When the Night Falls: A Day At Court - Book cover

When the Night Falls: A Day At Court


Chapter 3


Passionate: showing or caused by strong feelings or strong beliefs; intense feelings of sexual love.

My heart raced wildly as our tongues collided. The wetness of his mouth sent shivers down my inner thighs, and all I wanted to do was drink him in. My insides squeezed.

He slid one arm underneath the small of my back and eased me on top of the sheets. The silky rose petals caressed my skin, and he placed my arms above my head.

His hands soared down my upper arms, and across my ribs. He gently toyed with the ribbons of my lingerie, pulling them so that my hips rose with the tension.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he whispered through smirking, gritted teeth, and nibbled the skin on my ear. I was glad I wasn’t the only one.

While kissing him, I let one of my arms back down, making a beeline for his pants. He was huge. Tracing the outline of his hardness, I fought back a moan. I could only picture it inside of me, but we had just gotten here.

Slow, steady.

I let my hands continue to his belt buckle, then looked up at him in that way he almost couldn’t resist. He chuckled, sensing my eagerness, and shook his head. Not yet.

I breathed deeply and inhaled his intoxicating scent, even after a long day, and tilted my head back as his face wandered down to my underwear. Already, I wanted to burst.

He teased me through my underwear for a few moments, utilizing the thin barrier between his tongue and my clit, circling his tongue over it.

“Please,” I moaned, and Theo obliged.

He ripped the fabric, letting himself in. Flitting his tongue over my clit, his hands grabbed my ass, and pulled me toward his face. My eyes rolled back, and I saw stars. Finally.

Gripping the sheets around me, I thrust my hips upward, wishing he would never pull his tongue out as it swirled inside of me. My mouth watered and I repeatedly had to lick my lips. I was perfectly wet for him, already close to cumming, and I needed him inside me.

I slid down to him, reaching for his pants. His cock felt more than ready to take me. As I pulled down his zipper…

My phone began to ring. Shit.

“That’s going to be Pierre,” I sighed, watching the love of my life climb off of me, subtly wiping the wetness from his lips.

“It’s fine, take the call, my love. Perhaps we got a little ahead of ourselves in thinking the day was ending so soon,” he soothed, thankfully a hint of humor in his voice. He was always so understanding, and I never felt guilty around him— at least by no fault of his own. We always aimed to be first and foremost patient with one another.

It was quite a test lately, though, and interruption felt more usual than not. It left us more desperate and horny for one another than ever before.

I nodded, answering the phone, and reluctantly began to put my clothes back on. Being on the brink of such a release, I had to really be able to switch up my mindset or I could have maybe cried.

Hanging up the phone, I turned to a now-clothed Theo and kissed him on his neck, then on his lips. “I’ve got to go. You know I want to stay… But these kids really need us.”

I could tell that he was a little bit deflated, but he nodded anyway, reassuringly sending me on my way.

The sound of the door closing behind made my stomach turn. I absolutely hated leaving Theo, especially with such sensitive timing. A part of me wanted to just go back in the room, kiss him, and never let him go.

But that wasn’t the sole duty of a true Queen, and it was all about balance, which I was quickly learning about.


Pierre gave me a hand in boarding the helicopter. He’d had a little extra pep in his speech for this latter part of our mission, presumably because he knew he had interrupted us yet again and felt a little bad about it.

As we watched the palace grow smaller and smaller beneath us the further we flew, my mind oscillated between wishing Theo was here for support, and encouraging myself with self-talk to remind myself that I was fully capable.

After a little while, the old orphanage came into view. The damage the fire had done looked much worse in person than it had on the news, and my heart broke all over again. The old, historical building, once beautiful, was now scarred with black ash and broken wood, brick, and glass.

Entire roofs had collapsed in some areas, and even the surrounding trees had lost leaves and limbs. Only their skeletal bodies were left creaking and looming over the building now fully exposed to the elements.

Quickly, I was impassioned with determination to fix this. It was difficult to see, but I couldn’t lose hope. We had to believe in our plan.

Coming into view, however, were the large numbers of protestors surrounding the construction equipment at the site. They were blocking them from moving or doing any work. But why?

There had to have been around sixty people. They held signs and shouted, some of them even angling their posters toward us so that we could see them. Most were too small to see, but the ones I was able to make out made my stomach drop.

Pierre asked the pilot to make a circle so that we could continue our assessment.

The helicopter tilted to bring us around to the other side of the building, and we were faced with even more destruction. It appeared that more than half of the orphanage was not usable, effectively displacing all of the children until something was sorted out.

The rebuild needed to happen quickly—surely the protestors understood this. It disturbed me to know that they could have rather let the building go unfixed because of something as stupid as our names being on the project than to step aside and allow us to make the repairs, though I knew the issue ran deeper for them than just that. They were probably fed up with decades and decades of hypocritical and out-of-touch leadership. But we had children to worry about.

Then, I realized I had no idea where the children were staying with so much postponing on the restoration. “Pierre, do we know where the children are staying currently?” I asked.

He looked through his stack of papers to find the locations.

“It looks like the children are currently in a selection of other orphanages throughout the city.”

“Do we know which ones?” I asked.

“I am seeing Misericorde, Our Lady of Lourdes, and they are still currently finding places for the remaining orphans. These show that the orphanages were already at capacity before the fire,” he replied.

“They must be massively overcrowded! Some of our charities were talking about helping expand both of those, not keep crowding them!” I couldn’t stifle a gasp. There was no way there was enough room for all of them. “That’s untenable… we’ve got to do something soon.”

“Yes, Madame, it is rather unfortunate. We’ll have to see about clearing the construction areas in the morning,” Pierre followed.

“Indeed. But in the meantime… I think I’ve got a plan.”


I had had the Prime Minister on speakerphone at my desk for nearly 10 minutes, and the man had not once shut up. Each time I had tried to speak, he went on another presumptuous and dizzying monologue about himself and his plan.

His snide and sneering voice sounded absolutely serpentine.

I’d lost track of exactly where we were at in the conversation, if you could even call it that. It was rather one-sided. He was incredibly smug and clearly hated the crown, and I was trying to channel Jasmine’s patience.

I would have loved to channel any part of Jasmine. We’d been a little more distant than usual lately, due to our packed schedules and duties, and I longed for her deeply.

My mind drifted to our unfinished business from earlier. My mind replayed how beautiful she looked in the dark lingerie, a perfect contrast to her gorgeous skin. Her wide, blinking, yearning eyes batted against my own eyelids as I closed them, pretending I was far away from here.

The Prime Minister’s gross coughing fit on the speakerphone brought me back to reality.

I imagined her sitting right next to me, her threshold for prickish people much better than mine. But I knew it was because she was wise and charitable. I decided to try once again to establish any sort of connection with the man.

“Well, Prime Minister, as I’ve stated before. The Queen and I are eager to meet you in person, and I think we’ll both be surprised with how similar our interests are,” I began.

“Is that so? Eager to see your adversary? Surely you’ve got access to the news in those tall towers of yours…” He asked, though it sounded disingenuous and rhetorical. I rolled my eyes, thankful he couldn’t see me.

Thoughts of Jasmine continued to flicker in my mind, and I found a momentary strength, releasing me from the words I would have chosen myself. Prime Asshole was among the things I would have loved to call him.

“Let me rephrase. I am eager to find some sort of middle ground,” I replied more truthfully.

He was silent for a moment.

“Hmm. Middle ground,” he chortled. “And where is this middle ground located in relation to the palace, the thirty thousand acres of land, and lavish gardens, your highness?” His pronunciation sounded toxic and totally intolerant.

“We aim to do things a lot differently than our—” I began.

“Mommies and Daddies?” Hugo Marie suddenly interrupted.

I stifled the reaction I actually wanted to give and forced myself to chuckle.

“I think you’ve got us all wrong, Prime Minister, if I may be blunt.”

“You have no idea what I’m thinking about you two, ~King~ Theodore. You seem to think you have it all figured out, don’t you?”

I was in disbelief. His audacity was bordering on insane. Who did he think he was?

“Prime Minister, you can rest assured that—”

“Oh, I rest well every night, Theodore.”

Without even considering it for a second longer, I hung up the phone, as if my hand had made the decision for me. That was twice he had cut me off.

The last of my patience went wherever that phone call did. I tried, but my tolerance for arrogance and deliberate instigation had run out.

Maybe he could try me again later. But I imagined he was probably sitting in his office, laughing maniacally and villainously as if he had won whatever that interaction was.

I stood up from my desk, rubbing my face. What would Jasmine think? Would that have gone differently if she was here? I stopped myself before I could feel any regret. She would agree. That guy was a fucking jerk, and he sounded moronic.

I was never going to get through that call without my thoughts drifting to my beautiful wife, anyway. Our little interruption had sort of sabotaged my day. Looking down at myself, it was evident she was in my mind.

I needed a cold shower. Shaking off my clothes and the unpleasant remnants of the phone call with the Prime Minister, I hopped into the shower and turned the temperature lower and lower. The freezing water pelted my skin, but it felt like nothing.

My raging hard-on wasn’t going anywhere.

It had been too long since Jasmine and I could be truly alone. Lately, we had faced constant interruptions. But nothing was interrupting my frustration.

I closed my eyes, facing the water, and scrubbed my body. For a moment, I swore I could feel her hands rubbing the soap for me, slicking toward my cock. I leaned my head back and imagined her there with me, pinning her to the shower wall, satisfying her the way I’d been wanting to all day…

That was it. I needed her alone.

I quickly rinsed myself and shut off the water. I grabbed a towel from the warmer and wrapped it around my waist, and walked over to the phone on my desk.

“Michelle,” I said without waiting for a hello, “Dismiss the staff. Yourself, too. Take the evening off and have a good night.”

Jasmine and I were going to have an evening alone.

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