Broken - Book cover


Evelyn Miller

The Joint


“Oh, princess, it’s time to wake up,” a voice sings in my ear, and something pokes my cheek.

“What?” I grumble, opening my eyes only to see Mason smiling down at me. “How’d you get in my house?” I mumble, rolling over.

“Your hidey key is very easy to find.” He chuckles before the blankets are ripped off me.

“Hey! I could’ve been naked under there!” I snap, trying to pull the blanket back up.

“But you weren’t. Now get up, we have things to do,” he orders, clapping his hands together.

“What’s the time?” I ask, sitting up and looking at the curtains.

“5:45 a.m.” He smiles. “Why?”

I groan, throwing my body back down.

“We’re going running. Now hurry up,” he orders one more time before leaving the room.

I huff and grumble to myself as I get changed. Who the hell gets up this early during summer vacation?

Psychopaths. That’s who.

“Why are you making me go running this early?” I groan, opening my bedroom door.

“You said you wanted to be able to run the whole thing. I’m just here to help,” Mason states casually.

“But why so early?” I repeat as we walk down the stairs.

“Less people.” He shrugs.

Right, of course. If anyone from either of our schools saw us with each other our lives would be made a living hell.

Mason drives us to the trail in his car, and I enjoy not being the one driving for once.

Olly has his license but always refused to drive anywhere.

Ava failed her license so many times her parents stopped paying for it, but she finally got it after months of saving and still refuses to drive most of the time.

And Harry…well, he has his license but probably shouldn’t.

“You ready?” Mason asks with a smirk as we get to the start of the trail.

“No, I’m not. Tired,” I groan, dropping my shoulders.

“Aw, come on, princess, it’s not that early,” he laughs before taking off in a jog. I quickly catch up with him despite really not wanting to.

Just over halfway through I feel like I’m going to die and slow down to a walk. Mason slows down too.

“I feel like I’m going to die,” I groan.

“You’re not going to die.” He laughs at me. “Aren’t you on the track and field team?” he asks, raising a dark eyebrow at me.

“For sprinting, not long-distance,” I huff, making him laugh again.

“By the end of summer you’ll be able to give Brittany a run for her money.” He winks, and I frown.

Brittany is my “rival” from Greendale. Since freshman year we’ve gone head-to-head in volleyball, running, high jump, and long jump, and not once has she beaten me, except in long-distance running.

“Is she your girlfriend?” I ask nervously.

“Britt?” he asks, clearly shocked. “God, no.” Mason bursts out laughing.

“Oh,” I comment, wondering if he does have a girlfriend. I shake my head at myself. I just broke up with Olly! I shouldn’t be wondering these things about Mason Cooper.

“Come on, princess, we’re nearly finished.” He smiles widely at me before taking off in a sprint.


Just after lunchtime I’m lying on the sofa watching trash TV when a nonstop banging starts on my door.

“Where the hell were you last night?” Ava yells at me the second I open my front door.

“Hello to you too,” I mumble, closing the door behind her.

“I came around and you weren’t here,” she states, folding her arms over her chest and sticking her hip out.

“I went out to clear my head,” I lie, sitting down on the armchair and looking up at her.

“You could’ve texted!” she exclaims, throwing her hand in the air.

“I went out at nine. I didn’t think you were coming.” I shrug.

“Fine, I forgive you. As long as you take me out for ice cream.” She huffs.

“I could do ice cream.” I fake-smile.

“I’ll text Harry and get him to meet us there,” she says, already on her phone and walking out the door.

I let out a groan before I get up and follow her outside.

She’s leaning against my passenger door, texting. As I unlock the car and get in she doesn’t look up once.

“Harry’s already there,” she says finally, putting her phone away just as I pull my car out front. “Oh, we’re here,” Ava says, sounding surprised.

“Sure are,” I mumble, climbing out of my car and going inside.

I scan the room and see Harry leaning back at one of the tables looking bored. “Hey you.” I smile, walking up next to him.

“Hey, babe,” he greets, giving me a wide smile.

“What about me?” Ava pouts.

“I was just talking to you.” He rolls his eyes, standing up.

“Order anything you want, ladies—it’s on me,” he says, leading us over to the counter.

“I was told I’m paying,” I say quietly to him as Ava practically has her face pressed to the glass.

“Typical her.” He rolls his eyes. “Don’t say anything to her, but I have a date tonight,” he whispers.

“Oh my god, who with?” I ask, holding in my squeal.


“From Bio?” I gasp, grabbing his arm and squeezing it tightly.

“Yes.” He blushes, taking my hand off him.

“That’s amazing! You have to tell me everything!” I squeal.

“Sure, babe.” He laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

After ordering our ice cream, we all sit down next to the window and start eating.

“I can’t wait for school to start!” Ava exclaims.

“Ew. Why?” Harry asks, screwing his face up.

“Because we’re seniors!” she says with an eye roll.

“I can’t wait for school to be over,” I mutter, making Harry laugh.

“I seriously wonder why I’m friends with you two sometimes.” Ava sighs sadly.

“Because we’re awesome,” he replies in a “duh” tone. “Babe, your phone’s texted like three times,” he says, nudging me.

“Huh?” I frown, pulling my phone out of my pocket to see he was right. They’re all from Mason.

“Who’s M?” he asks, peering at my phone. “No one,” I answer quickly, placing my phone facedown on the table as it texts again.

“Must be important,” he singsongs as Ava goes to grab my phone.

I quickly snatch it before she can.

“Just read them, babe.” Harry smirks.

I purse my lips before giving in and opening the texts.

MWhat food do you like to eat? Other than pizza
MI mean like snacks
MChips? Candy? Carrot sticks?
MPrincess. I’m literally standing in the grocery store like an idiot right now...

I smile as I read his texts, wondering why he’s sending me so many texts about food.

MeI eat pretty much everything...why??

Before I can put my phone down, he texts back.

MFor tonight ;)
MYou’ll see Princess x

“This M person must be pretty great if they’re making you smile like that,” Ava states, smirking at me.

“They’re okay.” I shrug, taking a huge bite of my ice cream.

“Have you met someone?” Ava gasps, slapping her hands on the table.

“No.” I shake my head, hoping they don’t see through my lie.

“What about you, Ava? You seeing anyone?” Harry asks, changing the subject for me and sending me a knowing look.

“I wish. All the boys at Ridgewood suck. I’m thinking of setting my sights on Christ College,” she replies sadly.

“We’re actually playing them in five weeks,” he offers, waggling his eyebrows.

The first game of football season we always play Greendale. It’s one of those stupid traditions the schools have.

“I’ll definitely be there,” she says with an evil smile.


“Okay, so tell me why you have all this food?” I ask Mason as he drops two grocery bags onto my coffee table.

“Because tonight, princess, you and I are getting high.” He smirks.

“We are?” I ask excitedly.

“You get so excited about the smallest things.” He chuckles. “Like a puppy,” he adds, and I whack his shoulder softly.

“I’m kidding.” He laughs, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a lighter and what looks like a hand-rolled cigarette. “We should probably go outside,” he says.

“We can go by the pool.”

I lead the way outside and sit cross-legged on one of the seats, waiting.

Mason sits down across from me. He lifts the joint up and gently places it between my lips.

“I’m going to light it for you. Just breathe in a little—you’re going to cough,” he explains, and I nod along.

He flicks the white lighter and lifts the flame slowly to the end of the joint. “Start sucking,” he says, and I do. I’m instantly hit with a weird taste and smell.

“Now inhale,” he says, putting the lighter down next to him.

I inhale a little, my lungs burning a bit, so I inhale more and start coughing.

“Not too bad,” he says with an impressed look.

I watch as Mason takes two puffs of the joint before blowing out the smoke.

“You didn’t cough,” I point out as he hands it back to me.

“Not my first time smoking, princess.” He winks.

“Do you even know my name?” I question.

“Lily.” He smiles, showing off his perfect teeth, making my stomach start doing flips.

“Why do you call me princess?” I ask, leaning back in my seat waiting for something to happen.

“Because you reminded me of that princess running in the forest with the hair and lizard.” He chuckles, leaning back too.

“Rapunzel?” I giggle.

“That’s the one,” he confirms, closing his eyes.

“Why have you seen Rapunzel?” I ask, laughing.

“I have two little sisters who are obsessed with Disney,” he answers, sitting up again. “Want to watch it?” he asks with a goofy grin.

“Let’s go,” I agree.

Three hours, two movies, and a shitload of junk food later, Mason is passed out on my sofa and I’m struggling to keep my eyes open.

“Mason,” I mumble, nudging his foot with mine. “Mason,” I repeat.

“Hmm?” he hums, lifting his head up but not opening his eyes.

“Do you want a pillow?” I yawn.

“Come here,” he mutters, holding his arms out.

I slowly stand up and shuffle down to stand in front of him.

“No, I mean come here,” he says, scooting back and patting the space in front of him. “I want to cuddle,” he mutters sleepily.

“Are you sure?” I whisper.

“Stop overthinking, princess,” he says, opening one eye. When I don’t move, he reaches his hand out to grab my wrist and gently pulls me down to him.

He pulls my body against his, my back to his front. He wraps his arm around my waist, grabbing hold of my hand, while his other arm is underneath my head.

“Your hair smells good,” he mumbles as I push my feet in between his legs.

“Stop smelling my hair.” I giggle, snuggling into him some more.

“Shh. I’m sleeping.” He chuckles into my hair.

“Hey, Lily?” Mason breaks the silence we’ve fallen into.

“Yeah?” I whisper, rubbing circles on his hand with my thumb.

“Kingsley really fucked up,” he mutters, burying his face into the side of my neck.


I wake up really hot. I’m sweating and the bright sun pouring in through the glass door is blinding me.

Mason is still spooning me, except now his leg is thrown over me and his dick is pressing against my back.

“Mason,” I groan, trying to free myself from his grasp.

“It’s too early,” he whines, pulling me closer to him.

“I’m hot,” I say.

“Very.” I can hear the teasing in his voice.

“And I’m hungry,” I add, which finally makes him let go. “Do you want some eggs?” I ask, standing up and stretching.

“Are you offering to cook for me?” He smirks, sitting up and pulling off his hoodie, his T-shirt riding up a bit.

“I guess so,” I state, averting my eyes.

“Do you have any plans today?” he asks, following me to the kitchen.

“None,” I say, pulling out the frying pan.

“Do you want to go get your nose pierced?” he asks, sitting down at the bench.

“You don’t have plans?” I ask, doing the toast.

“Nope,” he replies popping the “P.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to get yours done too?” I smirk.

“Absolutely not.” He shakes his head, smirking back. “Your phone’s ringing,” he says.

Why the hell haven’t I been hearing my phone? Maybe I need to take it off vibrate.

I grab my phone and smile when I see Harry’s name.

“Hey!” I greet, putting him on speaker so I can keep cooking.

“Hey, babe!” he greets cheerily.

“Sooo, how’d the date go?” I ask.

“It was okay. He was nervous as fuck. Apparently, I was his first public date.” He sighs and Mason’s eyebrows shoot up. “That’s not why I’m ringing though.”

“What’s up?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at Mason, who pulls his fingers across his lips as if he’s zipping them closed.

“Ava is planning an intervention for you,” Harry says, and Mason snorts.

“She thinks you’re depressed and need to get laid,” he continues, either not hearing Mason or choosing to ignore him. “I’ve tried talking her out of it, but you know her.”

“Thanks, Harry.” I sigh, pinching my eyes as I try to think of how to get out of this.

“Anytime, babe. Just be at home as little as possible the next few days. Then she’ll get bored and move on,” he suggests.

After Harry and I say our goodbyes, I place a plate of eggs and toast in front of Mason and one in the spot next to him for me.

“Was that Harry Francis?” he asks, taking a bite of the eggs.

“Yup. He’s one of my best friends,” I confirm.

“I didn’t know he was gay,” he comments casually.

“It’s not a secret,” I state, ready to defend my best friend.

“Which one’s Ava?” he asks, scrunching his face up as he thinks.

“I don’t think you’ve seen her. She’s a short little redhead,” I describe her.

“No clue,” he shakes his head.

“Leah is in the cheer squad, the one with blonde hair…?” I say.

“There’s a lot of blonde cheerleaders. I mean, look at you,” he laughs, picking up the ends of my hair.

“I won’t be a cheerleader soon,” I huff, pushing my hair out of his hand.

“When are you going to quit?” he asks, grabbing both our empty plates.

“Probably first day back,” I purse my lips. Better to get it over and done with, right?

“Damn, not even going to wait a week?” he whistles, rinsing the plates.

“We start training first day back.”

“Same,” he says, placing them in the dishwasher.

“I can’t believe how much food we ate last night,” I laugh, spinning in my seat and looking at the garbage on the coffee table.

“Did you enjoy it?” Mason asks quietly.

“I did,” I nod. “But probably not something I’d do often,” I add, spinning in my seat to face him. “Did you have fun?” I ask.

“I did.”

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