Touch Spin-off: Scars - Book cover

Touch Spin-off: Scars

Anna R. Bennet



The memory of piercing blue eyes obscures my vision as I make the short ride back to the complex of villas with my drinks. They seemed to demand the attention of everyone in the coffee shop.

I can’t help but remember the way his chest felt beneath my palms. Strong. Inviting.

How can someone so hot be such a dick?

And how can a pair of shoes be so cute, yet so destructive?

I admire my traitorous shoes as I lean my bike against the wall of the central villa. I now understand why they were a measly $15.

What I can’t understand is why the eyes of that haughty hunk are distracting me from my shoes.

Not to mention work…which I am definitely running late to.


Shaking away the thought of unfairly hot assholes and shoes, I make my way towards the group of people chatting a few feet away. With her natural red locks, it’s easy to spot Adele in a crowd.

“Hey stranger.”

“Oh my god, you are a lifesaver,” she says, grabbing the drink that I offer.

“Well, what can I say? I guess I just love you that much.”

She bumps my hip at my words, and leans in conspiratorially.

“All you need to do is say the word, and I’ll jump your bones in a heartbeat.”

“You know as tempting as that is, I’m not sure Nick would appreciate me sleeping with his girlfriend.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that Lee Lee—and while we’re on the subject. Are you ready to put your matchmaking skills back to work tomorrow? How’s the planning coming along?”

Tomorrow night marks the third matchmaking event I’ve held in town since moving here. The first two went well, but no matter how many times I’ve put something like this together, I can’t help but freak out a little bit beforehand.

No matter how simple a casual night of chit-chat and matching singles together may sound, it’s anything but. It’s juggling countless futures in my hands.

Not only that, but I hate being the center of attention.

Something I didn’t take into account when I was little and decided that I was going to be a matchmaker. That I had to be a matchmaker.

It’s both my passion and the current cause of my insomnia.

“Earth to Haley!”

I shoot Adele a sheepish look.

“Sorry. Yeah, good though! It’s just going to be cocktails and conversation. Nothing crazy.”

Del reads me too well as I try and fail to hide my nerves behind a smile.

“You’re going to kill it Haley. You’ve wanted to be a matchmaker all your life, and you’ve already gotten like half the town together. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Ugh, you’re too good to me,” I tell her honestly. “I know it’s silly, I just feel like if I can help people find their soulmates, I’ll be doing something that’s actually worthwhile.”

“And maybe you can avoid facing your own love life?”

Like I said, she reads me too well.

Moving on…

“Ooh, before I forget, can I borrow that cute dress of yours tomorrow night? The maroon one?”

She rolls her eyes.

“Always, but don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing missy. That was an outright deflection.”


“What? I’m not doing anything. I’m just in awe of your closet. My own is in desperate need of some help.”

“Mhm. I don’t disagree with that, but don’t think I’m going to drop this anytime soon. We need to get you laid, and soon.”

It’s my turn to roll my eyes.

“Adele Cherie!”

“What? We’re both adults. It’s not like we can’t talk about S E X.”

She spells the word out like a curse, and I glare at her. But it’s half-hearted. I can’t keep the smile off my face.

Besides, it’s not like she’s wrong. It has been a long time. Too long.

I feel a flash of those strong hands on my waist from this morning. Squeezing gently yet firmly. Dominant yet not domineering. I slide my own hands to their place.

“Oh my god. What is that look? Who are you thinking of?”

Shit. Maybe I do need to download Tinder if I was just thinking about—nope.

I refuse to admit, even to myself, how desperate I am for physical touch.

Before Adele can dig any deeper into the absolute mess that is my love life, we’re interrupted by the voice of our boss. The beautiful brunette, Emily, stands on the front stoop of the gorgeous villa. She sends us a warm smile before beginning the morning briefing.

“Morning, I hope everyone is having a great Saturday.”

Her voice is sweet, and always brings a smile to my face.

She runs through the typical routine, assigning everybody their individual tasks for the day. I tune her out. Despite my best efforts, my thoughts keep wandering to those blue eyes.

What was his problem?

“Oh, and before I forget, we’re going to be getting a new guy on Monday.”

This catches my attention. It’s not rare that a new employee joins now and then, but most of the time they’re women.

“Haley, I’m going to have him work with you on the Sunset Villa, since we should be getting new guests sometime in the next week or two.”


I fight to hold back a groan at this information. Not only do I much prefer to work alone with my thoughts for company, but the idea of spending time with a strange man makes me… uncomfortable.

Ever since Dereck, I’ve steered clear of men altogether. In fact, the last time I was alone with a man I ended up fleeing the state entirely. Real smooth, I know.

That is, except for Nick, but he’s more of a brother.

Adele sends me a smile that’s more of a wince as she heads off to her assignment. Emily takes her place by my side.

“Hey Haley, I hope this isn’t too much of an imposition.”

She must have seen my expression. I replace it with an easy smile.

“The last thing I want to do is add anything to your plate—I’m sure you have a lot to think about with tomorrow night and everything—it’s just that you’re such a hard worker.”

“Don’t worry Em, I understand. I’m pretty great,” I tease, to lighten the mood.

She squeezes my arm affectionately.

“Okay well I’ll let you do your thing then, and fill you in more on Monday. Good luck tomorrow. You know if I wasn’t already with Liam, I’d be first in line for your matchmaking!”

“Girl you’ve got a catch. I’ll never forgive you if you give that man up.”

She laughs and gives my arm one more squeeze before heading back to work.

It’ll be fine, I can spend a few hours with a guy. So it’ll be a little awkward. Big deal.



Three hours later I’m wishing that the new guy would come sooner.

As the nicest and largest property of the entire complex, the Sunset Villa requires a lot of upkeep. Its location, directly in front of the stunning white sand beach, makes it our most sought-after listing.

I take a lot of pride in making sure our guests have the best experience possible.

But that’s not to say I can’t complain a bit. And, if you ask me, single-handedly flipping multiple mattresses as a five-foot-seven-ish girl is deserving of a little complaining.

Especially when the eyes of a certain haughty hunk taunt my memory.

He can’t really have been that hot. My sex-hungry brain must be beefing him up.

Satisfied with that conclusion, I take a break to stretch out my back. Working here has been a test of my posture—one that I’m not sure I’m passing.

Just then a ding from my phone catches my attention.

AdeleSent an attachment
AdeleYou + this dress = total dick magnet 🍆
AdeleTomorrow’s the night
AdeleI can sense the pheromones in the air
HaleyAren’t you supposed to be at work you sex fanatic?
AdeleI’m hard at work
AdeleTrying to get you laid is a full-time job

Rolling my eyes, I slip my phone into my back pocket. But I can’t help but wonder if Adele’s right.

Maybe I should put myself out there more.

Stepping in front of one of the many full-length mirrors in this place, I toss my long brown curls up into a messy bun. And then pause to consider my reflection.

Thanks to Emily’s considerate management, the only nod to a uniform I wear is a lanyard around my neck. My name and position as house manager are proudly displayed.

The jean shorts I wear are a touch shorter than what I would wear if guests were here. I’ve paired them with a comfy linen button down, and my brown booties.

A pretty cute outfit if I do say so myself.

The yoga that I took up to destress after leaving Dereck has had the added benefit of toning my body. My torso, petite and curvy as it is, is now lined with subtle muscles that I can’t help but admire.

My smile fades as I remember the way the man looked at me in the coffee shop this morning. Like I wasn’t worth a passing glance.

He clearly wasn’t as distracted by me as I was by him.

I wish he hadn’t been right, but I had been caught off guard when I saw him. I mean those eyes, that smirk— who wouldn’t be? All that wasted on an asshole.

What a shame.

Shaking my head in an attempt to clear the image of those eyes from my mind, I look away from the mirror. No time to reminisce on hot, rude strangers or…Dereck.

Time to get back to work.

Only, just when I pick up the bundle of old sheets to bring to the washing machine, my phone buzzes. No doubt Adele with more sex advice.

Flustered, I consider letting it ring, but decide to check the screen at the last moment.

The sheets fall from my grip with a thud. Dereck Blackstone flashes across my screen.

I rub my eyes. This isn’t happening.

Except it is. The buzzing continues as I stare at the familiar profile pic taking up my screen. It’s been six months, why is he calling now?

More importantly, what do I do?

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