Chasing Kiarra: The Finale - Book cover

Chasing Kiarra: The Finale

N. K. Corbett

Chapter 2


“Calm down or what?”

My whole body had heated up in anger, frustration, and unintentional lust.

I was breathing heavily as I mimicked his stance and repeated his words back to him, clearly not giving two shits about the repercussions to my sassy ass.

I had no idea what I was expecting him to do, but I wasn’t expecting the earth-shattering growl and I definitely didn’t expect him to grab my neck and roughly attack my lips with his.

Even though the kiss was unexpected, my reaction was immediate as I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back with the same frustration and fire.

Time seemed to slow down and not in a good way. Everything went too slow. The kiss wasn’t fast enough, removing his shirt didn’t go fast enough even though I ripped it down the middle and threw it away.

His hands didn’t land on my ass fast enough, and I couldn’t wrap my legs around his waist as fast as I wanted. It was frustratingly sexy as the kiss deepened, and we fought for dominance.

My hands flew to his hair, grabbing it tight with two fists, which earned me a deep growl before I was slammed up against the nearest and thickest tree trunk Aidan could find.

The bark dug roughly into the skin on my back through my shirt as Aidan pushed me flush up against the tree.

I lost the battle for dominance as I let out a moan triggered by the pain and pleasure that were surging through my body.

My hands kept a tight grip on his hair as he took control of the kiss, and I could feel my insides tightening up in anticipation of what was to come.

I couldn’t help but grind my hips against him, driving my covered pussy against the tight bulge that had appeared in his jeans.

I felt the growl in his chest more than I heard it.

I pressed myself as close to him as I could and broke the kiss unintentionally when he thrust his hips forward, meeting my grinding with a force that knocked the wind out of me.

It was fucking delicious, and I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped me.

Aidan took the opportunity to grab my chin and force my head to the side as he began to attack my neck with feverish kisses and bites, each one leaving a trail of fire that settled into a burning sensation in my lower abdomen.

At this point, his hands had disappeared from my ass, but I was pushed against the tree so tightly that there was no way for me to fall down.

His hands moved just as urgently as mine had as he tore my shirt in two, throwing the fabric away to God knows where, then quickly returned to grab a hold of my breasts.

I could feel my thighs squeezing around his waist harder as he took one nipple in between his fingers, rolling and pinching it, as his mouth closed around the other.

“Fuck!” I let out, moaning as he bit down on my nipple while squeezing my other breast.

I could feel the throbbing between my legs, my pussy almost screaming for attention as I continued to grind myself against the bulge in his pants, trying my best to relieve some of the pressure that was driving me insane.

Aidan let go of my breasts with a low growl that vibrated through my entire being and looked up at me, his eyes black with undeniable lust and desire.

I didn’t think it was possible, but seeing my man that turned on by me was like pouring fucking gas on a fire. I smashed my lips against his, drowning in the fiery pleasure.

He let me take full control of the kiss this time, instead focusing on his hands as he grabbed a hold of my shorts.

I heard the tearing of the fabric and felt the thrilling shivers that the cold wind on my bare skin sent up and down my spine.

He then grabbed my thighs, giving them a squeeze before his hands wandered further up my body, squeezing and caressing everything he touched with a feverishness that mimicked my own.

I hugged him closer, feeling as if we couldn’t get close enough, it didn’t go fast enough, nothing was enough.

My hands traveled down his toned biceps, across his chest, and down his muscled stomach, touching everything and nothing.

It was as if our hands wanted to memorize every inch of each other’s bodies, exploring like we had never touched each other before.

We touched with desperation as if it had been years since either of us had last had sex, despite having had a fantastic session just a few hours ago.

“I need to taste you.”

Aidan broke the kiss with a groan, and I wasn’t sure I would ever hear anything as sexy as that sound ever again.

I immediately loosened my legs’ hold around his waist, ready to jump down and let him ravish me on the ground, but his hands held me up by my ass once again, not letting me move, crushing me up against the tree.

I moaned as the bark once again dug into the bare skin on my back and his covered erection pressed onto my bare, longing pussy.

“Hold on, Kitten. Not so fast.”

He smirked at me as he saw the confused look on my face.

“I’m not letting you down just yet.”

“Well then, how the hell are you supposed to go down on m—”

I let out a little scream as he grabbed a tighter hold on my thighs before lifting me further, sliding me up the tree.

Somehow, before I even knew what the fuck was happening, he had my thighs over his shoulders and his face buried in my pussy.

“Aidan!” I screamed as my arms flailed around for something to grab onto for a second before finding a branch to hold for balance with one hand, and I grabbed a handful of his hair with the other.

I could feel that fucking annoying smirk against my skin and was about to tell him to put me down, but he gave me no chance. The next thing I knew, his tongue was on my clit.

“Fuck!” I moaned as he pressed the sensitive bud down with that fucking amazing tongue of his before he started stroking it, going back and forth, around in circles, and fucking blowing my mind.

I grabbed a tighter hold on the branch and leaned back against the trunk of the tree as I let myself be overwhelmed by the sensation he was creating in my abdomen.

Everything was tightening up and pulsating to the rhythm he had set as he devoured me, and I pressed his face closer to me as I felt myself getting closer to the edge.

My eyes closed tightly, and I threw my head back against the tree as he continued his attacks on my clit, grabbing my ass with both of his hands holding me in place as I started to shake.

I came with a scream of pleasure, tightening my thighs around his head as Aidan kept licking, pressing, and nipping at my clit, prolonging the delicious orgasm as long as he could.

“That. That was fucking amazing,” I gasped out, my heart racing and panting as I looked down at the man between my legs licking up the remains of my orgasm.

Aidan smirked and blew a little cold air on my clenching vagina, sending another set of shivers down my spine.

“We aren’t done yet, Kitten.”

“I hope the fuck not!”

I smirked back at him and let out a little squeal as he effortlessly unwrapped my legs and lowered me down to face him once again.

This time my feet touched the grass, but I was once again pushed up against the tree.

The hunger in his eyes was shining clearer than ever before as he planted another kiss on my lips, devouring me like a man starved, and I returned it with the same kind of frustration.

I heard the buckle of his belt rattle as he quickly ripped it off and my hands quickly went to assist him in unbuttoning his jeans.

I’m not sad to say I didn’t have the patience for it. I ended up ripping them open, probably sending a button flying through the air, but I didn’t care.

We were far from done yet, and I needed him naked that fucking instant.

“Fuck.” Aidan hissed as I let my hand slip into his boxers and took his dick in my hand, grabbing it a little roughly as my other hand moved to slide his boxers down.

“I need this. Right fucking now.” I gave his dick a little squeeze and a single pump as I looked into his eyes, my own hunger reflecting back at me in his black orbs.

Aidan let out a deep growl, and it looked like he lost the last bit of self-control he had left as he grabbed my arm and spun me around.

He slammed me up against the tree, and I let out another moan as the skin on my cheek got pressed into the trunk.

It was painful and thrilling all at the same time, and I didn’t even give a shit about whether or not it would leave a mark. I just wanted him.

I wanted him to fuck me senseless, and I was about to let him know when I felt the tip of his dick at my entrance.

Without any warning, he put his hands on my hips and thrust himself forward, entering me in one swift, hard motion, and I couldn’t help but gasp at the sudden intrusion.

Aidan gave me no time to think or adjust to the situation but immediately started moving, thrusting himself in and out of me with fast and aggressive movements.

It was fucking mind-blowing.

He intertwined his hand in my hair, pushing me further up against the tree, and all I could do was plant my hands firmly against the bark on either side of me, taking everything he had to give.

I was completely at his mercy as he pumped himself in and out of me, growling and hissing and groaning.

I couldn’t focus on anything else.

Nothing except for the sensation of him, the bark digging into my skin, the wind touching my overheated skin, and the tightening feeling that was slowly, but steadily building up in my lower parts once again.

“Fuck, you are squeezing me so fucking tight!” Aidan groaned, and without giving me time to answer, he planted a slap on one of my ass cheeks, leaving me a moaning mess in front of him.

“Oh, you liked that.” I could hear the smirk in his voice as he gave me another slap, making my hungry pussy clamp down on him in pleasure.

“Fuck.” I heard him mutter in pleasure. He thrust into me one more time before halting, his dick buried deep inside me.

I groaned in displeasure and was about to ask him why the hell he was stopping when I felt him bend down over me.

One of his hands wrapped around my arm, leading it around his neck, while his other arm circled around my knee, and suddenly we were standing up straight, my back flush up against him and my one leg held up in the air by his arm.

“Better hold on fucking tight, Kitten,” he whispered in my ear as he bit down on my earlobe before he started thrusting his hips forward again.

“Oh, fuck!” I almost choked on the air, taken by surprise by the new position. I was completely fucking overwhelmed.

It felt as if he was reaching places he had never been before as he pounded me from behind. I had to grab hold of the hair on the back of his head just to keep from fucking flailing around like a rag doll.

I could feel my pussy clamping down on him hard as he kept thrusting in and out of me hard and fast.

If he hadn’t been holding one of my legs in the air, supporting my weight, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to keep standing up straight at that point.

“Keep doing that. Do not stop squeezing like that,” he groaned behind me, and I didn’t even have enough breath to answer. I just moaned back, and I knew I was only seconds away from cumming again.

“I-I’m—” I moaned, but wasn’t able to finish my sentence as Aidan started thrusting into me even faster than before.

I had to focus on fucking breathing or else I was pretty sure my body would forget how to do it because it was completely drowning in pleasure.

“I know,” Aidan growled out between gritted teeth next to my ear. “Me too.”

And with that, I felt myself fall over the edge of fucking ecstasy.

“Aidan!” The only word I think my brain even knew how to say at that point, and I screamed it out as I let myself be consumed by the orgasm.

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