawlessly. Ugh. I hate him.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” I ask, failing to avoid the sight of his manhood hanging between his legs.

He gives me one of his signature Roland stage smiles. The kind that usually causes girls to faint or hyperventilate at the sight of it.

“Na.” He grabs a towel from one of the lounge chairs and wraps it around his waist. “I’m going to the sauna. I wouldn’t seduce you while you’re thinking about someone else. Even my ego couldn’t take that kind of hit.”

I laugh again.

I feel lighter than I’ve been in seven days.

“If you’re serious about tonight, I’ll go with you,” I decide, smiling.

He shrugs as if it’s no big deal, but I know he’s grateful. He’s famous, but I know he hates being around privileged rich people. Roland’s upbringing was similar to mine. Abandoned and pushed into foster care. He hardly talks about it in interviews, but his songs give quite an insight into what his childhood was like. Even though he makes millions now, he’s still Roland; humble and honest. I like that.

“You have an outfit? I hear it’s supposed to be fancy but sexy.”

I laugh again. “Don’t worry, I’m always prepared for anything when I travel.” I have an outfit all right. It’s more like a see-through net with heels and nipple pasties. Perfect for a bachelor’s banquet. I’ll look like a shiny toy, all the boys want to play with.

My confidence took a hit last week. Hell, it’s taken a hit for several months if I’m being honest. Transitioning from the old me to the new me has been exhausting.

It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone in the physical sense. I’m forgetting how to get back on the saddle. Or is it in the saddle? Whatever! I’m forgetting how to be sexy and flirtatious. It was my bread and butter once upon a time. Now I’m just like a fish out of water.

Roland narrows his eyes at me. “I’m gonna relax for an hour then we’ll leave for the city. I have a hotel room there. Make sure you have everything packed that you need.”

I salute him in agreement.

He shakes his head on his way to the sauna.

“Today will be a good day,” I murmur to myself when I’m alone. “It has to be.”


After packing my stuff, I FaceTime Dray.

Draya’s sitting under an umbrella sipping raspberry lemonade and reading Shakespeare to her unborn baby. She has an annoyingly beautiful glow since the wedding ceremony and the baby announcement, even on her worst day throwing up, or waking up dehydrated and makeup-less, she’s still a gem.

She ignores me as she rubs her tummy and reads aloud. “I’ll do my best

To woo your lady. Yet, a barful strife!

Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife.”

First Disney, now Shakespeare! Somebody help me!

I’m about to scold her, but she continues. “Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em.”

I can’t take it anymore!

“Dray, enough already. I don’t want my goddaughter choking on iambic pentameter in there. Shakespeare? Seriously?” I can feel the lines of frustration etching themselves into my forehead.

Draya just shrugs and sets the book down on the table in front of her. From the way the camera angle shifts, I guess she’s propped her phone up against the umbrella stand so I can see more of her.

“The doctor says reading to the baby aids in development,” she shoots back, her face crinkling into a frown.

“I’m pretty sure the doctor didn’t specify Shakespeare, Draya. What are you trying to turn the baby into?” I can’t help but feel irritated at how she’s gone off the deep end since hitting her third trimester.

“All right, all right. At least I’m not as bad as my husband. He’s off to New York for a few hours tonight, and he’s already got seventeen bodyguards swarming the yard,” she grumbles, her frown deepening.

I’m not shocked that Daniel would amp up security. What surprises me is that he’s even venturing to New York in the first place.

“So he’s presenting the award at the bachelor’s banquet to the new winner?” I’ll never get the rich and their strange debutante balls and bachelor auctions and all that jazz. I’ve got money now, but I still can’t wrap my head around their world.

“Yeah, he said Chris won this year. I’ve already sent my congratulations. Have you spoken to him yet?” she asks, that hopeful look in her eyes that suggests she’s praying for a positive answer.

That’s Draya for you. Ever the optimist.

“No, not yet. I’ll congratulate him when I see him later.” Yeah, right.

Her eyes go wide. “You’re going?” She sounds genuinely taken aback. Join the club, sis. I was so set on keeping my distance, and yet here I am, agreeing to show up at an event in his damn honor.

“Am I missing something?” she asks, her tone bordering on accusatory.

“It’s not what you’re thinking. Roland’s performing. He invited me, so I said I’d go,” I reply, trying to convey a ‘please don’t probe further’ plea with my eyes.

“Roland? Roland from Plus One? Roland who you used to be involved with? That Roland?” Damn it, Draya! Enough with the questions!

“Yes.” I strive to keep my face impassive. If I let even a hint of a smile slip, she’ll latch onto it and never let go.

“How are you feeling? Any chance of the baby making her debut this week? I can’t wait to meet her. I already love her so much. Remember to let me know the moment you feel anything. I’ll be there in a heartbeat.” It’s not that I don’t want to discuss Roland. She’s well aware of who he is. I just don’t want to delve into the topic of attending the banquet with Roland and who else I might run into there.

“I know, I’ll keep you posted, don’t worry. I want you and Daniel in the delivery room with me.” That brings a smile to my face. I still matter to her, just as she does to me.

“I love you, Dray. Take care of yourself and listen to the bodyguards who are tasked with your safety tonight. Don’t give them a hard time by doing anything you shouldn’t. I don’t want Daniel to lose his cool tonight.” She’s developed a knack for mischief lately, poor guy must be at his wit’s end.

She promises to behave and blows me a kiss before the call ends.

Now it’s time to pack before hitting the road to the city. I’ll need a drink or two before I can face… him.

Next chapter
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