Family Matters - Book cover

Family Matters

C.B. Rose

Age Rating


Cassidy Parker has had a truly awful life. Born to drug-addicted parents who abandoned her at fourteen, she’s been in and out of abusive foster homes for years. And then there’s the toxic relationship with her high school sweetheart… But now she has a chance to change everything and be happy with the dashingly handsome Xavier Montero. The problem is, will her past let her?

Age Rating: 18+

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Chapter 1


“Half an hour more and I’m free!” I grumble, stretching my neck and shoulders to relieve the tension from a long day of serving tables. I remind myself that this is just a temporary gig until I finish nursing school.

Just one more year of late-night shifts at the Sapphire Casino, then I can finally start my dream job.

“You can clock out early if you want. It’s not even 10pm on a Friday, you could still go out and have some fun,” Sadie, my boss and the bartender, suggests from behind the counter.

“No, it’s fine. I’m going out with friends tomorrow night. Plus, I could use the extra half hour to earn more tips.”

“Oh, that’s right!” Sadie exclaims, rushing out from behind the bar to give me a tight hug. “Happy early birthday, sweetheart!” I giggle and thank her.

I know I’ll miss her when I leave this place.

Sadie has been like a second mom to me since I started working here, first in security and now at the bar.

After my mom died from a drug overdose when I was 14, followed by a series of terrible foster moms over the next four years, and then being left with nothing after aging out of the system, meeting Sadie was a blessing.

“Happy early birthday, Bella Bells!” Mia squeals, hugging me from behind. Mia is another waitress at the bar and one of the few coworkers I consider a friend.

I turn around to hug her back and thank her. “I wish I could celebrate with you tomorrow, but I have to work.”

“I wish you could too, but I understand. You need to earn money. Bills don’t pay themselves and you need to eat, right?”

“Exactly! Speaking of earning money, you’ve been requested, again.”

She winks at me and nods towards a table where three guys around my age have just sat down. Two of them are laughing and checking out the other waitresses.

The third one, sitting at the end, is also looking around but doesn’t seem as interested.

They’re all attractive, but the one who looks a bit moody is especially handsome. Dark hair, strong jawline, tanned skin, a hint of stubble on his smooth face. Even in the dim light, I can see his muscles through his clothes from here. And his eyes! They’re mesmerizing. I bet he has girls falling all over him. How could he not, looking as good as he does?

I pull out my notepad as I approach them. They all look up at me, the two who were checking out the waitresses still grinning like kids in a candy store.

“Good evening, gentlemen. What can I get you tonight?”

The one on my left leans in too close to read my name tag.

“Well, Bella, we’ll have three whiskeys, please.” He says, grinning as if using the name on my tag makes him special. Little does he know that’s not even my real first name.

“And maybe a side dish with that?” The one on my right suggests, wiggling his eyebrows at me. As if that’s going to happen.

“Sorry, my kitchen is closed. But if you’re really interested, I can move you to another table where the buffet is always open,” I reply, forcing a sweet smile.

They all laugh, even the moody one. Interesting. He’s not as detached as I thought.

“No, we’re good here. Thanks,” Mr. Moody replies, winking at me.

“Alright then. I’ll be back with your drinks.” I smile and head back to the bar to place their order. I glance back and catch Mr. Moody watching me, his captivating eyes drawing me in. This is going to be the longest half hour of my life with Mr. Moody, Flirt 1, and Flirt 2.


I put their drinks on my tray and start heading towards their table when I see a blonde waitress with an oversized chest, chatting with them. My shift isn’t even over yet and she’s already trying to steal my customers.

Wait a minute. Is she seriously making moves on Mr. Moody? I squint at her, feeling a wave of possessiveness wash over me. I can’t tell if it’s because she’s invading my territory and potential tips, or if it’s because she’s invading Mr. Moody’s personal space.

Either way, she needs to step off, like, immediately. My steps grow more forceful as I approach, but they falter when I see Avery’s flirtatious behavior being returned. My confidence evaporates instantly, and a small pang of something hits me out of nowhere.

This is absurd. I’m absurd. Pull yourself together, Cassie! You don’t even know this guy! I’ll just deliver their drinks and head home. They can do whatever they want. I don’t care. I shouldn’t care.

After my internal pep talk, I approach them and place their drinks on the table.

“Here are your drinks, gentlemen. Can I get you anything else?”

“I think we’re set for now. Maybe later?” Mr. Moody replies, flashing me a smile. Oh my God! His eyes are stunning! Blink, Cassie, blink!

“Well, whenever you’re ready for another round, just let me know. I’ll be taking over her table now,” Avery interjects, smirking. Is she still here? “Your shift is over, isn’t it Bella?” She asks, that annoying smirk still plastered on her face. I roll my eyes and focus on Mr. Moody with the captivating eyes.

“My shift is indeed over, but if you need anything else, just flag down one of the other waitresses. They’ll be more than happy to assist you.”

As I start to walk away, Mr. Moody grabs my wrist. I stiffen at the contact. I was about to turn and give Mr. Moody a piece of my mind when he quickly releases my hand.

“Sorry.” He looks genuinely apologetic, but there’s something else in his eyes when he looks at me.

I can’t quite place the emotion, but it seems like a blend of worry, anger, and curiosity. “Could you wait a moment, please?” I nod and turn to face him fully.

He reaches into his pockets, pulls out a wad of cash, and hands it to me. I can see Avery scowling from the corner of my eye as she watches the exchange. I chuckle to myself at her reaction as I tuck the money into my bra strap. I sense Mr. Moody approves of my hiding spot when I see him shift slightly in his seat.

Mr. Moody clears his throat to regain my attention.

“So, I was wondering if you had any plans after your shift. We’re heading to a club later and thought you might want to join us?”

“Oh, um, thanks, but I don’t socialize with customers outside of work.”

“How about joining us for a drink here then? Having a drink and a chat isn’t considered socializing, is it?”

“I have an early start tomorrow, so I can’t. But thank you.”

“Just one drink? I promise we won’t keep you out late.”

He’s really persistent! I wanted to shut him down firmly so he’d stop inviting me to hang out with them, but his endearing expression was making it hard.

I feel sorry for the woman who eventually wins this man’s heart because she’ll have a tough time saying ‘no’ to him. Trust me, I know.

“Listen,” I sigh. “I appreciate the invitation, but I’m not interested.”

I thank him again for the generous tip and practically sprint back to the staff area to change and head home. Evan, the head of security and my only other friend here, is standing by the door, keeping an eye on everyone as usual.

“Hey Cass! I see Avery didn’t waste any time taking over your tables.”

“That woman is like a vulture. Always on the hunt for tips and fresh meat.”

We both burst into laughter.

“At least she’s not focused on you tonight,” I tell him, patting his arm.

“Don’t jinx it.” He pulls a face and shudders dramatically. I steal a quick glance back at them to find Mr. Moody’s eyes locked on me and Evan.

The smile he’d been giving me was replaced with a glare that made the tiny hairs on my arms stand on end. I quickly turn away and head through the door to change.


When I emerge, I see Avery has decided to use Mr. Moody as a seat. I guess the regular chairs aren’t good enough for her. I roll my eyes once more.

I weave my way through the bar, hoping to slip out unnoticed. Being a petite five foot two inches, I should be able to blend into the crowd and disappear.

That’s exactly what I need to do because, crazy as it sounds, I have a hunch that the three musketeers are going to try their luck again at asking me to hang out with them tonight. After the icy look Mr. Grumpy shot me earlier, I don’t want to give them the chance.

Just as I’m sneaking past their table, a shrill voice cuts through the casino din.

“Hey Bella!” Avery hollers at me.

Oh, for heaven’s sake! I halt in my tracks and swivel towards them. Romeo 1 and Romeo 2 leap from their seats and frantically beckon me over. My gaze lands on Mr. Grumpy, and I could swear he mouths “help” to me. I sigh inwardly as I trudge back to their table.

“Yes?” I ask, plastering on a smile. Avery has one arm slung around Mr. Grumpy’s neck and uses the other to hand me a business card.

“What’s this for?”

“That’s a doctor who works miracles in making women look gorgeous. You should give him a call. His work could help you rake in more tips.” God, grant me the patience not to throttle this moron and force these guys to testify against me in court.

“You think I need plastic surgery to look more like you, and that would get me more tips?”

She’s so busy nodding at me that she doesn’t notice the repulsed expressions on the three men’s faces.

“So, you’re saying men, like these three, are really into plastic?” My sweet tone and smile do nothing to mask the sarcasm in my question. She swaps her smile for a look that, I think, is meant to intimidate me, but it doesn’t.

I square my shoulders and turn to the three men with a playful grin.

“Well, then you guys should enter today’s raffle. I heard the first prize is a set of Tupperware.” The three men burst into laughter. Avery hops off Mr. Grumpy’s lap and steps in front of me, getting right in my face, but I don’t flinch. Evan suddenly appears and steps between us with his back towards Avery. He puts his hands on my waist and turns me towards the front of the casino. He leans in close and speaks so only I can hear.

“Go on home. I’ll handle this.”

“I can deal with her.” I cross my arms and pout as if he’s just taken away my favorite toy.

“I know.” He gives me a gentle push forward and makes a shooing gesture with his hands.

I roll my eyes for what feels like the umpteenth time that night and head out.



Today, Austin, Ethan, and I are off to a bar at the Sapphire Casino. My father owns a dance club and a small casino, and I help run them with my brother Austin and best friend Ethan.

One of the perks of our job is having to check out our competition every now and then.

The Sapphire Casino has been our main competitor since it opened about five years ago.

We’ve visited a few times already, but it seems that it’s gained more business in the last six months since they revamped their bar area. We walk in and I can see why.

It’s essentially a gentlemen’s club within a casino. They’ve added some VIP rooms behind the private bar area and all their waitresses look like a bunch of strippers.

Well, all of them except for the one standing at the bar. She has a sweet look about her, not like the other waitresses. And of course, my brother zeroes in on her right away.

“Damn she’s hot!” Austin exclaims as he checks her out.

“Which one?” Ethan asks, trying to figure out who my brother is talking about.

“The one at the bar.” Ethan lets out a long whistle.

“I saw her first.” Austin asserts.

“That won’t matter if she notices me first.” I scowl at the two of them as they go back and forth laying claim to her. These two need to shut up and stop drooling over her. It’s annoying me. Why? I have no idea. It’s not like I haven’t seen or heard them act like this before. But for some reason, it’s bothering me tonight. As we’re standing there one of the other waitresses approaches us.

“Looking for a table?” She asks.

“Sure, we’ll take her table,” Austin says, gesturing towards the waitress at the bar.

“Absolutely,” the hostess replies, a smirk playing on her lips. “She’s quite the favorite around here. Follow me.”

What’s that about?

Once we’re seated, the woman who’s been the center of our attention since we walked into the casino approaches. Austin doesn’t waste a second before he starts flirting. Ethan joins in, asking for a “side dish”. She rolls her eyes at him and her lips curl into a cute smirk.

That’s unexpectedly attractive.

“Sorry, my kitchen is closed. But if you’re really hungry, I can move you to another table where the buffet never closes.”

Her response makes me chuckle. She’s sassy, yet polite. This woman is charming. No, not charming. Stop it!

As I’m mentally scolding myself, I see Austin and Ethan contemplating her offer to move us to a private room with a different server. Before they can respond, I decline. I don’t want another server or a private room. I just want her.

Whoa, where did that thought come from?

Bella is at the bar, waiting for our drinks. She turns towards our table and our eyes lock. I’m instantly captivated, a warmth spreading through me. Austin’s voice breaks the spell.

“I’m going to get her number,” he declares, watching her at the bar.

“No,” I respond.

“Why not?”

“She’s not your type.”

“And how do you know that?” Why does my brother have to be so irritating?

“Because she’s not! She seems like the serious relationship type. That’s not you!”

“Well, you’re not that type either!”

“So? Who said I was interested?”

“Well, she looks like my type,” Ethan interjects. Great, him too?

“No way.” My words come out more forcefully than I intended, almost like an order.


“Because I said so!” Did I just throw a fit?! They both give me strange looks. Hell, I’m giving myself strange looks. Why do I care if they ask her for her number? Before I can make sense of my reaction, a blonde waitress approaches our table.

“Good evening, gentlemen. I’m Avery. Can I get you anything?” She attempts to sound sultry but falls short.

“No, we’re good,” Austin dismisses her, not even glancing her way.

“Are you sure there’s nothing else I can get you?” She runs her hand up and down my arm, batting her fake eyelashes at me. Everything about her seems artificial. I bet even her teeth are fake. Before I can respond, Bella returns with our drinks.

“Your drinks, gentlemen. Anything else I can get for you?” Her tone is sweet, a stark contrast to the blonde Barbie standing too close to me. Avery shoots her a death glare, but Bella doesn’t even acknowledge her. In fact, she seems to be deliberately ignoring her.

“I think we’re good for now. Maybe later?” I tell her. She’s looking at me with those stunning hazel eyes. I can’t look away. Avery informs us that she’ll be taking care of us for the rest of the night since Bella’s shift is ending. As she says this,

Bella rolls her eyes and smirks, but doesn’t break eye contact with me. Not that I want her to. She starts to walk away, but I reach out and lightly grab her wrist.

Her skin is soft under my touch, and I want to hold on longer. But I notice her body stiffen at my touch. I let go quickly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

A wave of unease washes over me as I wonder what could have made Bella react that way to my touch. I want to pull her into a private room and ask her about it, but that would probably scare her off.

I pull out some cash for a tip, and when she takes it, she folds it and tucks it into her bra strap, smiling at me. Well, damn! I wish I were that twenty-dollar bill right now.

I'm doing my best to keep her engaged, but she seems hell-bent on leaving. That's not the usual reaction I get from women.

I observe her as she heads towards the back, to the employee-only area. There's a guy, about my age, standing guard at the door. He grins as she approaches.

I can't hear their conversation, but they're both laughing. When she touches his arm, I'm hit with a wave of emotions I haven't felt in a long time. Well, hello jealousy and possessiveness. Long time no see.


Roughly ten minutes have passed since Bella vanished into the employee area when Avery saunters back to our table. She plunks her tray down and perches on my lap.

Does she not understand personal space?

She's running her fingers through my hair when Bella emerges from the back.

“Shit!” I mutter, noticing Bella's eye roll and lip curl. She's clearly avoiding us, taking a roundabout route through the bar towards the casino entrance. I nudge my brother under the table to get his attention. He and Ethan are too busy ignoring Avery to notice Bella's escape.

Austin glares at me, and I subtly nod towards Bella. Avery catches our exchange and calls out Bella's name.

Well, she's useful for something. Bella's face softens with pity as she changes her course towards our table. Would it be rude to toss Avery off my lap and replace her with Bella?

We watch as Avery tries to insult Bella's appearance. In my opinion, Avery can't hold a candle to Bella. Judging by Ethan's and Austin's expressions, they agree.

“So, you’re saying men, like these three, are really into plastic?” Bella asks Avery, grinning. When Avery glares at her, Bella turns to us. I feel a jolt of excitement when I see the sparkle in her eyes.

“Well, then you guys should enter today’s raffle. I heard the first prize is a set of Tupperware.” Did she just compare Avery to Tupperware? I'm laughing so hard I might pee my pants.

When Avery jumps off my lap to confront Bella, Austin, Ethan, and I instinctively move to protect her. Despite Avery being taller and heavier—thanks to plastic surgery—Bella doesn't back down. Maybe Bella doesn't need our help after all.

The guy Bella was chatting with earlier appears out of nowhere, wedging himself between the two women and telling Bella to leave.

My eyes immediately dart to his hands on Bella's hips, and my muscles tighten. More importantly, Bella doesn't tense up, indicating she's comfortable with his touch. That makes me even more tense. I can't stand this guy.

Bella huffs—adorably, I might add—and quickly heads towards the casino entrance. Mr. Handsy, the security guard, leads Avery in the opposite direction, arguing.

Mental note: Tell Bella to set boundaries with Mr. Handsy security guard.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell the guys, jumping up from my seat and chasing after Bella without waiting for a response. I catch up to her just as she's leaving the casino. “Bella! Wait!”

“Um, yes?” She stops and turns to face me. I notice she's still holding the business card Avery gave her. She watches as I take the card from her and crumple it up.

“You don’t need that,” I tell her gently.

“I know,” she replies, smirking. I can't help but smile at her confidence. I reach into my pocket, pull out my wallet, and hand her my own business card. She raises an eyebrow at me without looking at the card. “Is this your business card?”

“Yes, it is,” I reply, grinning.

“I don’t need it.” She echoes my words, smiling sweetly and holding the card out to me. I cover her hand with mine and gently guide the card back to her.

“You may not need it, but I know you want it.” She laughs softly, holding my card in one hand and tapping it against the other.

“Is that so?”

“Definitely.” I flashed her my most charming grin, the one I knew no woman could resist, and moved a step closer. Bella’s gaze stayed locked with mine as I gradually closed the distance between us. Then, her eyes narrowed, as if she was trying to puzzle something out.

“Have we crossed paths before?” Her question halted me.

“I don’t believe so.”

“You seem familiar.” She cocked her head, as though a new perspective might jog her memory.

“I can assure you, we’ve never met.” I leaned in, whispering near her ear. “But we could, Bella doll.” I straightened up to find Bella looking pale, her eyes wide as dinner plates. “Bella?”

Hearing her name seemed to snap her out of her daze. She blinked a few times, then thrust my business card back at me. Our hands brushed as she let go, leaving the card in my hand.

“Not interested.” She spun around, sprinted towards the nearest cab, and called back over her shoulder, “Have a great life!” I was stunned by her reaction, but once I recovered, I chased after her, shouting for her to wait. But it was futile.

The cab had already merged into the traffic and vanished. Shit! Shit! Shit!

“That was epic!” Austin’s voice echoed around me as I stood there, staring at the spot where Bella’s cab had disappeared. He and Ethan were doubled over in laughter, probably at the spectacle Bella and Avery had just made. Austin’s laughter faded when he saw my face. “Hey.” I turned to him. “Why the long face? Did Bella reject you or something?” I looked back at the street, then back at my brother.

“Or something,” I sighed.

Who are you, Bella, and why did you run?

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